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A Brief, Yet Helpful Guide To Amerika's Eugenic Courts, Part 3


Summary: The Theoretical Construct And Practical Application Of Plantation
Law In Fascist-imperialist Society
by Wayne Henderson

"The law, in its awesome equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to
sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal food."

            - Anatole France

      To understand the practical applications of plantation law - the law
imposed upon slaves by their masters, as is the case for US - in fascist
amerika, one must go back, way back, to understand the sociopolitical roots
of the law's theoretical- basis in class warfare; without an understanding of
the roots of oppression, one cannot attack it at its weak points and achieve

      The origins of eurocentric law is in the caste system of the Sarasvati
culture (fl. ca. 6500 BCE) which system is also the basis for the modern
caste system of India. One caste - the Brahmins - were supreme in power;
their were the lawgivers, the priests, and the administrators, the living,
breathing voice of the gods on earth; their immediate subordinates - the
Kshatriya, or warriors - defended the territory and kept the lower castes in
line. Beneath these two were the Vaishiya and Shudra - the merchants and
manual craftspeople - and at the bottom, the Candala, or untouchables. The
indicia of outright slavery were reserved to the Candala, and to Outcastes -
those born of 'irregular unions' (mixed-caste children) which approach is
also preserved in old Talmudic law, and retained in the Old Testament; the
Candala and Outcastes were racially, as well as socially, distinct from the
other four castes (part of the Caste system derives from Varna, color
distinctions; but these distinctions were not originally absolute; but the
Shudra, too, were slaves - consigned by birth to a life of manual work; and
the Vaishya, though comfortable merchants, enjoyed their comfort only at the
whim of the Brahmins and their Kshatriya enforcers. The Sarasvati culture
disintegrated, primarily due to the shifting and ultimate extinction of the
Sarasvati river, around 2000 BCE, and its remnants were assimilated by its
daughter cultures at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, as well as (to a lesser
extent) by the Sumerians and Babylonians, from whom the Habiru (ancient
Israelites) derived various substrata of their religious and cultural

      Among the Habiru tribes, especially at the time of the 'exodus' from
Egypt (and increasing by increments through the invasion and genocide in
Palestine), modified the caste system to fit their pre-existing cultural
assumptions, and kept the distinctions based on Varna - color - intact.

      Poor Habiru were slaves of the upper classes, but - because of varna -
were offered their 'freedom' after a period of years (as reflected in the
'Jubilees' calendar developed in the interval leading up to the First Temple
Period. Ca. 1000 BCE); non-Habiru - 'Gentile' - slaves were offered no such
option. By the rise of the Roman Empire (ca. 8th century BCE) the social
stigma of slaves was solidified, and the caste system as we know it today was
recognizable, if not completely articulated.

      The warrior caste in the Near East & in Europe, by the Roman period,
had essentially merged with the Noble caste; the central servile castes -
merchants, craftsmen, tradespeople, and farmers - had already begun a decline
to a status just vaguely superior to that of slaves: slightly better
treatment, but not much more. They had no real political power over their own
lives, but could use slaves to ease their own workload. Slave, serf, or
peasant, it was all the same; our word "nigger" derives from the Germanic
word "Neger", a field slave ("Nigger" was used to denote low social standing
in Chaucer's time, and can be found in his Canterbury Tales), and "Nigger" as
a sociopolitical designation was applied to Europeans, by Europeans, for
centuries before the masses of europe were even aware of the existence of
black Africans; blacks were generally referred to as "Ethiopians" or
"Africans" by those who were aware of them, through the Renaissance. Even in
the North American colonies, the term "Negroe" was referred until sometime
after 1800.

      As a racial designation the term "White" was self-applied only to
members of the northern european/germanic 'noble caste' who were a deathly
white color, the pallor of their skin acquired by a life of never having to
work outdoors. They had an almost porcelain-like appearance; the term
"blueblood", as applied to this caste, derives from the tendency of blue
veins to show through their veins clearly.

