Hi !

Below please find a compilation of mpd/did resources.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list. These listings may be triggering for
survivors of abuse. (Please note: some resources may not be sympathetic to
the existence of RA.)

Double Vision A. Richardson (pseudonym) about recovery from RA , Becoming One
- A Story of Triumph over MPD  S. Olsen about  recovery from MPD (DID),
Trilogy Books, 3579 E Foothill Blvd, #236, Pasadena, CA 91107

Living with Your Selves -survival manual for DID, by Hocking, Launch Press,
Rockville, MD

Multiple Personality, Dissociative States and Traumatic Stress Disorder - has
biblio., Torem and Lohmier, Akron General Med. Ctr., Dept of Psych. 400
Wabash Av., Akron, OH 44307

Sidran Press books on D.I.D. and child abuse, 2328 W. Joppa Rd. #15,
Lutherville, MD 21093, phone 410-825-8888, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Many Minds - for people with DID, by the Lunds, Soft Words Pub. Sunset
Station, Box 3218, Pueblo, CO 81005

United We Stand - for people with DID, Eliana Gil Ph.D., Launch Press

Diagnosis and Treatment of MPD - by F.  Putnam, MD, Guilford Press, 72 Spring
St. NY 10012

High Functioning MP Patients - R. Kluft, MD, Dept of Psych, Temple Univ
School of Med. And Inst. Of the Penn Hospital, 111 North 49th St. Phil, PA.

Cavalcade Productions, Inc. has videos about  RA,  DID and related topics.
For info: P O Box 2480, Nevada City, CA 95959, 1-800-345-5530.

NEEDID DID  Support Network, a survivor support network, DID and other trauma
related dissociative disorders,(413) 593-8845 or E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

International Society for the Study of Dissociation, P O Box 682, Glenview,
IL 60025, phone: 847-375-4718, fax: 847-375-4777

The Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis and
Treatment by Joan A. Turkus, M.D. is available at
http://www.voiceofwomen.com/centerarticle.html " Major studies have confirmed
the traumatic origin of DID (Putnam, 1989, and Ross, 1989), which arises...
as a result of severe physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
Poly-fragmented DID (involving over 100 personality states) may be the result
of sadistic abuse by multiple perpetrators over an extended period of time."

"Child Abuse And Multiple Personality Disorder," P. Coons, M.D., Dept. of
Psychiatry. Ind. Univ. School of Medicine, Ind., IN 46223, "The syndrome of
multiple personality is associated with a high incidence of physical and/or
sexual abuse in childhood." http://wchat.on.ca/web/asarc/mpd.html

DID: Research and Pseudoscience by S. Dallam RN, MSN,FNP, Treating Abuse
Today, Vol. 8 No. 3 May-June 1998, "The authors conclude (about a different
article): "This study establishes, once and for all, the linkage between
early severe abuse and (D.I.D.)" http://idealist.com/tat/98-07-02-did.shtml

"The Body Keeps the Score: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post
traumatic stress," by Bessel van der Kolk,

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