William Shannon wrote:
> In a message dated 4/29/00 10:53:50 PM Central Daylight Time,
> << And I put that Lightly. You of all People Need Not Give me a 49 yr. old man
>  who
>  has delivered babies, in an ambulance and in the back of my patrol car a
>  lession
>  in biology. >>
> Oh boy! A 49 year old man who clearly didn't pay attention in English class!!!
> To wit- <<Secular Huminism,>>
> Well, ya' got the 1st word right! Keep trying on that tough 2nd one though...
> <>
> Are you judging here or what?
> And really, can anyone take you seriously when you insist on repeating,
> parrot-like, the superstitious mumbo-jumbo that was drilled into your head
> since childhood?
> << For you
> have rejected the God of your Fathers. That Friend is the Unforgiveable Sin
> Against
> God and the Holy Spirit. May the God of Abraham and Issiac Have Mercey on
> Your
> Soul.>>
> Can you say "yadda yadda yadda"???
> <<Your Intollerance>>
> Ooopsie!!! That's one of them there 50 cent words!
> Am I the only one who's frightened by a fellow who is allowed to carry a
> firearm and granted the power of arrest yet who can't spell simple words? Or
> make a case without resorting to childish religious pablum?
> Without Prejudice,
> Bill.

Don't be frightened. I'm having this clown investigated as we speak. If he is
working as a cop, he won't be for long.


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