Gun owners face mandatory
fingerprinting, photos, testing
By Matthew Mittan

Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein has introduced a bill that would require that
all legal gun owners in America be licensed, fingerprinted, tested,
photographed and forced to sign safety contracts with the federal government.

"When you want to hunt, you get a hunting license; when you want to drive,
you get a driver's license," Feinstein said. But, "when it comes to guns and
gun owners, there's no license and no registration. ... The time has come to
treat gun owners no differently than anyone who seeks to drive a car."
Accompanying Feinstein at her Capitol Hill news conference were other
gun-owner-control advocates.

Under the new law, if it is passed, all law abiding American citizens who
wish to purchase a new firearm would have to pass a federal firearms use
test, submit to fingerprinting and photographing by the federal government,
pass Justice

(Pictured above) The U. S. Border Patrol already employs a system, to log
information on illegal aliens, that uses digitized fingerprints and
photographs. The information is stored in a government computer database
which is available to federal agents and law enforcement officials. The
government may enlist the help of this same technology to build files on law
abiding Americans who own guns, if a new bill before Congress is adopted.
(Photo by Denis Poroy.)

Department and State background checks, provide information as to date and
place of birth and their current residential address, sign contracts to "keep
the guns away from children" and pay a $25 license fee. Licenses would need
to be renewed every five years, and would be revoked at any time if the gun
owner ever became disqualified under any new or old federal law regarding gun

Current gun owners would have 10 years to become federally licensed or face
consequences, possibly from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
(ATF), the agency responsible for the debacle at Waco, TX where dozens of
men, women and children died and also for the incident at Ruby Ridge. New gun
purchases would be effected immediately.

The legislation, called The Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act, is the
latest and most aggressive gun-owner-control measure to be authored by
Feinstein, who in 1994 won passage of a ban on numerous manufactured gun
features. In the Republican-controlled Congress, where centrist and rural
Democrats share a skepticism about imposing too many additional gun
restrictions, its short-term fate can be judged by examining other gun

A measure targeting gun-show sales has been stalled for 10 months.

"Anybody who understands the political situation in this country knows this
bill isn't going to go anywhere," National Rifle Association spokesman Jim
Manown said. "The only thing it will accomplish is get Senator Feinstein

Feinstein is campaigning for re-election against Rep. Tom Campbell of Palo
Alto, a moderate Republican who's strongly supported gun-control measures in
the past. Campbell, however, has raised doubts about the new bill, including
privacy concerns over the maintenance of a permanent gun-ownership list and
constitutional concerns over the law's reach.

More than 65 million U.S. residents currently own about 230 million firearms,
according to National Rifle Association estimates. Feinstein's measure would
not only apply to handgun owners, but to rifle owners also.

As an incitement to debate, Feinstein's legislation raises several questions.
Gun aficionados will want to know whether mandatory registration violates the
Second Amendment's stricture against government infringement on the right to
bear arms.

"The Constitution reads, "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
shall not be infringed." A synonym for infringed is encroach. Encroach is
defined by Webster's New World College Dictionary as "in a gradual or sneaky
way"; "to advance beyond the proper, original, or customary limits; make
inroads on or upon."

Manown of the NRA said the thrust of opposition will be elsewhere. More
pragmatically, gun-owning skeptics question how well the ATF will be able to
administer what could be a large-scale registration program.

"I'd venture that the only people standing in line to get their fingerprints
taken will be law-abiding citizens," Manown said.

Under the 1934 National Firearms Act, the government already registers owners
of machine guns, silencers, sawed-off shotguns and certain other firearms
that lawmakers once deemed as gangster-friendly.

Feinstein's is not the first effort to require widespread documenting and
list compiling of gun owners.

New York City started requiring the registration of rifle and shotgun owners
in 1967. Then in 1991, the city banned certain shotguns and rifles that had
always been legal, and notified the effected 2,340 licensed citizens that
they had to surrender or render inoperable their guns to government

The Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act, is cosponsored by Senators
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Charles Schumer
(D-N.Y.). Rep. Marty Meehan, (D-Mass) is introducing the same bill in the
House of Representatives. Supporters of the new legislation include Donna
Dees-Thomases, founder of the "Million Mom March"; Charles Ramsey,
Washington, District of Columbia Chief of Police; and Michael Barnes,
President of Handgun Control, Inc..

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