Please note the comment on Israeli spies being able to get help from Jews
everywhere.  Think that might apply to Mr. Deutch?  Prudy

Wednesday, April 26, 2000

`Russian, British, Israeli spies best'

MOSCOW: A high-ranking Russian security official
praised British and Israeli spies on Wednesday,
saying they ranked with Russian agents as the best
in the world.

Sergei Ivanov, head of the Security Council which
advises President-elect Vladimir Putin, also said
spies from the United States had too much money
and were spoilt.

"Ours, British and Israeli," Ivanov, a former worker
for the KGB Soviet security police, told the Argumenti
i Fakti weekly newspaper when asked which country had
the best agents.

"British counter-intelligence has an excellent school
and traditions, they prepare their agents very well,"
he said.

He said Israeli agents could get help from Jews the
world over, who would not hand the agent over if

"The Americans have too much money. This leads to an
impression that everything in the world can be bought
and you don't have to use your head," he said.

Spying disputes between the West and Russia are still
fairly common although the heyday of the Cold War is
long past.

Russia recently arrested a U.S. citizen and a Russian
on charges of trying to gain secret information on an
underwater sea missile.
The Russian FSB counter-intelligence agency also
recently announced it had arrested a Russian on charges
of working as a spy for Britain. (Reuters)


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