[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>They want us all in prison - the new

>feudalism - so they can exploit us as laborers.

(1.) They already exploit us as labor.

(2.) Christian Parenti, author of Lockdown America, has an excellent
article in the new issue of Cover Action Quarterly analyzing the economics
of prison labor. He demonstrates conclusively that prison labor itself is
not profitable to the state. Private prisons  are not profitable to the
state, either. The savings they gain on reduced services and inferior food
goes to the company running the prison, not the government.

So who gains? True, there is an increase in employment for in the usually
rural and economically depressed towns where prisons tend to be built. But
it's lousy work. Parenti quotes one guard as describing his job as a "life
sentence served eight hours at a time."

The prison-industrial complex is a tool of social control. It is  form of
terrorism that keeps poor people in line. Increasingly, it keeps even
better paid workers in line because the use of drugs unapproved by the
state is a sword of Damocles over the head of the user. At any moment you
could lose your job, your freedom, even your life. People like that don't
make waves.

Most importantly, the prison-industrial complex is the teeth in the War On
(Some) Drugs. The WO(S)D has been used by TPTB to shred our civil
liberties. The Fourth Amendment is toast and so is the Fifth. This new
"Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Bill" is the last twist of the knife
already deep in the heart of the First Amendment. The Second Amendment is
under attack from all sides. When it goes, it wont matter if you are in
prison or not. There wont be any difference. An unarmed people are slaves,
or subject to slavery at any time.

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