From: "Jim Condit Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oh, June, wake the heck up. It's just VEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYY interesting to me
> how many of the alleged "conspiracy snoops" on this list have such a great
> love of totalitarian regimes like Castro's,

I have no love of any totalitarian regime, whether it's politics are leftwing
or rightwing.

What I DO love is truth, and precision of thought and speech.

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of "the Cuban doctors were carrying
mind altering drugs", ignoring the fact that the doctors also LEFT the
country with the meds (thereby putting in doubt they were destined to be
used on Elian, because one would presume they'd have left the drugs behind)

Also what isn't being pointed out is that every psychoactive mentioned
caused severe withdrawal symptoms if the drugs are stopped suddenly.  This
raises the possibility that the Miami gang had him drugged (a distinct
possibility now that we know they had a psychiatrist on hand) if the
drugs the Cuban doctors were carrying WERE meant for Elian, it could have
been because they were attempting to treat his WITHDRAWAL from these drugs.

And I notice you still haven't addressed the non-psychoactive meds found on
the Cuban doctors.  Are you claiming they were also treating Elian for
urinary, respiratory, and skin infections, not to mention diabetes?

If those meds weren't being used on Elian, there is no reason to suppose
the psychoactives were destined for him, either...

> and are so eager to trust
> everything coming out of the Clinton/Craig/Reno child abuser faction.

Just because some of us recognize a father's right to have custody of his
child irregardless of the regime the father lives under, does not imply
we trust the regime we ourselves live under.

> Let's
> have the kid drug tested NOW. You bet your life that'll never happen! With
> complete disgust, Jim Condit JR.

Let's find out just how that psychiatrist the Miami gang had 'treating' Elian
was 'treating' him, hmmmm?


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