      Power will always conspire to maintain power; and nothing is a greater
threat to power than the possibility that those from the lower classes - the
slaves, those whose labor makes the masters' privileges possible - might
actually expect, let alone acquire, the percs that- accompany the masters'
power: a comfort zone of personal space, the security of an inviolable home
and regular meals, an actual education, or the leisure time to engage in
informed discourse with others of their caste & compare notes. The northern
european noble caste - the only people to whom the designation "white"
actually applies - conspire as matter of course to maintain power over the
rest of us; but when 'conspiracies' are charged in their courts, it is
invariably slaves who are accused: this is because power conspiring to
maintains power is not a conspiracy, it is class loyalty; but slaves
conspiring to seek freedom violates the "sacred" precepts of the caste
system, and blasphemes against hereditary power; such behavior among the
system gives them the presumed authority to say so.

      Contrary to the master caste propaganda, they are not the crown of
creation; one need not to go back very far in history to writings of the
great & learned minds of yore:

      "The ... predominance of white men in modern times should not give us
supercilious ideas about color, or persuade us to listen to superficial
theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand
years ago, when civilization was already ... two thousand years old, white
men were just a bunch of semi--savages on the outskirts of the civilized world
. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they
would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have
discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."

Life Among the Many Peoples of the Earth
Prof. Joseph McCabe
E. Haldeman-Julius Co., Girard Kans. 1927

"We are so accustomed to hearing of the superiority of europeans that it is
perhaps worth quoting from the Moorish writer Said of Toledo, who wrote at
the time when Toledo was in Moorish hands. Describing the people who lived
north of the Pyrenees, he said: 'They are of cold temeprament and never reach
maturity. They are of great stature and of a white color; but they lack all
sharpness of wit and penetration of intellect'."

Heredity and Politics
Prof. J. B. S. Haldane
W. W. Morton & Co. New York

      The cold temperament and lack of maturity the ancients noted is vividly
apparent in the ruling classes; their propaganda, fed to us as children in
"history" classes in our "schools", would have you believe that they - the
ruling elite - are the ultimate expression of the Will of "the One True God".
The truth, however, is far less flattering: this ruling class in inbred,
lazy, lacks even a rudimentary conscience, and didn't even bathe regularly
until the middle of the 19th century. Worse yet is the lie they promulgate,
inducing genetically-european slaves to support them unquestioningly as a
matter of "racial survival": they only extend the designation "white" to
other europeans in order to induce their support, but never do they extend
the privileges that they reserve for themselves. The average person of
european descent neither feeds with, nor breeds with, the ruling caste; the
first rule of Medelian genetics is: if you don't feed with them, and you
don't breed with them, you might be members of the same species, but you are
not members of the same race. Race, it must be remembered, is a function of
both social interaction and genetics.

      During the first half of the united states "white" designated only the
monied classes, those who imported other europeans by the boatload as
'indentured servants', a euphemism for slavery. It was easy for the ruling
class to denigrate other europeans; a;most exclusively, these new nobles
adopted wholesale the Germanic philosophy of Calvinism, which held that the
wealthy were favored by god, and that the poor deserved whatever treatment
was meted out to them, and could only redeem themsleves by being happy slaves
and accepting their lot. As vicious as these matters were to other europeans,
they were positively savage in their treatment of non-europeans; biological
warfare (e.g., trade blankets infected with smallpox) and genocide were
considered the work of god. Not surprising from a 'nobility' that had only
recently been lifted, by circumstance, from stone- age-barbarity:

      "[the ancestral northern europeans' remained in the wings, pure
barbarians ... [they] devastated civilization for centuries. Until about 700
AD the philosophers of the world would have said that white men seemed
incapable of civilization ... none of our modern sophistry redeems the
squalor of Europe from the Fifth to the Eleventh century.

The New Science and the Story of Evolution
Prof. Joseph McCabe
Hutchinson & Co. London 1931

      It is only natural that the savages in control would have a special
concern for keeping the slaves in line; in the colonies, you couldn't travel
even a few miles without a passport & proof that you were a free man. As the
chasm between masters and servants/slaves widened, violence and the
probability of open rebellion increased. The greatest fear was that the
european servile caste would join with the Native tribes and the African
slaves, and overpower the small number of masters. More than just military
control was needed; religion, while useful, and offering a "logical" support
for the masters' privilege (Calvinism), could only serve as a partial control
over those less-inclined to rebel.

