Mushroms and Manking on TV?
An e-mail I got from James today -
Hello, It has again been a while since I have written to everyone on my
mailing list but this is
an occasion for a short note. I hope you are all healthy and enjoying
yourselves and those
within your circle of friends and family, it is a wonderful time to be

According  to Sidereal Astrological reckoning we have now (as of
5/5/2000) officially moved
into the Age of  Aquarius, the Astro-Theological implications are vast.
Suffice it to say it
is time to breathe deep and relax, work on making your lives and those
around you better and
try not to feel down.  For some very informative reading on this subject
check this:

<A HREF=""> Aquarian Age page


Calendarsign webpages </A>

There are so many things happening on the Governmental agenda of
repression that it defies
all reason. Please try to find some time to voice opinion and work for
freedom, it is that time.
One important item of note is the bill which appears to be passing that
would give the
Government authority to search your house without a warrant, take your
property without
giving you a receipt and most importantly give them power to CENSOR the
internet. Here
is one link regarding this legislation (Censorship Bill  H.B. 2987 &
S.B. 486):

The Vaults of Erowid 'Censorship bill' </A>


I will be doing an hour long interview on the popular radio/internet
show 'SIGHTINGS' with
Jeff Rense tonight 6/2/200 from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Pacific time. In
case you have never
heard of Jeff Rense or the Sightings program I would highly suggest
taking a look at their
website, these people are doing very good work exposing many of the
things that are
happening on our homeworld.

You can listen to the show live on the internet or listen to the
archives at a later time at your
convenience. I will be discussing several important and interesting
topics. Here is the link:

<A HREF=""> SIGHTINGS website </A>

My book 'Mushrooms and Mankind' is now live for ordering on
and they should
be being delivered soon. If you would like to have a preview PDF file
(Adobe Acrobat Reader)
of the book which you can read on the computer, please eMail me back and
I will send it to you.
The file is 1.5 Megs and contains all the chapters much of which is not
on the website:

<A HERF=""> Mushrooms and Mankind:

On another note: Jimmy Page (formerly of Led Zeppelin) has teamed up
with 'The Black Crowes'
and is currently on tour in the U.S. I just got tickets to the Shoreline
Ampitheatre and if you
get a chance take on this show, or another on this tour. This is a
powerful experience.

All the best to you and yours, James

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