NATO’s Willing Executioners

              The Goldhagen thesis about Serbia is not merely
              academic. This Harvard professor has deliberately
              attempted to motivate an aggressive war of conquest.
              His grave and unsubstantiated accusations are
              incitement to hatred of an entire nation.

              Goldhagen claims that, like the Germans and Japanese in
              the early 1940s, the "majority of the country’s populace"
              in Serbia "believed fanatically" in the rightness of
              criminal actions. This is simply and wholly untrue. The
              majority of Serbs do not agree on much of anything;
              many, perhaps most, Serbs readily and willingly
              acknowledge with regret that Serbs have committed
              crimes during the civil wars and believe such crimes
              should be punished. However, they also believe, indeed
              they know (because it happens to be true), that similar
              crimes have been committed by others and that the
              United States and other NATO countries have adopted
              double standards.

              Goldhagen declares that there will be no peace in the
              Balkans "as long as the Serbs continue to harbor the
              burning hatred of ethnic nationalism." The Serbs, he
              claims, are "now caught in the grip of delusions,
              hatreds, an ever-more-belligerent society and culture,
              war, and death."

              But why can this not be turned around to claim that, for
              instance, Harvard professors are "now caught in the grip
              of delusions and hatreds"? The evidence would be what
              Harvard professors, or at least one of them, says about
              the Serbs—and the others are not denying it, or
              removing him from his position. The case here is
              probably stronger against Harvard professors than
              against the Serbs, since one will look for a long time to
              find such a vicious tirade by a Serb against Albanians or
              anybody else, and the proportion of Serbs who would
              subscribe to such a blanket condemnation of a people is
              certainly less than the proportion of Harvard professors,
              even if Goldhagen is the only one.

              The outlandish conclusion of this Goldhagen tract is that
              the Serbian people "consists of individuals with damaged
              faculties of moral judgment and has sunk into a moral
              abyss from which it is unlikely, anytime soon, to emerge
              unaided." By "supporting or condoning Milosevic’s
              eliminationist policies" (which, incidentally, never existed
              except in the imaginations of New Republic writers), the
              Serbian people "have rendered themselves both legally
              and morally incompetent to conduct their own affairs"
              and "their country must be placed in receivership."

              This should be done by a NATO invasion, in order to give
              Serbia the benefit of the same treatment that
              de-Nazified Germany. The "criminals’ supporters,
              composing a large percentage of the Serbian people,
              need to be made to comprehend their errors and
              rehabilitated." Since there never was an "eliminationist
              ideology" of "virulent nationalism," it will be a hard task
              indeed to make the Serbian people give it up. But proof
              of success is already at hand: "if people accept that it
              was both morally correct and wise to occupy and
              transform Germany and Japan in 1945, it follows that
              they must endorse, in principle, the desirability of
              pursuing a similar course in the Serbia of 1999."

              So Goldhagen has a schema. In his schema, neither
              Hitler’s Germany nor the Holocaust were unique events,
              but models, patterns, that are reproducing themselves
              and will probably continue to do so. A bad country in
              the grip of a bad ideology attacks everybody around; it
              commits genocide; the populace sees nothing wrong
              with that and even applauds, since it is filled with "the
              burning hatred of ethnic nationalism"; moreover, this
              errant country is prey to "delusions" that it itself is the
              victim. But there is a solution to this problem: the
              "international community," a/k/a the United States and
              its military allies, must conquer the errant country,
              punish its leaders and "rehabilitate" its inhabitants by
              teaching them all how to be politically correct. (Harvard
              University can hope for big contracts in this task.) Then
              everybody will live happily ever after.

              As those who really remember World War II, Hitler, and
              Nazi genocide grow old and die off, we are seeing a sad
              but no doubt inevitable and oft-repeated process: the
              transformation of history into myth. And not just any
              myth, good for story books: the sort of active myth
              that is used for assertion of power. The mythical event
              is ritualistically repeated to cement the community and
              reassert the legitimacy of its identity. World War II has
              become the source not of wisdom but of self-justifying

              For a long time, an extraordinary quantity of lies about
              Yugoslavia have been sent into circulation, taken up,
              and fervently believed. The original motives for lying are
              not sufficient explanation for this phenomenon. Why
              people in power tell lies is the easy part. The hard part
              is why other people believe them. The lies about
              Yugoslavia quite evidently fill a gap and meet a need
              that goes beyond strategic bases on the way to
              Caspian oil or other purely rational reasons—which exist
              but are not adequate to explain an illusion of such

              The Founding Myth

              From Fukayama’s "end of history" to Huntington’s
              "conflict of civilizations" and now to "humanitarian
              warfare," the United States establishment has been
              groping recklessly for Big Ideas to accompany the New
              World Order. A constant characteristic of these big
              ideas is a total cynicism cloaked in a ruthless
              self-righteousness. There is never any critical
              self-examination (the basis of what used to be moral
              conscience), the motives of the power with which the
              ideologues identify being above any possible reproach.
              "Our" system, "our" civilization, "our" values have been
              certifiably proven the best by "our" defeat of
              communism. The only moral question that remains is
              what we need to do to bring the others in line. Is it
              easy (Fukayama), difficult (Huntington), or a welcome
              challenge to NATO? Goldhagen is contributing to
              development of the third possibility, the one known as
              "humanitarian warfare."

