LOL... Rory,
But it's been claimed thru the ET grape-vine that ET's prefer those who do not smoke and that ET's prefer those who drink a steady intake of diet soda's...
It's claimed that the meat is sweeter...   making the victim a delicacy...
(and tastes much like barbacoa,  the cheek meat of a cow)... 
However,  it is reported that nicotine residue causes severe allergic reactions in ET's and even death.   ET Rumor Central has it that this is the true reasons behind the massive campaigns against smoking...  is not just the cancer thing and health issue with regards to smoking;  and is also why the information about nutri-sweet and aspartame being detrimental to your health,  (i.e. causes brain tumors and alzheimer's, etc.),    is pooh-pooh'd... 
These marketing rumors are started and maintained for the sole reason so that
the ET's harvesting of food resources for the future...  are preserved,
not to mention having viable research victims.
SO...  there's some more food for UFO thought... 

Therefore,  no matter the nationality or DNA composition...
IF you don't smoke and especially if you drink lots of diet sodas,  chances are increased by 100% that you will,  at some time in this life or the life hereafter,  be abducted and/or regardless of being abducted,  if you don't smoke and you do drink lots of diet sodas,  you are better suited for mind control purposes.
....  snicker,  snicker.... 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 2:35 PM

> From: "nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>English people seldom
> >>get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag.

> > Maybe they taste bad.
Nessie's trolling again. Well, here's  a thought:
Most nationalities don't get abducted by greys. Maybe the ones which do -notably Yanquis in comparatively large numbers- have some odd deviant quirk in their DNA makeup which interests the greys? Like indigenous American peoples (do many of them get abducted?) most of us do wonder about the mental equilibrium of los Yanquis. To us you lot ARE Aliens interested only in world domination.

> Perhaps the space aliens know UK cuisine sucks...   ;-)
Average British cuisine these days is more likely to be based on frozen foods marketed by US corporations, BirdsEye, McDonalds, BurgerKing etc. We do eat a lot of hot East Indian cuisine these days. Maybe the Aliens can't handle that!

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