NEW WORLD ORDER has hard time in SCOTLAND   by andrew hennessey

Scottish daily Record editorial as NWO kid control policies go public .
wed 24 may 2000 page 8

They've banned school sports days, canned kids' football medals and
denounced Noddy [cartoon character] as a danger to our childrens morals.
Now the politically correct brigade have set their sights on the
scandalously seditious childhood pursuit of musical chairs.
Incredibly, Education Minister Margaret Hodge has launched a new booklet
urging nursery teachers to outlaw the timeless party favourite.
This latest PC pamphlet, entitled Towards a Non-Violent Society, states
that musical chairs encourages aggression because 'children learn that the
strongest/fastest one who pushes the other children out of the way wins'
Excuse me ? Isn't that a pretty good grounding for adulr life ?
Well No. It isn't in Labours Brave New Britain.
In fact we've unearthed a secret document from a government think-tank with
the next raft of changes to ensure our kids grow into perfectly rounded
little automatons.
Out goes pin the tail on the donkey on grounds of potential cruelty to
Blind mans Buff has been branded an insult to the visually impaired.
Postmans Knock has bred a generation of young males who think they can
father children and walk out on their partners without a second thought.
And the outrageous Pass the parcel has been identified as the root cause of
all those dodgy drug deals going on under the noses of our emasculated
police force.
Think we're kidding ?  Just Watch this space.


Whilst jack Straw Home Office Secretary's relatives are being picked up for
drug abuse and sex offences - he has openly defied the will of the Scottish
people and other watching groups and let Mick Tyson enter the uk.
Opposition to Tyson was because of his conviction for rape.
It has to be said that he found a place to fight in scotland against the
overwhelming tide of public opinion - it was Scotlands national Soccer

Oddly enough the same venue and management team that played a match on the
day of Dianas Funeral.
The glove puppets of Scottish football bow and wheedle to their English
masters, and bring further shame to Scotland as they vainly try to
eradicate scottish identity.
Speaking of which

The national Clause 28 ballot on whether to allow or disallow the active
promotion of homosexuality in schools in scotland - a ballot which was
sabotaged by the alleged independent, electoral reform society, a ballot
reviled and sabotaged by homophobic spin from Blairs and Dewars toadies,
a Ballot finally funded by someone out of their own pocket - Illustrates to
the deaf dumb and blind Politicians who choose not to hear the people that
elected them that 70 percent of people in scotland - and the poll cast 1.2
million votes - a larger turn out than some local elections - 70 percent of
people in scotland want the status quo - to keep the clause and its legal
guidelines -
which is to say that Homosexuality should get equal consideration in schools
along with other genders - and not be actively promoted to confused children.
Although Donald Dewar first minister of scotland face an outright and
scandalous defeat - his toadies are claiming to belistening in an
embarrassing u-turn. They had attempted to railroad the legislation through
in scotland despite it being rejected in england, by Blair and the House of
The reason appears to be that explicit homosexual school books seem to be
filling a couple of warehouses - awaiting distribution to the 'needy'
children of scotland.
It would seem that some political careers and favours rested on the seedy
new legislation which  gives no place to Marriage.
Senior Church figures in scotland want to keep the clause and legal
protection of kids and retain the family as the main surrogate of all
children - and not the NWO values of State Surrogacy.
In scottish law - if a pedophile sex crime is not reported within 1 year -
the crime expires.

The Emperor Tony has had a new sprog - a son - called Leo after his granddad -
Cherie Blair participated too.

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