"Robert F. Tatman" wrote:
> Making matters worse, just last month scientists used a completely different
> method to produce the best evidence ever confirming that the universe is
> indeed flat. They used measurements of the microwave afterglow of the Big
> Bang - the theoretical creation of the universe.

A Catastrophics Newsletter

  VOL IV, No 8
  April 30, 2000

By Wal Thornhill

Forget the glossy astronomy books and magazines - the Big
Bang is pure fiction. The discoveries that prove it will also
bring about the end of science-as-we-know-it. Of course, many
books and articles have been published recently heralding the end
of science - meaning there is little left to learn. The truth is
the opposite. Much of what we think we know "ain't so". As always,
unlearning it will give us more trouble than learning something

The belief of scientists in their cleverly concocted creation
story, the Big Bang, has become so entrenched and over-hyped that
it is difficult to imagine an effective face-saving strategy when
the news leaks out that it is nonsense. And let there be no doubt
about it, the hard science to prove the case against the Big Bang
has been done by an astronomer who is uniquely well placed for the

[Ed note: see this article with photos and diagrams at Thornhill's
website: http://www.holoscience.com/news/science_bang.htm

His name is Halton Arp, known for his classic work in "Arp's Atlas
of Peculiar Galaxies". When he began to announce findings nearly
30 years ago that contradicted orthodox cosmology he was refused
telescope time and publication in the standard journals. In
frustration he published two books, the first in 1987 titled
"Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies", and more recently "Seeing

"Redshift" is the term used to describe the shift in frequency of
spectral lines toward the red end of the spectrum. It's known to
occur when an object is speeding away from us. Edwin Hubble
discovered that the luminosity of a galaxy is related to its
redshift: the fainter the galaxy, the higher the redshift. He
suggested one interpretation of this data is that the greater the
redshift (and therefore, the velocity), the farther away the

Thus, the expanding universe was born. But he was careful not to
assume that this was the only possible interpretation of the
redshift data. Others since have thrown scientific caution to the
winds and used Hubble's hypothesis as a rubbery yardstick with
which to measure the size and age of the universe. Arp avoided
this unscientific approach and made discoveries that are
unequalled in the history of astronomy.

Many peculiar galaxies turn out to be what are known as active
galaxies. They are often seen to have thin jets of matter firing
from their cores, and bridges of matter or radio lobes connecting
them with nearby objects. Arp noticed that quasars are clustered
in the sky with active galaxies far too often to be a coincidence.

Quasars are faint starlike objects whose spectra are highly
redshifted. The Big Bang view is that their redshifts are due to
the expansion of the universe and the doppler effect as the
quasars race away from us at a good fraction of light speed. A
high redshift equates in that model to great distance so they
should have no association with much closer galaxies. Yet Arp
showed that some quasars are connected by bridges or jets of
matter to active galaxies. Since the advent of orbiting x-ray
telescopes these bridges are becoming abundantly clear.

But now we come to the results of Arp's work that will shake the
foundations of modern physics. He found that quasars lined up on
either side of active galaxies as if they are spat out at regular
intervals from the galactic cores, above and below the plane of
the galaxy. He then found that the redshifts of these quasars fall
back toward normal levels and increase in brightness the further
they are from the parent galaxy. In other words, the redshift is a
measure of the age of the quasar. Also, the quasars slow down as
if they are increasing in mass.

Even more shocking was Arp's discovery that quasar redshifts are
HEADLINE NEWS! This raises the specter that our highly prized
physics is way off the beam; that we do not understand such
fundamental concepts as mass and gravity, nor the real meaning of
quantum theory. So our university libraries and bookshops are
crammed with science fiction. Nothing short of the biggest
conceptual revolution in history will redress the situation. But
universities are not in the business of fostering revolutions and
the media seems incapable of exposing their nonsense. Based on his
experiences Arp wrote, "Investigative journalism so far as science
is concerned is dead in the water." He believes that with such a
broken-down way of doing and reporting science, breakthroughs must
come from individuals outside academia.

It is happening. The signs of revolution have been around for
decades. But with their backs turned to us and absorbed in their
computer screens, those who have derailed science are oblivious to
the "Big Bang" that is about to occur. As David Stove, the noted
Australian philosopher, wrote in Anything Goes: "Everyone dislikes
a sudden loud noise, but it is worse still if you are half asleep
at the time." We can expect a bad-tempered reaction when it

The famous mathematician Johann von Neumann seemed to intuit the
problem at the heart of the mathematical physics approach when he
wrote: "In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get
used to them." Meanwhile a growing number of independent thinkers
have noted that physics lost any remaining connection with reality
with the advent of relativity theories and quantum mechanics.
Paradoxically, the way forward is to return to classical physics
which is based on immutable standards and causality. The equations
of modern science are merely descriptive and not causal
explanations. The same equations may apply to many different
causes. Relativity introduces "rubbery" rather than immutable
standards. Mass, length and time change with velocities and
observers. As the philosopher Michael Miller puts it: "If a
measuring standard varies who-knows-how, then the quantities
measured by means of it vary who-knows-how, and the equations
connecting those quantities mean who-knows-what. This is precisely
the bog in which relativists have mired themselves; their doctrine
of curved space is symptomatic. ...Generations of science students
have tried to make sense of curved space, and succeeded only in
warping their minds."