      "Christianity alone will make out of the black a servant satisfied with
his lot, for it alone can bring him to a free and voluntary submission to the
plans of Divine Providence...everyone, I will even say the whole of humanity,
is deeply concerned that the negro should accept the position assigned to him
by his physical and intellectual faculties...the white man's role is that of
the organizer, the master, under whose watch must work the...native

- Rev. Henri Junod,
Swiss Protestant missionary

      "In all times some must be rich, some poore, some highe and eminent in
power and dignitie, others meane and in subjection."

- John Winthrop, Governor
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630

      The most effective mode of control over the slaves who proved
unresponsive to religion indoctrination, then as now, was criminalization. In
essence, two classes were created by the Articles of Confederation, and by
the Constitituion: "The People", being the ruling class, who were citizens
and as such had rights and privileges; and "persons", who were slaves at
best, and were considered potential enemies of the state by birth.

      "...'The People' protected by the Fourth Amendment, and by the First
and Second Amendments, and to whom rights and powers are reserved in the
Ninth and Tenth Amendments, refers to a class of persons who are part of a
national community...the language of these amendments contrasts with the
words "person" and "accused" used in the Fifth and Sixth Amendments
regulating procedure in criminal cases."

- U.S. v. Verdugo-Urguidez(1990) 494 US 259

      The overwhelming majority of laws, then as now, criminalize the
behavior of poor people trying to survive, not the truly sick behavior of the
jaded wealthy; and even when members of the master caste break the law in
blatant, public ways - the names John DuPont and John & Patsy Ramsey come to
mind - they are not held to answer for their behavior; they are above the
law, by virtue of the fact that they crafted the law solely to keep the
slaves in line.

      With the rise of Communist and Anarchist agitation prior to the
beginning of the 20th century, a new concept of law was needed; legal
justification to imprison the poor as 'enemies of &I the state' without the
justification of any overt act:

      "Since March the 9th, 1937, the United States has been in a state of
declared national emergency. Under the powers delegated by these statutes,
the president may: seize property; organize and control the means of
production; seize commodities assign military forces abroad; institute
martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate
the operation of L- private enterprise; restrict travel; and... control the
lives of all American citizens.

- Senate Report 95-949 (1973) cf. 12 USC

      The authority cited for this 'state of emergency' is the War Powers Act
of October 6th, 1917, also known as the 'Trading With The Enemy' act; section
two of this act includes, as enemies of the state, "...any person within the
United States or anyplace subject to the jurisdiction thereof" (note,
"person", as mentioned in the U.S. Supreme Court case above, U.S. v.
Verdugo-Urquidez) - with the obvious exeption of the master caste, everyone
in this country - the slave classes - are by law "enemies of the state'. This
is one of the reasons why, for example, we no longer receive alloidal
freehold titel to land we buy: as enemies of the state, our "property" is not
actually ours to have.

      It comes back to a question of perceived race: those who own the
franchise, who own the system - the master caste - self-designate as "white",
but extend that term to other europeans only to induce a questionable racial
loyalty, helping to protect the master castes' privilege even though that
privilege is not keeping the slaves at each others' throats by inducing the
illusion in some that they have some privilege denied the others, inducing
division among people who are rightfully allies against a common oppressor.
We're kept busy watching each other that we don't pay any attention to the
stealthy - and lethal - moves of the master caste...and european-americans
are made to believe that they owe "racial loyalty" to their oppressors; the
majority have forgotten that in living memory, only properly "Germanic"
europeans were allowed to be 'almost whites'; the Irish, the Italians,
Eastern Europeans/Slavs, and others wre not considered 'white' at all, even
the relaxed definition of 'white' that was permitted to the germanic

      As more African- and Asian-descent people began to arrive in the
migratory waves of the past century, more european slaves were permitted to
claim the 'relaxed white' designation; not because the master caste wanted to
show them favor, but because the master caste wanted a thicker buffer zone of
patsies to absorb the brunt of any possible assault. While the 'relaxed
white' designation was broadened, the 'real white' master caste isolated
themselves more completely; from simply not breeding with the slave castes,
and only rarely interacting with them on a business level, the masters ceased
even direct commerce with the slaves, setting up a series of intermediaries
to insulate themselves from even having to see any of us. This serves well
the mindset of the master caste, obsessed as they are with genealogy and
heredity - which is just a polite way of describing Fascist 'racial purity':
it distinguishes the master caste from people indistinguishable from
themselves except by social convention.