              Yugoslavia has been the "common enemy" needed to
              bring Europe and the United States together in a new
              missionary NATO. This new moralizing Atlantic union
              obviously corresponds to U.S. strategic interests. But
              European NATO leaders and media have bought into the
              demonizing of the Serbs with equal enthusiasm, nowhere
              more than in France. The French response, because the
              most surprising, may be the most significant. During the
              bombing, there was greater protest, more critical
              analysis, in Italy and even in Germany, than in France,
              which historically was Serbia’s closest ally in Western
              Europe. Moreover, while the United States and Germany
              can be seen to have strategic or economic interests to
              advance in the Balkans, it is difficult to see how France
              will get enough of the pickings to make up for what the
              Kosovo adventure is costing her. Does this mean that
              the French have been more genuinely idealistic? That
              they believe in the "humanitarian war"? To an extent,
              perhaps, all the more in that the French media have on
              the whole been singularly biased for years, and that the
              French are particularly ill-informed about recent events
              in former Yugoslavia. Nevertheless, in the higher spheres
              of official circles in France, the war is widely viewed as
              an American power play, and not at all as a
              humanitarian venture. Yet public criticism is practically

              The French élite that runs the government, the
              economy, and the media has for years now been totally
              dedicated to a single project: European union built
              around a close partnership with Germany and sealed
              with a common currency as the only way for France to
              survive in the competitive world of U.S.-led
              "globalization." There is widespread ennui, if not yet
              exactly disillusion, with this monetary Europe. This
              "Europe" is made up of too many technocrats, too many
              obscure regulations, too much hype about the euro, too
              many lobbies, and not enough jobs, too much
              competition and too little common purpose.

              The European Union is in need of a common identity
              more spiritual than a common currency. These days it
              can’t be religion; Christianity is not only out of style,
              despite the Pope as Superstar, it is politically incorrect
              to identify Europe with Christendom, since this would
              risk implying exclusion of other religions. Both
              anti-communism and anti-fascism are out of date. What
              is left? Human rights.

              Europe needs a moral identity. The perfect formula,
              especially for France which is proud of having invented
              the Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme, is human
              rights—especially human rights as a creed that
              transcends national boundaries and justifies the
              abandonment of long-cherished national sovereignty
              required by the European Union’s treaties of Maastricht
              and Amsterdam.

              In 1994, a number of European intellectuals, mostly
              French, organized meetings and even an ephemeral
              electoral list around the slogan, "Europe lives or dies at
              Sarajevo." This was in fact extravagant hyperbole. But
              it caught the need to associate "Europe" with a
              dramatic cause, equal to the Spanish Civil War, and the
              intellectuals feeling this need grasped onto a totally
              idealized "Bosnia" as the symbol of this "Europe" that,
              rather than an economic powerhouse technocratically
              organized to take its place alongside the United States
              in world domination, was actually a tender bud of
              multi-ethnic civilization in danger of being trampled to
              death by a new Hitler.

              Yugoslavia was the first crisis to be poured whole into
              the mold of the ideological myth of World War II.
              Milosevic became "Hitler," the Serbs became the new
              "Nazis," and their adversaries were all victims of a
              potential new "Holocaust." The eagerness with which
              European intellectuals believed the "unbelievable,"
              exclaiming "we thought it couldn’t happen here" without
              taking the trouble to find out whether in fact "it" was, or
              perhaps wasn’t, happening here, perhaps merits the
              term Schadenfreude. There was a sort of pleasure in the
              damage, and the pleasure was that of discovering our
              collective identity as "the West."

              If they are guilty, we are innocent.

              They, of course, are the terrible Serbs, guilty of
              everything the Germans used to be guilty of under
              Hitler. But now, the Germans are innocent and on the
              side of the angels, as well as the common currency.
              Nazism has been replaced as the evil that Europe, and
              Germany, must eliminate.

              We, on the other hand, we are (on the West end of the
              Atlantic) America, the New World Order, the one last
              best hope of mankind and so on; or, on the East side of
              the Atlantic, the new Europe of the European Union, the
              exact opposite of the Old Europe of wars between
              nation-states, that wicked Europe whose surviving (but
              not for long) remnant is Serbian Yugoslavia.

              This is a ritual for anthropologists to describe. Myth is
              built on history and transformed into a ceremony whose
              roles must be assumed by succeeding players on the
              stage of history. Finally, the scapegoat. Yugoslavia
              bears all the sins of Europe’s past, it represents
              everything Europe is not, or does not want to be. It
              must be destroyed. After the bombs, an embargo.
              Ostracism, further destruction, until nothing is left.

              In Serbia, thoughtful people are struggling with the
              question: What can we do?

