We Gave our Sovereignty to Big Biz
 Mary Zepernick ( May 1998 )

"The judgment sought against the defendant is one of corporate death. The state
which created,
asks us to destroy, and the penalty invoked represents the extreme rigor of the
law. The life of a
corporation is, indeed, less than that of the humblest citizen ..." Thus spake
New York State's
highest court in its 1890 unanimous finding against the North River Sugar
Refining Corporation:
charter revoked; out of business; capital punishment for corporations.

When I studied U.S. history, no text or teacher mentioned such decisions, much
less how common
they were during our first hundred years or so. As a young teacher myself, I
knew nothing of
legislation, attorneys general and judges calling corporations to answer to "quo
warranto" -- by what
authority has this or that railroad or utility or banking or turnpike
corporation violated its charter, and
failed in the performance of its corporate duties," to quote the North River
judgment. When declared
"ultra vires," beyond their authority, corporations frequently found their
charters amended or

However, the New York State revocation was one of the last, coming just four
years after the U.S.
Supreme Court declared corporations "natural persons" under the law. With
so-called personhood
came constitutional rights, accelerating the "legal" erosion of our sovereignty.
Increasingly over the
past century, "we the people" have become subordinate to the entities created to
do our business.
When it comes to defining and enforcing the conditions of corporate existence,
human beings have
been declared ultra vires.

Take Massachusetts. Its first chartered private corporation was the
Massachusetts Bank,
incorporated in 1782 by a special act of the state Legislature, according to
Neil Benman in his
research for the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. The bank's charter
limited its
authorized capital and described how it should be governed, among other
provisions, and the
legislature reserved the right to examine bank affairs, including its books.

Today our elected representatives give tax breaks to corporations in hopes that
they won't flit off to
greener pastures. Along with citizens of the other 49, we've lost our
sovereignty in the 50-state
sweepstakes to curry corporate favor.

We've come a long way, baby -- in the wrong direction. To understand how far,
picture "Big
Tobacco," as the media corporations have personified and nicknamed the
mega-corporations that
produce smoking materials. Despite a trail of corporate records withheld,
testimony perjured and
additives designed to addict, our public officials from the president on down
continue to dicker and
bicker with Big T, all the while pocketing "his" campaign contributions
(protected by the Supreme
Court as equivalent to political speech).

The issue is not simply corporate harms to our bodies, but to our body politic;
not only corporate
behavior but the very relationship between a supposedly sovereign citizenry and
its institutions.
Commentators and politicians huff and puff (well perhaps only huff) about good
ol' boy Big T, but
they're all bluff. Which of them asks "Where do the people's representatives get
off, negotiating with
corporations instead of defining and enforcing the limits corporate entities
must observe? For that
matter, who even knows about the original relationship in this country between
citizens and our legal
fictions? Actually, corporate lawyers do, since their job is to protect the
power, authority and wealth
that rightly belongs to real human beings.

Consider these typical headlines: "Cigarette maker will cooperate with probe"
(kinda makes you
want to write Big T a thank-you note); or "Tobacco ads turn ire on Congress"
(look out, Big T's

Speaking of ads, the average U.S. resident reportedly sees an average of 21,000
a year.
Corporate advertising is not only protected by the First Amendment, but
deductible from the paltry
taxes corporations pay. Hence the grotesquerie of tobacco corporations
threatening to sue Uncle
Sam over restrictions on their advertising, while we taxpayers subsidize the
colonization of our
minds, and our children's.

Consumers are free to make decisions within the increasingly restricted options
offered by banking,
insurance, media, health care, manufacturing, food-producing, transportation,
and communications

Citizens are free to hold democratic conversations about our sovereignty, about
who sets the limits.

Long live the humblest citizen!

Mary Zepernick; May 15, 1998; originally published in the Cape Cod Times

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