      "...Petitioner was a citizen of the United States and a resident of the
state of Louisiana, of mixed descent, in the proportion of seven eighths
caucasian and one eighth African blood ... the mixture of Colored blood was
not discernable in him, and he [believed] he was entitled to every
recognition, right, privilege, and immunity secured to...the white race...the
[14th] Amendment...could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based
upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political, equality,
or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either...It is
claimed by the Plaintiff...that in any mixed community, the reputation of
belonging to the dominant property in the same sense [as]
inheritance...[however], he is not lawfully entitled to the reputation of
being a white man...It is true that the question of proportion of colored
blood necessary to constitute a colored one upon which there is a
difference of opinion...The power to assign a particular [status] obviously
implies the power to determine to which race [an individual] belongs, as well
as the power to determine who, under the laws of the particular state, is to
be deemed a white and who a colored person."

-Plessy v. Ferguson (U.S. Supreme Court 1896) 163 US 256 ff.

      The case of Plessy v. Ferguson gave us what we now call the "One Drop"
Rule: it clearly established that seven-eigths white is not white; having one
great grandparent who was seven eighths white would render you "colored" by
law (very convenient for the master caste, since the slaves can't produce
genealogies to prove their 'racial purity'); in short, one drop of any other
kind of blood automatically excludes you fromn even the 'relaxed' definition
of "white" applied to the buffer zone of european-ancestry slaves.

      Keeping the "One Drop" Rule in mind, consider this: Slavs, Poles, and
other Eastern Europeans carry Asiatic genes acquired during the various
invasions of Europe in the past 15 centuries; Italians, Spaniards,
Portuguese, Greeks, and many French carry Moorish blood acquired during the
invasions of the Crusades period; Greeks and Turks all carry some Arabic
blood - in short, by definition, one Germanic people who can prove unalloyed
Germanic descent (the further back it can be documented, the better) can make
a claim to the designation 'white'; and only those whose unalloyed Germanic
blood is of "Noble" origin claim the more stringent "White" designation...
next logical step: by law, only these 'pure' whites - the names Rockefeller,
Gould, Folger, and a few others come to mind - are part of the 'national
community' spoken of in U.S. v. Verdugo-Urguidez, reproduced supra; only they
are the "white people" who have rights. Coloreds - whether African, or
Hispanic, or Asian, or Native American or european, lacking an acceptable
genealogy - are "Niggers" in the true, political, sense: coloreds are slaves,
and slaves have no rights.

      The master caste considers all us coloreds 'unclean' in a ritual sense
derived from the Habiru variant of the caste system; as stated, at the time,
masters and slaves met face-to-face... nowadays our very presence is
considered defiling, like that of India's untouchables. There must always be
a "buffer" caste to intermediate. On the old plantations, the divisions were
derived from the original order of the caste system: field nigger, yard
nigger, porch nigger, house nigger. Nowadays, the yard nigger caste is being
eliminated, its membership forced into the ranks of the field niggers if
they're unable to be porch niggers (dancing, singing, cracking jokes to
distract the other slaves & keep them quiescent) and the highest of the slave
castes - houseniggers subservient and respectful (read: bootlicking) products
of the "right" schools, and of course lawyers - lawyers and money managers,
while still slaves, have been given godlike powers over the rest of us.

      "The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations
heretofore or hence-forth taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the
president ... or the secretary of the treasury since March 4th 1937, pursuant
to the authority conferred by subsection (b) of section 5 of the Act of
October 6, 1917 ... are hereby approved and confirmed."

-12 USC 95(b), referring to the Trading with the Enemy Act

      The power thus conferred upon the president & the secretary of the
treasurer - both positions held by porchniggers, one a lawyer and the other a
money manager - are not confined to the 'banking crisis' of 1933 [the
effective date of 12 USC 95(b)], but extend to any emergency proclaimed by
the presdient (war on poverty, war on crime, war on drugs, etc.) [Pike v.
U.S. (9 Circ 1965) 340 F2d 487]; united states citizens lack legal standing
to challenge the constitutionality of this Act, or the predicate legislation,
the Federal Reserve Act (12 USC 221et.seq.; 38 Stat. 351, app. 1914).

