Jamesw Ridgeway offered the following in his "Mondo Washington" column in
the May 16 Village Voice [p. 36].

"Nader, Buchanan, and the Aztec Nation


"Registereing at 5 percent in the polls, Ralph Nader made it into prime time

on Sunday with an appearance on MEET THE PRESS, where he lambasted Vice
President Gore and said he could care less whether he took enough votes from
the Democrats to put Bush in the White House. According to polls, Nader is
drawing principally from liberals who are turned off by Gore.  Both he and
Pat Buchanan, who plans to run as the Reform Pary candidate, are courting
the "Perot vote" -- a polyglot of the alienated working class which is being
targeted because of its intense dislike of the WTO, World Bank, IMF, NAFTA,
and GATT.  In theory, Nader would draw votes that would hurt Gore, while
Buchanan would pull right-wingers who otherwise would back Bush.  To this
end both are pushing hard to get into the fall debates, which are restricted
to candidates registering at least 15 percent in the polls, and of course
the inclusion of one or both could wreak havoc on those ultimate mainstream

As Nader's stature rises, Buchanan is sinking.  Last month in San Diego,
Buchanan warned that Mexico might attack the U.S., seeking to seize control
of the American Southwest as part of a plan to resurrect the Astec nation.
'Politicians may gush over the warm relations, but there is no peace on the
frontier,' he told the San Diego World Affairs Council.  'Nightly, ranches
are turned into bivouac areas for armies of aliens that cut fences and
poison cattle and leave trails of debris behind in their long march north.'
Buchanan views the swelling Latino population in California (it's now about
one-third of the state's total population) as similar to the 19th-century
increases in the U.S. population under Manifest Destiny. 'Mass immigration
followed by insurrection, independence, and annexation: This is how all of
Europe's American empires were eventually expropriated and lost, and [this]
is how America grew,' Buchanan proclaimed. 'We may forget this history;
Mexico remembers.  And while we shudder at the idea it could happen again.

Mexican irredentism is alive and well.'"

[[Ridgeway omitted to say that in the "Meet the Press" appearance, Nader had
noted that there is nothing to stop Gore from taking up his (Nader's)
issues.... JM]]
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