Sallie Bernard*
 Albert Enayati, B.S., Ch.E., M.S.M.E.
 Heidi Roger, Teresa Binstock
 Lyn Redwood, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P.
 Woody McGinnis, M.D.
 *Contact: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 (c) 2000 by ARC Research
 14 Commerce Drive
 Cranford, NJ 07016

 April 3, 2000


 Autism is a neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by
 impairments in social relatedness, language, and communication,
 a need for routine and sameness, abnormal movements, and sensory
 dysfunction.  Mercury is a toxic metal that can exist as a pure
 element or in a variety of inorganic and organic forms and can
 cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and other behavioral

 The characteristics of autism and mercury poisoning, derived from
 a review of medical literature, have been found, upon comparison,
 to be strikingly similar. The characteristics of both disorders
 are summarized in the following table and fully elucidated in the
 body of this document. The parallels between the two diseases are
 so close that it would be unreasonable to assume that the
 similarities occur by chance.

 We claim that autism is a form of mercury poisoning, based on
 similarities of characteristics and on the known exposure to
 mercury of the majority of US children. The exposure route is
 childhood vaccines, most of which contain thimerosal, a
 preservative comprised of 50% ethylmercury by weight. The amount
 of mercury a typical child under two years receives from
 vaccinations equates to 237.5  micrograms, or 3.53 x 1017
 molecules (353,000,000,000,000,000 molecules), most of which is
 not excreted and goes directly to the brain. The amount is known
 to exceed Federal safety standards, but is still considered a
 "low" level, such that only a small percentage of exposed
 individuals will exhibit signs of toxicity.  Affected individuals
 are those genetically prone to mercury sensitivity, which is
 consistent with the observed high heritability rate of autism.
 Furthermore, the timing of mercury exposure via vaccines
 coincides with the emergence of autistic symptoms. Moreover,
 mercury has been detected in urine, hair, and blood samples from
 autistic children, and parental reports, though limited at this
 date, indicate significant improvement in symptoms with
 administration of standard heavy metal chelators. Thus, the four
 agreed-upon criteria used by clinicians to diagnose mercury
 poisoning -- i.e., observable symptoms, known exposure at the
 time of symptom onset, detectable levels in biologic samples,
 and improvement with chelation -- have been met for autism.

 The phenotypic expression of mercury poisoning varies by a host
 of factors -- including type of mercury given, method of
 administration, rate and level of dose, individual genotype, and
 age of patient -- so that each variation in factors has created
 in the past a slightly different manifestation of the disease --
 Mad Hatter's disease, Minamata disease, and acrodynia, for
 example.  The pathology arising from the set of mercury-related
 variables involved in autism -- intermittent bolus doses of
 ethylmercury injected into genetically susceptible infants and
 toddlers -- has never been reported before in medical literature.
 Thus we argue that autism represents a unique form of mercury
 poisoning not heretofore described. Our findings have widespread
 implications for the affected population of autistic individuals,
 for other unexplained disorders with symptoms similar to heavy
 metal intoxication, and for childhood vaccination programs.


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