"No officer or agency of the United States shall have any authority to
require ... the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System ... to
submit ... to any officer or agency of the United States."

- 12 USC 2-50

      - so, even if it were somehow possible for us to elect someone to
office, someone who would actually see to the needs and concerns of the
slaves, the Federal Reserve money managers - employees of the
Rothschild/Warburg/Schiff/Rockefeller banking clique - are immune from any
action of the government. Not that there's much chance of any slave, or a
sympathizer, ever achieving power in "our" electoral system; lawyers have
taken it over, filling both the judicial and legislative branches at the
behest of the "white" european banking elite ... and if you go looking for
that rare critter, the non-lawyer in government, take a lunch; you'll be
looking for quite a while. The lawyers are as thick as thieves.

      If you doubt the power, and utility, of lawyers (and judges who are
themselves lawyers), and the amount of control they are given over our lives,
consider: if you displease a judge, in any way at all, during any court
proceeding (or in some instances without a pending court proceeding), you can
be held 'in contempt of cour'; there are no laws, no rules, that the judge
must follow: you are simply thrown into jail for alleged contempt against the
judges' wishes, and will remain there as long as the judge wants you to.
There is no legal arrest effected; thus there is no 'Due Process of Law'
required - no bail, no right to petition for writ of habeas corpus, no trial
by jury - you have no rights. The judge is your accuser and prosecutor; he
convicts you and sentences you to an indeterminate senetence without trial,
and you can be literally thus held for life. This is what the English called
a Bill of Attainder (mentioned in Article I, 9 & 10 of the Constitiuion); it
is, essentially, a bloodless lynching - and lynching is how the master caste
and their favored lackeys prefer to deal with recalcitrant slaves. Slaves,
after all, have been pronounced, legally, "enemies of the state" [by the
Trading with the enemy Act of 6 October 1917, as amended, Act of March 9th,
1937, 2, also known as Proclamation 2038]; and if slaves have no rights, how
much less can we expect as enemies of the state?

      Consider: when the first U.S. presidential "election" was held, only 4%
of the population was eligible to vote. Today, less than 1% of the population
controls the country, as well as a fair sized chunk of the rest of the world
through corporations and the Federal Reserve. The lawyers and the judges take
their orders from that one percent.

      "A military operation involves deception; even though you are
competent, appear to be incompetent, though you are effective, appear to be
ineffective ... When you are going to attack nearby, make if you are going a
long way; when you are going to attack far away, make it look as if you are
going to attack far away, make it look as if you are going just a short
distance... Make our move when it is least expects "Even if opponents are
numerous, they can be made not to fight ... Victory is gained by surprise ...
a victorious army first wins and then seeks battle; a defeated army battles
and then seeks victory... Be extremely subtle, even to the point of
formlessness; be extremely mysterious, even to the point of silence; you can
thereby direct your opponent's fate. "Those who do not know the plans of
their enemies cannot make informed alliances..."
            -The Art Of War, Sun Tzu

      If we slaves are even marginally aware of these basic facts of class
warfare, how much more aware would our self-designated caste of "white"
masters be? We cannot afford the luxury of believing that they are "just like
us" and that they "mean well" - they are nothing like us, and the certainly
don't "mean well". $13,000 per year income is the poverty line for a family
of three; a massive number of us live at or below that line. And yet, there
are families that spend in excess of $15,000 a year just to have one of their
pampered, milk-fed brats learn competitive tennis. These are the people who
have declared you & I "enemies of the state".

      "Those who render other's armies helpless without fighting are best of
            -The Art Of War, Sun Tzu

      "The latest tendancies in legal thinking have witnessed the shaking of
confidence in the populist assumption that the statute law is always a just
law. A decisive influence on the shattering of this confidence was exerted by
the tragic experience with [Fascist] Totalitarianism... "Seeing the evil
effects of legality based on the application of statute law that is contrary
to justice, [Gustav Radruch] found it impossible to support the populist
thesis...which is why he introduced to the concept of statutory lawlessness.
This notion means that the statute law - a statute contradicting justice - is
not a law...the experience with the law of the totalitarian systems has
demonstrated that the will, as legal positivists would have it, is not only
irrational but also very dangerous in practice."

