Excellent article!  There was a similar article by the Reform Party's
candidate for President before Pat B. became that party's candidate.  I've
written my Representative and both Senators from Colorado about this bill.
They say they are looking into it ... yeah right!  This is a great problem in
the "free market," it is not free and the WTO makes it even less free.

More people should get involved in this.  Rather than having an ineffective
Million Mom March about gun control, we should have demonstrations in every
city and town in the US, maybe have a general strike of all working people
and many business people to show the government that this is a very important
issue.  A private organization should have no authority to deal with money,
it should be Congress as dictated in the Constitution.  Why should Alan
Greenspan (a non-elected official) have control of interest rates, pure
bullshit ... raising interest rates to curb inflation is just the same as
F***ing for virginity.  This may be the single biggest issue in getting
government to do their job as assigned in the Constitution.  Why do we have a
Constitution if those who run government are going to ignore it?

I wish I had some clear instructions about how to get in the government's
face.  Writing to Congress seems to get little or no response, but maybe if
enough people would write ... maybe, just maybe it would make a difference.
Writing to the local paper doesn't seem to do much good either, but I'm not
going to give up, maybe some day one of the editors/reporters I write to
won't have a story and they will write an article about the Federal Reserve,
a long shot, but maybe it might happen.

I intend to send this as far and wide as possible, thanks for the article.

Bob Stokes

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