Part of message received about the recent shooting death
 of an unarmed man in New York City  by 4 police officers.
 (41 bullets fired. The man was hit 19 times).

"an occasional overreaction by police is virtually unavoidable given the
state of upheaval in the cities.  Urban America is a war zone and getting
Reply to the above:

A couple years back, the San Jose Mercury News ran the story about
the CIA bringing drugs into the country and using the inner city street
gangs as the marketing arm of the operation on the streets.
As you recall, that story touched off a firestorm of controversy  and
official denials.  The newspaper fired the reporter.  Later, additional
factual material surfaced that showed he had reported the facts.
The Black Caucus in Congress initially called for a full-scale congressional
investigation, but they were quickly silenced!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters was a guest on a live radio talk
show when all this was happening.  She said she was "outraged"
that the CIA would be connected to this....with all the suffering the crack
cocaine had caused "her people in Los Angeles".
I called in to the program and said:
"You say you are outraged and that you have just found out about this.....
wake up and smell the coffee congresswoman....this has been going on
since the early days of the war in Vietnam and has been well documented...
how could you not have known about it?"
She blew a fuse!  She said in an angry voice that she had not known and it
was outrageous of me to suggest that she did and so on....
But....I digress.
Here's a quick summary.
Drugs have long been used as a device to weaken and destabilize societies.
Read the history of the British using opium against the Chinese.
The Brits got the Royal Colony of Hong Kong as a result of the "Opium Wars".
France had "French Indo-China" as a colony for 100 years.
That territory included the famous "golden triangle"...which is the richest
heroin producing area in the world.
Go rent the movie "The French Connection" with Gene Hackman for some
more details on this lucrative business for France.
But Ho Chi Minh kicked the French out in 1954 when they lost the famous
battle of Dien Bien Phu.
So....what happened to the flow of drugs from that area?
Did it stop?

Of course just flowed through a new channel.
The French Connection became the American Connection.
(Actually the CIA connection).
That's what "Air America" was all about.

Congressman Henry Gonzales of San Antonio, TX  (now retired),
spoke openly about some of this back during the Reagan Administration.
Gonzales said that U.S. aircraft were flying cocaine out of Columbia
and Nicaragua and that the planes were landing at U.S. military bases
including some in Texas.  That set off a firestorm of controversy.
Both newspapers in San Antonio ran front page stories calling for
Gonzales to resign for saying such a thing.
And then......a funny thing happened.
Eugene Hassenfus was shot down and captured in Nicaragua.
He was flying a planeload of drugs....destination Homestead AFB Florida.
It all came out in his trial and confession in Nicaragua.
More of it came out in Iran-Contra.

There's more.....there's a lot more.
But the point is the "War on Drugs" has been phony all along.
It has been used to shred the Bill of Rights.
It has been the "created problem"....built into crisis proportions
in order to apply "the solution".  It's done in such a way that
most of the people don't even object to what's fact
they DEMAND that the government DO SOMETHING!
"Make it go away.....make us secure.
Build more prisons....more police....more courts....militarize the police...
whatever it takes....but make the problem go away!"
It's called "The Hegelian Principle".....and it works!
The drugs and the crime problem in America are no accident.
The "Urban American war zone"  didn't just happen.
It was planned to happen.
This same pattern and variations of it have been used
repeatedly to achieve the ends desired by what Winston Churchill
called "the Ruling Cabal".

     Regards to All

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