-Justice as the Chief Value of Law
Prof. Roman Tokarczyk
Lo Straniero magazine, #28, Nov. 1998
Ignazio Corsero, Ed.

This is why we end up with Fascist laws like the "Antiterrorism And Effective
Death Penalty Act", which does absolutely nothing to combat actual terrorism
or make the death penalty more "effective"; wit it does do is criminalize
things like "freedom of speech" and further limit our ability to overturn
unjust convictions. This is also why we end up with laws like the
"Multilateral Agreement On Investment", a multinational corporation bill of
rights which granst corporations "most favored nation" status, give corporate
execs special diplomatic immunity, grants sovereignty status to corporations
operating outside of their 'home country's' jurisdiction, excludes
transnational corporations from all domestic regulations and laws re: hiring
practices, export of natural resources, environmental safety, and other
concerns, and forbids the creation of local laws to control the behavior of
these corporations or their agents.

      What is most frightening about these legal machinations is the
overwhelming ennui it evokes in the majority of the slave population. The
slaves have accepted these Fascist ideas, the ideal of 'obeying the leader',
of 'just following orders', as though these ideas were their own, and don't
even realize that the underlying philosophy, is completely antithetical to
our very lives, let alone any concept of "freedom", being imported from a
foreign land - the homeland of the 'racially conscious' germanic tribes -
where we are all considered Untermenscen...

      "The great influence of a nation with a powerful intellectual life over
less well endowed nations, even if the armies of the latter are very
powerful, not rare in human experience... [we] chose a system of thought
that, like some wines, does not travel - we chose a way of looking at things
that could never be ours and had as its starting dislike of us and our goals.
The United States was held to be a nonculture, a collection of castoffs from
real cultures ... our desire for the German [ideologies] was nroof we could
not-- understand them... We are a bit- like savages who, having been
discovered and evangelized by missionaries, have converted to Christianity
without having experienced all that came before and after the revelation. The
fact that most of us would never have heard of Oedipus if it were not for
Freud should make us aware that we are almost utterly dependant on our German
missionaries ... for our knowledge of Greece, Rome, Judaism, and
Christianity; ... however profound that knowledge may be, theirs is only one
interpretation and ... we have only been told as much as they thought we
needed to know. It is an urgent business for one who seeks self-awareness to
think through the meaning of [our] intellectual dependancy... The most
successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but
the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem
inconceivable that other ways are viable, that.1 removes the sense that there
is an outside...
... sycophancy toward those who hold power is a fact in every regime,
especiallyy in a "democracy", where, unlike [outright] tyranny, there is an
accepted principle of legitimacy that breaks the inner will to resist."

The Closing of the American Mind
Prof. Allan Bloom
Simon & Shuster, New York, 1988 (p. 152ff)

      - and among those Germanic ideologies is the Calvinist variant of
Fascist judeaochristianity, the fervent belief that being born to a ruling
caste family is a confirmation of god's favor and an entitlement to godlike
power on earth, and that being born poor is a sign of god's judgement,
consignmnet by divine fiat to a life of abject slavery and submission to the
divinely-favored masters, proof positive that you are unworthy of the title
"human". In this sense, Calvinism merely restates the philosophy of the
so-called 'old testament', summed up in the writings of Maimonides: those who
cannot begin to acknowledge, much less properly worship, the 'one true god' -
and are therefore not human - are Asiatics (inncluding Slavs, Turks, and
Greeks), some Europeans (though not the Germanic nobles", Arabs, Pacific
Islanders and Native Americans, and Blacks, and "those who resemble them...";
Maimonides sums up: "...their nature is like the nature of mute animals, and
according to my opinion, they are not on the level of human beings, and their
level among existing things is below that of a man, and above that of a
monkey..." [Mamonides, Guide For The Perplexed Bk.III, ch.51, published ca,
1190]. This is the Fascist ideology of the self-constituted 'pure' master
caste; this is the underlying philosophy which dictates the formation and
application of the law.

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"Execute Me. Please"
Eugenic Courts Class Warfare II
A Brief, Yet Helpful Guide To Amerika's Eugenic Courts

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