Well Mr. Spitzer - the FBI is purely an investigative group.   FBI used
to be lawyers and/or accountants/CRA's.   The idea was for the
government to have two forms of expertise.

Look at Ken Starr.   How much was down the drain here, $70 million
dollars or so to investigate an affair between the President and an
intern, when the FBI no doubt already had this information as did
numerous publishing houses, tapes and all?

So who was caught in the trap.   The one setting same?  We only know
that millions of dollars spent to an independent counsel and his
cronies, need not have been wasted in such a manner.

Why do you think the FBI hires lawyers?   To save the taxpayers money by
hiring competent agents who are supposed to come loaded with the law,
and not a gun.  Why do you think they are called FBI.....bureau of
investigation?  For they collect the evidence for the Justice Department
and the FBI is supposed to be impartial.   Politicians hate the FBI
because they know with whom and what they are dealing, but like High
Priests and True Blue Masons, anything told to an Agent of the FBI once
was kept in confidence.

The news media has paid informers in every high office, but it would
seem to be that the news media has more to hide these days, than some of
these politicians.

The FBI is welll qualified to do the work of any of these Ken Starrs,
who know from whence their money is coming.   Think they will kill the
big goose laying all the golden eggs?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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