The secret of hypnosis

Hypnosis can be explained as a form of self-induced sensory deprivation…well

(Copyright, John McCrone, March 1991)

Hypnotists with swinging fob watches are out. Far more effective ways of
putting people into a trance have been discovered which, with their
employment of confusion and word twisting, are not too far removed from
brainwashing techniques. Yet while the practice of hypnosis has made
considerable strides of late, science is still uncertain whether the
phenomenon even exists.

Hypnotism has been studied for over 200 years. For a long time, the only way
known of putting subjects into a trance was to get them to focus on a spot
on the ceiling or a monotonous pendulum while the hypnotist commanded them
to fall asleep. However, this "authoritarian" method has since widely been
replaced among hypnotherapists by an indirect technique pioneered by the US
therapist, Milton Erickson. Today, a hypnotist uses a careful manipulation
of the conversation they have with their clients to "lead" them into a
trance state.

As Stephen Brooks, director of the training group, British Hypnosis
Research, explains it, there is none of the traditional mumbo-jumbo that
used to be the hypnotist's stock in trade. Instead, the aim of modern
techniques is to drop hypnotic suggestions casually into the conversation.
The patient's attention is first directed inwards by asking them out of the
blue if their hands feel heavy or if they can remember some pleasant
holiday. This relaxes the subject and the hypnotist can then drop hints into
the conversation about the sort of experiences the patient should expect to
feel under hypnosis; sensations such as weightlessness and involuntary

Finally, when the patient has been led into a deeply relaxed state - one so
relaxed that the critical faculties have been dulled to a small point of
consciousness - the hypnotist starts confusing the patient with non
sequiturs and apparently pointless remarks. Confused, but too relaxed to
struggle for understanding, the patient's tendency is to seize hold of
almost anything the hypnotist then suggests as their new hypnotic reality.

The technique is much like brain washing in relying on confusion followed by
the planting of a new belief system. However Brooks stresses that brain
washing relies on much more brutal confusion techniques such as terror and
isolation, and is carried out with quite different aims in mind than those
of a therapist! That at least is the modern practice of hypnosis - and a
method highly successful at overcoming resistance as most patients never
realise that the therapist has switched from ordinary conversation to the
hypnotic induction. However, what about the science behind hypnosis?

There is a strong body of scientific opinion that would say the many people
experiencing Ericksonian hypnosis - or its more highly packaged derivative,
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - are merely feigning a trance state to
please the hypnotist. A combination of social pressure to perform and
everyday knowledge about the way hypnotised people are suppose to behave,
are enough for cooperative patients to fake the experience. Like being
drunk, even people who have never touched a drop usually can do a good job
of acting tipsy.

This hypothesis that hypnotic trance states are merely feigned was taken up
enthusiastically by researchers in the 1980s, particularly in Canada. Their
methodology was to take two groups of subjects, one whom believed themselves
hypnotised and one whom had been told to fake a trance, and then test them
for how similarly they behaved. Astonishingly, the fakers could even match
the hypnotised in demonstrations where they had to ignore pain - although it
is true the fakers were never tested with something like the tooth root
canal extractions which some hypnotised patients can withstand.

The non-state theorists - researchers such as Nicholas Spanos of Ottawa and
Graham Wagstaff of Liverpool University - did much to dispel many of the old
myths about hypnosis. It was found that apparently vivid memories recalled
under hypnosis were as liable to be imagined as real. Proof of this led to a
Home Office warning in 1988 against the use of evidence gained under
hypnosis. Other evidence, such as experiments showing that subjects with
induced deafness or amnesia could still respond normally in carefully
designed experimental tests, seemed to prove the non-state theorists' case
that no special trance state exists. But a few years ago, neurologists using
brain scans and other monitoring devices started coming up with support for
the belief that hypnosis is a genuinely altered state of awareness.

A key feature of the trance state is the ability of subjects to experience
intense hallucinations at the suggestion of the hypnotist. These visions
have none of the paleness of ordinary imaginings and are as vivid as dreams.
David Spiegel of Stanford University in California placed hypnotised
subjects in front of a screen of flashing lights. The lights were known to
trigger a characteristic pattern of activity in the visual cortex, the patch
of wrinkled brain on which visual sensations are mapped out. When the
hypnotised subjects were asked to imagine a cardboard box blocking their
view of the screen, the electrical activity disappeared. The hallucinations
seemed so intense that they "took over" the visual cortex, the inner reality
erasing the evidence of the senses.

Other neurologists have found similar evidence for brain changes. Dr John
Gruzelier of Charing Cross Hospital in London has discovered a dampening
down of neural activity in the left and frontal regions of the brain - areas
responsible for language-driven abilities such as thought and planning. Dr
Gruzelier is due to report his latest work at an Italian Hypnosis Society
conference in Venice this month; a meeting at which several other papers on
the neurology of trance states will be presented.

Dr Gruzelier says it is still early days for a full explanation of hypnosis
but one line of speculation is that hypnotised subjects may be "switching
off" their critical faculties in a similar way that everyone has to shut
down their conscious minds as they fall asleep at night. Insomniacs will
know how difficult it can be to stop the nagging flow of thoughts that stem
from their inner voices, the part of the brain wired for producing
sentences. Sleep research has shown that when we fall asleep, the lower
brain pumps out natural tranquillisers to block the normal traffic coming
from the senses. Gradually, we are cut off from our eyes, ears and body.

The lower brain's blocking of sensory traffic produces a state of mental
isolation similar to the sensory deprivation of a floatation tank. In this
state, any internally generated images tend to take on a hallucinogenic
reality. Cut off from real sensations but not quite asleep, the visual
cortex will seize on stray thoughts and images, expanding them to fill the
mind. This gives us what are known as hypnagogic sensations; the swirling
lights and strange visions we often have at the point of sleep. It also
gives us dreams during the periods of the night when we become aroused
enough to skirt the boundaries of wakefulness. In dreaming, the brain is
awake enough to produce images but too relaxed to think coherently and we
drift for a while in a jumble of imagery.

Under hypnosis, a similar state is achieved. A hypnotic trance is not like
sleep because the lower brain is not pumping out the chemicals that bring
true oblivion. But the hypnotised person has put him or her self into a sort
of waking dream by deliberately cutting off almost all outside sensations
and putting their language centres on hold. It is notable how the hypnotised
person's voice becomes very faint and responses monosyllabic. Both the
old-fashioned authoritarian induction and modern confusion techniques work
by making the subject focus inwardly and so causing them to shut out
sensations of the outer world. The subjects are also prompted to still their
inner voice and to drift in a state of uncritical imagination. The hypnotist
can then "reach in" with his own voice and control the experiences the
subject is having by triggering the desired images with words. Asking
subjects if their hands feel light literally plants such an idea in their
heads. Yet because the subject's own speech centre has been by-passed, there
is no feeling of a command being issued and an action willed. The subject
has handed over all responsibility for the guidance of thought to the

The evidence may not be all in, but the signs are that hypnotic trances are
genuine altered states in so far as they are accompanied by real changes in
blood flow and electrical activity in the brain. However the surprise is
perhaps that the state is largely self-produced and not all that different
from day-dreaming, meditation or falling asleep. What gives hypnosis its
unique power is there is a second wide-awake voice standing by to take
control just at that point when we relinquish our own.

(This is a version of an article that appeared in The Independent, 23 March

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