In a message dated 06/08/2000 10:15:16 PM Central Daylight Time,

<< 'Nobody has been able to find a better way to get them to >>

Nobody has been able to find a better way to get them to.....willingly
put on the chains of slavery.
This is the way it was done in America.....why not the world?

Drug pushers often use this same tactic.
First they give away some "free samples".
Then when they have the new customer "hooked" on the drug
they have that person under their control.

Years ago, the Federal Government began offering "free funding"
of school lunch programs. The stated purpose was to make sure
that no child in America went hungry at school.
The School Districts were the real targets.
They were the ones that got "hooked" on the "free money" from Washington.

Once they were hooked, the government had them under control.

Example:  When the Federal Courts ordered massive bussing of
students to achieve "racial balance" in the nation's schools, many
school districts didn't want to comply.
They were abruptly informed that if they did not obey, they would
lose all Federal Funding including the money for the School Lunch Program.
The result was that the nation's school districts shut up and obeyed.

Same thing with the 55 MPH nationwide speed limit on all the
highways a few years ago.  Some states didn't want to reduce
the limit to 55.  But they quickly obeyed when they were threatened
with the loss of all federal highway funding.

So now Clinton is calling for a "Free Lunch Program" for the world.
There is absolutely nothing in the U.S. Constitution that gives the
Federal Government the power to use federal funds to pay for school lunches,
even in our own country.  There is less than absolutely nothing in our
Constitution that give the government the power to fund a global
free lunch program.

Of course, Bill Clinton regards our Constitution as toilet paper
and treats it accordingly.

     Regards to All

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