Might add here, Russia - cross the Bering Strait to Alaska, USA is only
50 miles, then to Washington (Seattle) on to Colorado on to Arkansas on
to Florida on to Cuba and back and forth and Mexico of course is 2nd

Sollog line is drug route.  So easy to find a common denominator if they
really wanted to.

Note how quickly forgotten the over 100 bodies found Mexico border when
Clinton in hot water in Seattle.   This was nice distraction, but those
bodies had to be slave trade virtually or drug runners and someone did
not pay up.

Old Odessa Route is major drug route; and a former Guestapo Agent headed
up narcotics traffic while another headed up Interpohl at one time.

So it looks to me that to the victor belongs the spoils......maybe all
the Presidents Men have been involved in a little more than the politics
of running a government by the people and for the people, and are more
self serving, than serving?

They say 38 million people go to bed hungry every night in America -
mostly elderly  and children.   And look at Clinton now wanting diseased
chicken for Africa?

White Farmrs and their black employees being slaughtered - and free
lunch is one big foot into diamond mines and gold fields and lost
treaures of Africa.

People of Africa starving with all their wealth?

Feed the Children first in American but then an President that permitted
and ordered a Waco and Ruby Ridge, and bombs for the Balkans, is this a
great Humanitarian?

So much for the "United Way"; in Columbus, the Cancer Society just had 7
million dollars stolen, and short time ago another near half million
stolen.   Imagine United Way?   Imagine your local treasury and believe
me, some of the auditors need refresher courses.

So much for charity......feed my flock, Jesus said - not fleece them on
a regular basis.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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