              Even if Milosevic miraculously resigned tomorrow, there
              could be no certainty that his successor might not
              quickly be hailed by western media as Hitler’s latest
              clone. The job would be made easier by establishment
              career moralists such as Goldhagen ready to expound on
              the "moral abyss" into which the Serbian people are
              plunged, unable to extricate themselves without being
              "placed in receivership," that is, under a NATO
              protectorate. And the destruction could go on until
              conditions are ripe for the required national lobotomy of
              the miscreant people.

              Caught in such a death trap, how responsible, now, are
              the Serbian people for what is happening to them? And
              how responsible are we?


              1. Michael R. Gordon, "NATO General Urges Hits on
              Serbian Leaders; Belgrade People Must Suffer, Too, He
              Says," New York Times/International Herald Tribune,
              May 14, 1999.

              2. Joseph Fitchett, "Is Serb Economy the True Target?
              Raids Seem Aimed at Bolstering Resistance to Milosevic,"
              International Herald Tribune, May 26, 1999, p. 1.

              3. Clinton was warned by the U.S. intelligence
              community and by Italian prime minister Massimo
              D’Alema (who feared the consequences for Italy) that
              bombing would produce an explosion of refugees, and
              NATO commander Wesley Clark himself acknowledged
              that the military authorities fully anticipated the Serb
              response to the bombing, while insisting that the NATO
              operation was not designed to stop ethnic cleansing.
              See Noam Chomsky, The New Military Humanism:
              Lessons from Kosovo (Monroe, Me.: Common Courage
              Press, 1999), pp. 20, 21, 36.

              4. See Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard:
              American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives
              (New York: Basic Books, 1997); see also Tariq Ali, ed.,
              Masters of the Universe? NATO’s Balkan Crusade
              (London: Verso, 1999).

              5. See Chomsky, op. cit., n. 3, pp. 152-3.

              6.  William Branigin, "The Shadow of Intelligence... U.S.
              Gave Tribunal Classified Data," Washington
              Post/International Herald Tribune, May 29, 1999, p. 1.

              7. See Diana Johnstone, "Making the Crime Fit the
              Punishment," in Ali, ed., op. cit., n. 4.

              8. International Herald Tribune, May 31, 1999.

              9. "Vengeance of a victim Race," Newsweek, Apr. 12,

              10. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, "If you rebuild it... A New
              Serbia," The New Republic, May 17, 1999.

              11. See Robert Thomas, Serbia under Milosevic: Politics
              in the 1990s (London: Hurst & Company, 1999), for an
              unusually fair and detailed account of the conflicting
              currents in Serbian politics.

              12. By the same token, quite a number of U.S.
              Presidents and other leaders of democratic countries
              could find themselves in the dock, most recently,
              President Clinton and Prime Minister Blair, who command
              the NATO-run forces that expelled police from Kosovo
              and then looked the other way while gunmen of NATO’s
              ethnic Albanian "paramilitary" ally massacred 14 Serb
              farmers during hay harvest, among others.

              13. It remains unclear to this day whether the ethnic
              Albanians killed in Racak were, as claimed by the KLA
              and U.S. officials, innocent civilians massacred by Serb
              police, or, as Serbian officials claimed and was widely
              believed among European observers, they were guerrillas
              killed in battle with police whose bodies were lined up
              overnight by the KLA to give the appearance of a
              "massacre." All that is certain is that a police operation
              and fire fight with KLA rebels had taken place there the
              day before the bodies were found.

              14. This massacre was thoroughly reported outside
              Yugoslavia only, so far as I am aware, by the
              anti-Milosevic Association for Independent Media (AIM)
              which provides e-mail news reports to subscribers and is
              supported financially by the European Union, among
              other outside sources.

              15. The Human Rights Watch researcher for Kosovo,
              Fred Abrahams, was quoted by Newsweek as saying, "I
              strongly believe these were innocent civilians, and they
              were gunned down by Serbian police forces simply
              because of their ethnicity." Abrahams may have
              "strongly believed" as much, but there was no proof.

              16. See Phillip Knightley, "Propaganda Wars," The
              Independent on Sunday (London), June 27, 1999.

              17. Rebecca Chamberlain and David E. Powell, "Serbs’
              system of rape; The crime is a key part of their military
              policy. Slobodan Milosevic must be held responsible,"
              Philadelphia Inquirer, May 24, 1999.

              18. Dr. Richard Munz, a University of Bochum surgeon
              working with humanitarian aid in Macedonia, testified to
              the demand for rape stories when he complained to the
              German daily Die Welt about the inability of most
              reporters to accept the fact that among the 60,000
              refugees in their camp, medical aid workers had not
              encountered a single case of rape.

              19. Philip Smucker, "NATO shies away from KLA tactics,
              ideology," Washington Times, May 5, 1999.

              20. International Herald Tribune, Mar. 27, 1999.

              21. Ibid., May 8, 1999.

              22. Ibid., June 23, 1999.

              23. Frederick Bonnart, editorial director of NATO’s
              Nations, in a guest column in the International Herald
              Tribune, June 28, 1999.

              24. For comparison, after the German blitzkrieg through
              the Ardennes in southern Belgium on May 10, 1940, 1.2
              million Belgians became refugees in three weeks’ time.
              The population of Belgium was about 8.5 million at the

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