As with past revolutions, the seeds are already sown. A good
scientist would be alert, without prejudice, to wider future
possibilities. Unfortunately, academia teaches and encourages
prejudice and a narrow focus. Arp goes so far as to compare the
dogmatism of astronomy unfavorably to that of the medieval church.
It is the mission of HOLOSCIENCE to look at the BIG PICTURE and
find the promising ideas that could form the new science of this
new millennium. Arp's observational work on intrinsic redshift is
already a cornerstone for a new cosmology. It depicts a smaller,
stable cosmos as part of an infinite, eternal universe. It has
almost biological overtones when it traces families of galaxies
with quasars being the galactic children in various stages of

There are two key elements required to explain the dynamics of
quasar formation and quantization of redshift. An article featured
in the March-April issue of American Scientist drops the first
shoe. It demonstrates (again) that plasma physics holds the key to
understanding stars and galaxies and the inexplicable (in
gravitational terms) ejection of vast gobs of matter at colossal

Experiment shows that a powerful electric current in a magnetic
field can create a solar coronal mass ejection event (CME). And
since magnetic fields are caused by electric currents, the prime
mover is electric discharge phenomena in plasma. From personal
experience, electric discharges in plasmas are not a part of the
curriculum for astrophysicists. Cosmology should be the realm of
plasma physicists and electrical engineers.

Another recent example: British astronomers have discovered a
"magnetic bubble" around one of Arp's favorite galaxies, M82.
Notice that astrophysicists always deal with effects (winds,
magnetism) and not causes (electric currents). The diagram of M82
is almost identical to that of the plasma physicist, Eric Lerner,
in his book "The Big Bang Never Happened", published in 1992.

The red and blue arrows show the observed magnetic field
directions and the white dashed curves outline the magnetic bubble
structure. The long white arrows depict the direction of the wind
from the center of the galaxy. Photo: JAC

Electric current (yellow lines) flows along the magnetic field
lines - which conforms closely to the image of M82

In that book, a simple, highly compact and efficient ejection
engine is described - the plasma focus.

It can explain simply the episodic ejection of quasars from the
centers of active galaxies. In an Electric Universe infinitely
heavy objects are not needed to offset the infinitely weak force
of gravity when explaining high-energy outbursts. Black holes and
neutron stars simply do not exist. The electrical nature of matter
prevents the formation of super-massive objects.

The second shoe is dropped heavily by the physicist Ralph Sansbury
who has been using his own resources to experiment with laser
light and show that there are near-instantaneous electric forces
that can account for light, magnetism and gravity. In other words,
the electric force is fundamental and all others are derived from
it - even the nuclear force. The quantum nature of matter
interactions are then seen in a classical sense to be due to
electrostatic resonances operating at near-infinite speed between
sub-particles that constitute electrons, protons and neutrons.
Causality is reinstated in physics. IF SCIENCE WORKED AS
wouldn't be working alone in his basement). In the view of
HOLOSCIENCE, this is the only model that can sensibly explain
Arp's galaxy-wide quantum jumps in redshift.

The argument goes like this: a quasar is ejected from a galactic
nucleus by the plasma focus effect as an electron-deficient
plasmoid (electrons are trapped in the focus longer than the much
heavier protons). Now, the phenomenon of mass is due to the energy
conserving elastic response of charged particles to external
electric forces. If gravity is an electric force, inertial and
gravitational mass will always be identical. So, because the
electric polarization of stars in the quasar is low at first, the
mass of protons and neutrons will be lower than in the parent

Consequently electron orbits within quasar atoms will have lower
energy - light from them will be redshifted. Luminosity will also
be lower due to the lack of charge-carrying electrons. Electrons
streaming after the quasar create an x-ray jet and vast radio-
lobes. Such electron jets are seen clearly in images from the
orbiting Chandra X-Ray telescope.

The active galaxy Centaurus A showing bright x-ray knots in its

An X-ray image of Centaurus A taken by the Chandra X-ray
Observatory has been superimposed over an optical view of the
galaxy taken by the 4-meter reflector at Cerro Tololo Inter-
American Observatory.

As electrons arrive at the quasar, the luminosity increases at
first and mass and redshift undergo quantum jumps to new resonant
states across the quasar or galaxy.

>From a NASA news report issued on April 19:

"The distance record for a quasar has been broken yet again. At
the present time, no other object in the universe has been found
to be more distant than the above speck. The recently discovered
quasar has been clocked at redshift 5.82. The exact relation
between redshift and distance remains presently unknown, although
surely higher redshifts do mean greater distance. The above quasar
is likely billions of light-years away and so is seen when the
universe was younger than one billion years old, less than a tenth
of its present age. Like all quasars, this object is probably a
large black hole in the center of a distant galaxy." Blah,

Has NASA suddenly become uncharacteristically coy about the
meaning of the redshift? The use of the word "surely" implies a
question mark.

It is usual in academia to ignore and ostracize a dissenter in the
hope he will give up. But Arp is not a quitter, he is a big
hitter. If ostracism fails then scientists rewrite history as if
they really knew it all along. The first step in that process is
to equivocate in scientific reports to allow a new interpretation
to be introduced retrospectively. Watch carefully!

~Wal Thornhill
See the home of The Electric Universe
at http://www.holoscience.com



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