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Lyndon LaRouche will address the founding conference of the “National Commission against the New Violence” in New York City this Saturday, May 20. His speech will be available live from our website beginning at 2:30 PM (EDT). A “National Commission Against the New Violence” was called for by Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. just hours after the Amadou Diallo verdict in New York City.  Its purpose would be to combat the accelerating social disintegration of the United States, seen in the increasingly brutal, senseless acts of violence committed by armed and unarmed children, armed policemen, and execution-happy government officials.


The speech of Lyndon LaRouche before a conference in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, titled “The international financial crisis and the need for a New Bretton Woods,'' on Wednesday, May 3, is now available on the website. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Dominican Republic's University Institute for Exact Sciences (INCE), and by {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine. LaRouche’s speech has been broadcast four times, in full, on national television in the Dominican Republic.
Both the English (available tomorrow) and the Spanish translation (available now) can be found on the following page:

Paid for by LaRouche’s Committee for a New Bretton Woods

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