In a message dated 5/8/00 6:06:28 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<< These ranchers are truly the victims of the immigration invasion of our
 nation. Each day is another nightmare of slaughtered livestock,>>
So when the livestock goes to a slaughter house its all peach keen.
Killing is killing if Ronald Mcdonald does it s okay I say why not
lets someone kill whos hungry. Im a vegetarian so I dont think thier is to
much of a difference.

 <<destroyed property, the throats of their watchdogs slit and left to die an
 agonizing death, homes burgalized, threats to their loved ones and on
 and on.>>
Gee maybe exploitation of non-citizens might be a clue you see borders like
Kosovo in Europe are reality we are near warfare. Im an Aryan skinhead myself
but I like Banda music. Mexicans simplydont bother me they never have.

I think the mindcontrolled and implanted  country we have is a joke.
For me there is no freedom until I have wealth. That wealth could be given to
me by those who have it.

Once you get a criedit card and make minimum wage, get a mindcontrol implant
you are less than a slave on a plantation. Im studied like a laboratory
animal 24 hours a day. With credit CARD DEBT you live to pay off an intrest
No wealthy whites are out to lessen my troubles they just worry when thier
material wealth gets redistrubuted.

No whites or blacks have done anything for me regarding an awful human rights
abuse involving implant mind control torture.
No white or black culture has given me any scholarship or even a bandage while
Im bleeding as a result of a involuntary human experiment.

 <<These are the true heros of our troubled times! Every illegal alien they
 halt is one less that will go on our welfare rolls, overcrowd our schools,
 bring in more drugs to poison our kids or rob, rape or murder another
 innocent American citizen.  >> I dont know about that seems like theres a lot
of  rapists who are sons of rapists in Chicago, in fact they seem to target
me and my non-citizen Korean girlfriend until shes to scared to even talk to

I say do something about the complacement sit on their ass politicians who do
nothing about human rights abuses in this country. Let Phd immigrants into
the country. Maybe when someone from this country decides to donate a
computer to me or a marshall stack Ill feel different.

This country is headed for war because of the arrogance and simple stupidioty
of those in control. People with intelligence in this country are disregarded
race they are, then the white skinheads are supposed to do the dirty work of
the greedy and wealthy.

Why would an ancient country like China choose a different political system
when this country is only 200 years old? Perhaps we are to ignorant.To busy
studying micorsofts latest release. Make believe society flase messages on TV.

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