The below demonstrates why I felt justified in posting all the
Elian stuff, i.e., the REAL underlying importance of the raid and
how that IS part of the topics that are allowable and germane to
the above listed mail groups.  Moderators, please feel free to
correct me if I'm wrong.  --MS]


Raid's real message -- estrangement of government from people

By Charley Reese

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on April 30, 2000.

I had thought there was nothing Bill Clinton could do that would
make me think less of him than I already do. That was a mistake
on my part.

The comic-book raid on Elian Gonzalez's Miami family is a new
low, even for the federal government. Pointing machine guns and
screaming obscenities seems to be standard operating procedure
for federal law-enforcement officers -- even when the only people
to scream at and point guns at are unarmed Christian men and
women and small children.

The truth is that two unarmed female officers could have gone to
that home during any normal hour and removed Elian Gonzalez
without any danger to the child, to themselves or to bystanders.
That Miami family has never once said it would resist. It has
always tried to follow the law, which, I should point out, is not
the same as Attorney General Janet Reno's whim. Instead, the feds
chose to act as if they were raiding the hideout of Colombian
drug dealers.

The U.S. action was disgraceful. You don't transfer children at
gunpoint. And I, for one American, am getting tired of federal
cops screaming profanity, pointing guns and shoving around people
who have not been convicted of any crime. That is not how a free
society operates. It's how dictatorships and authoritarian
governments act.

The real message of this raid is how estranged the federal
government is from the American people. The government apparently
fears the people, and people who are feared are soon hated. The
federal government has increasingly acted as if it has merely to
speak and all of us must lock heels and shout "Sig Heil." Horse

Sovereignty in this country resides with the people. The
government is our servant, not our master. The American people
had better pull their heads out of that place where they can't
see and re-assert their sovereignty before it's too late. There
aren't any trends in Washington moving toward respect for the law
and liberty. The trends are moving toward arbitrary and
authoritarian government.

Reno's poor decision-making notwithstanding, the issue of custody
is not as clear-cut as she makes out. One of the points to be
settled by the appeals court is can someone else speak for a
child when the child's interest and that of the parent is in

The heel-clickers are now pointing to pictures of Elian with his
father as if that proves their point. It doesn't. Nobody in Miami
has tried to estrange Elian from his father. The concern all
along has been to keep Elian from being forcibly returned to Cuba
without having his day in court, which Reno tried to deny him.

It's the boy's father who has refused to go to Miami, refused to
meet with the boy and the family in any neutral site. Whether
that's his decision, or his instructions from the Cuban or
American or both governments, I don't know. But I do know that
nobody in Miami ever suggested that Elian wouldn't be happy to
see his father. They had talked several times on the telephone
while Elian was in Miami.

Once more the Clinton administration has shown its contempt for
the law and contempt for the American people -- especially
conservative Americans. It has from day one taken exactly the
same position as the communist dictator Fidel Castro. Those who
think that Castro really cares about Elian should ask the old
graybeard why he ordered his goons to drown more than a dozen
children and their parents when they tried to escape Cuba in

This administration has slapped in the face and insulted one of
the finest groups of Americans within the United States, the
Cuban exile community. I expect that a lot of Florida Democrats
will regret that in November.

[Posted 04/29/2000 3:29 PM EST]


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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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