Hi !

Below please find information on an article called,  "Satanic abuse no myth,
say experts."

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.


Satanic abuse no myth, say experts  By Sophie Goodchild, Home Affairs
Correspondent  30 April 2000

A specially commissioned government report will this week conclude that
satanic abuse does take place in Britain. It will say that its victims have
suffered actual abuse and are not suffering from "false memory syndrome".

The report, ordered by the Department of Health, focuses on the experiences
of 50 "survivors". Compiled by Dr John Hale, director of the Portman Clinic
in London, and psychotherapist Valerie Sinason, it will reopen the debate
which started a decade ago with testimonies from children in Nottingham,
Rochdale and Orkney....

Last week, it emerged that police were investigating the alleged sexual and
physical abuse of up to 4,000 children in care homes and council-run homes in

Ms Sinason, who has treated 126 ritual abuse survivors, said yesterday that
in many cases children were tortured...

"Some children are born for the purpose of abuse and are not registered on
birth certificates," she added....

The report will point to the difficulty of bringing prosecutions because of
the problems of putting abused children into the witness box. There are
currently at least five cases involving ritual abuse in the hands of lawyers.

Lee Moore, a barrister who founded the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers,
and was himself a victim of ritual abuse, said it was hard to persuade people
to give evidence, particularly after the 1994 report claiming satanic abuse
was a myth perpetuated by social workers.

The latest report was welcomed by Dr Joan Coleman, a Surrey psychiatrist who
has spent 14 years treating victims. "A lot of children are born into satanic
families who indulge in this ritual abuse," she said. "It's only now that
child sexual abuse is being exposed that people are beginning to believe
ritual abuse exists."

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