Are we special? Rare Earth probably most elegantly expresses the view that
intelligent life exists only on Earth, and not elsewhere in the Universe.
For an opposite view, including the Quarantine Model, see:
               >>Take that, Copernicus:

               THE UNIVERSE.
               By Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee.
               Springer-Verlag; 362 pages; $27.50 and œ12.50

                                       THANKS to the work of
                                       Copernicus, Galileo and
                                       others, the earth long ago
                                       lost its place at the centre of
                                       the universe. Instead, it is
                                       now known to be just one of
                                       several planets orbiting one
                                       of hundreds of millions of
                                       stars in one of billions of
                                       galaxies. On the cosmic
                                       scale, there is nothing
                                       special about our planet
                                       after all.

               Not so fast, say Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, a
               geologist and an astronomer respectively at the University of
               Washington. Instead, they suggest that "the continued
               marginalisation of earth and its place in the universe should
               be reassessed." They offer a powerful argument that the
               earth is, in fact, extremely unusual. That in turn implies that
               complex extraterrestrial life forms may be far rarer than
               science fiction stories and many scientists would have us

               This claim might seem at odds with recent discoveries which
               suggest (at least to those investigating such matters) that
               extraterrestrial life could be commonplace. On earth,
               "extremophile" bacteria have been discovered that are
               capable of thriving in extreme and inhospitable
               conditions such as inside scorching geothermal vents and
               even inside rocks where life was previously thought to be
               impossible. This is surely grounds for optimism that bacteria
               could also live happily in other unlikely places, such as on
               Mars or in the oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa. In addition,
               the discoveries since 1995 of dozens of planets orbiting
               nearby stars suggests that planets are abundant, so there
               should be loads of places for life to get started beyond the
               solar system.

               Mr Ward and Mr Brownlee argue, however, that while
               primitive microbial life may well exist throughout the
               universe, the more complex organisms that evolved on earth
               owe their existence to an unusual combination of factors. If
               so, the estimate of Carl Sagan, for example, of a million
               civilisations in this galaxy alone looks vastly overdone.

               It is fortuitous that the earth orbits a star that is not too
               to the centre of the galaxy (where cataclysmic events and
               dangerous radiation would prove hostile to living beings), but
               not too near the edge either (where the heavy elements
               needed to form planets are less abundant). It is lucky also
               that the sun is a solitary, stable star and the earth has a
               stable orbit around it.

               Just as fortunate is Jupiter's helpful hoovering up of many
               (though not all) potentially lethal comets and asteroids, and
               the fact that Saturn is small enough not to have ended up in a
               gravitational tussle with Jupiter that might have caused the
               loss of the solar system's other planets. Earth's chemical
               composition is also just right to allow plate-tectonic
               which is lacking on both Venus and Mars, and helps to
               maintain the climate so that it is suitable for the long-term
               presence of liquid water.

               But perhaps the most important and yet unlikely factor is the
               earth's unusually large moon, whose presence has played a
               crucial role in stabilising the planet's tilt and climate. It
               now agreed that the moon formed when the earth was
               struck by a Mars-sized body early in its history a freak
               occurrence. This suggests that any earth-like planets around
               other stars are likely to lack such a moon, and thus may not
               have stable enough climates to allow the evolution of
               advanced lifeforms.

               In expounding this "rare earth" theory, the authors draw on
               research from a number of diverse fields of study. As a
               result, their book provides a handy primer in
               astrobiology the emerging field that exists at the
               intersection between astronomy, biology and the planetary

               Many of the ingredients in the theory are not new. It has
               been suggested before, for example, that complex life on
               earth would never have evolved had it not been for the
               moon, or plate tectonics. But by stringing so many separate
               improbabilities together and by presenting each one in such
               detail, Mr Ward and Mr Brownlee make an extremely
               plausible case. As a final flourish, they add that, given the
               presumed rarity of complex life, it behoves man to take
               better care of the abundance of other species with which he
               shares the planet.

               The authors claim that they are voicing in "Rare Earth" a
               view privately held by many scientists looking for
               extraterrestrial intelligence. The earth's rarity would
               certainly explain why, despite all their efforts, no evidence
               for advanced extraterrestrials has been found so far. This
               carefully reasoned book makes a strong case for undoing at
               least some of the work of Copernicus, by accepting that the
               earth is special after all. It also makes the cosmos seem an
               even more vast and lonely place.

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