When I read this story, I remembered one other story about the great
humanitarian, Al Gore.

He had an old dog, who was not give proper care and was found lying on
his porch wounded and unattended.   Rather like this property destribed
in the followiong story - Al Gore, Slum Landlord.

If he treats his pets in this manner, and permits his property to be
labeled a "slum", well what would he do to America.   The fact that most
of the slum property is owned by people such as the Gores, is disgusting

Seems to me the Vice President should get out of he slum landlord
business, for you know, this is what is wrong with America....look to
Flint, Michigan, where the little black kid murdered the little white
kid.  All living in poverty because the great NWO took away life from
what was once a great city which thrived.......take a look at what you
and your NWO/UN cronies have doe to America, Mr. Gore.

George Bush Jr. - Go get him.   This Great Liberal Democrat Gore is a
symptom of what is wrong in America.

A Saba

Monday June 5, 2000; 5:25 PM EDT

Call from 'Slumlord' Gore Leaves Needy
Tenants in Tears

Vice President Al Gore called Tracy Mayberry Monday afternoon to say he
was mad at her for speaking to the press about his failure to make
repairs on the house she rents on Gore's Carthage, Tenn., farm. The call
left Mayberry's family in tears.

"I talked to Al Gore earlier and he really had me upset," Mayberry told
WABC-NY talk radio host Sean Hannity. "He said that I was talking really
bad about him and I haven't been. I just told the truth."

"I only called one news channel, that's all I called," complained
Mayberry. "Now he's trying to make out like I'm trying to slam him to
everybody and I'm not."

"The way I see it, you know, is that if he's going to yell at me and
say, 'Hey, you know, you slandered my name, you know, you were talking
bad about me,' I just prefer not to meet with him. I just prefer to go
on. I'm not going to be talked to like that and have my family crying
and upset and everything. It's not worth it to me."

Gore had been trying to make amends ever since Mayberry told a Nashville
TV station that the Veep hasn't done anything to fix the rundown
property after a year of complaints.

The plaster walls are crumbling, the plumbing doesn't work and the
floor's linoleum has worn away, Mayberry said.

After the Nashville TV station reported her plight, Gore contacted
Mayberry. "He called me Saturday all sweet and said he was going to move
me into another house, a comfortable house, until he can get this taken
care of."

But by Monday the Veep's accommodating mood had soured. "Today he called
and said, 'Well, I'll move you into a motel,' He was aggravated," said

"He said I should have called him directly. And I said, 'How am I
supposed to call you directly? I don't have a phone number for you at
the White House.'"

Exasperated, Mayberry said she was ready to send her children to her
mother's house and spend the night in the family's truck with her
husband. They both have diabetes, he has heart disease, their 4-year-old
son has fetal alchohol syndrome, their 9-year-old daughter has a seizure
disorder and yet another daughter is mentally retarded.

Despite their many problems, the Mayberrys manage to get by on their
monthly $1536 Social Security check.

But it's landlord Gore that has Mrs. Mayberry at her wit's end. "I just
can't take it anymore. I'm just going to get out of here."

Read NewsMax.com's original report on the Gore 'slumlord' controversy

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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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