So I looked up Fascist Pig, and came up with this - one of the most
revealing articles I have ever read on this subject matter.

New World Order - In it says we are looking fascism in the eye.
Remember the words of Huey Long "when fascism comes it will come in

And then someone murdered him.

One thing to remember, these are criminals with which we deal - they are
assassins, white slavers, black slavers, drug dealers, pornographers,
serial killers, and masters of deceit, a line once penned by J. Edgar

J. Edgar Hoover never went after these murderers - he went after the
communists but the communists and the fascists, are virtually one and
the same and they have united.

Behold the Dead Horse - New World Order, horse of different color and it
aint's plaid.

A Saba

And note, the CFR took in the Unions, and that is why the Union Leaders
did not speak out when they took away American jobs; what they could not
control they destroyed - look at Jimmy Hoffa at Seattle......he saw what
they did to his father would would ot sell out hion.   CFR never asked
him to join - but wait Clinton did try to get them to join WTO at
Seattle, did he not?  Leonard Woodcock, UAW was it - made CFR?

So Clinton I see now - he is a real what they call Fascist Pig.   John
Lee, is not.

Facism: The Ultimate Perversion

Of all the forms of public corruption suffered by peoples throughout
history, the form perfected in the middle of this century was the most
deadly: Fascism, defined as "a tendency toward strong autocratic or
dictatorial control ... by forcible suppression of opposition."

Fascist perversion of power in the 1930's was based on ancient styles
and symbols and became the most destructive ideology the world had seen.
The axe-and-bundled-sticks emblem of Italy's Mussoulini is a woodsman's
symbol, the sign of Roman conquest and empire. The swastika of Hitler's
Nazis was an ancient Hindu religious symbol. Japanese militarists used
the rising-sun, symbolic of religion and national pride; and the
workers' own liberation symbol of hammer-and-sickle disguised Stalin's
reign of death, imprisonment and terror in the Soviet Union.

Of all people, trade unionists should know how Fascism begins and ends,
for they are among the first Fascist targets. Italian Fascistas
imprisoned Italy's union leaders and suppressed Italian unions. Nazis
promised trade unions power and glory, then conscripted them, sending
their leaders off to death camps. Japan's imperial rulers replaced free
trade unions with the "Thought Police" to eliminate even thinking of

Stalin co-opted Soviet trade unions into "government unions" which
served only the will of the state. It was free trade union leadership
that only recently defied hard Soviet authority, freeing first Poland
and then half of Europe. In each instance, Fascism had first neutralized
free trade unions before consolidating power.

Trade unions were forced to give up their
independence, then their very existence.

When Franco's Fascist army, supported by Italian black-shirts and Nazi
warplanes, attacked free Republican Spain, construction trade unions
defended the capitol, Madrid. In the final assault, the city's
barricades were manned by union members, craft by craft; plumbers at one
street corner, carpenters the next, then the painters, then stone
masons; all fought till they had nothing left to fight with, then died
rather than surrender. The Spanish trade unionists knew their enemy

Half a century later, much of the world is still not free, and nowhere
on earth do free unions co-exist peacefully with oppression. Where trade
unions are really free, the people are free.
Where no free unions exist, there you find dictators, repressive
governments and institutional corruption. Free unions equal free people.
There have been no exceptions!

Even in times of change and uncertainty, public apathy is the norm. In
America, forever free of established Fascist power, fewer and fewer
people take part in elections even as fear and poverty haunt our cities
and farms. And, Americans are not immune to the seductive lure of
Fascist order.

Appealing mightily to working people in its early stages, Fascism always
promises quick fixes; a better life, social stability, renewed pride in
race and nation, government efficiency. Fascism has no time or patience
for the niceties of personal liberty or individual freedom.

America has it's share of Fascist thinkers, and our collective memory of
our own recent history is remarkably short and dim. So, when someone
tells you that you really don't know what's good for you; that you must
entrust political and social decisions to others; that too much civil
liberty hinders the war on crime and violence; that you need less
freedom, less independence, more police, more jails, more official
order; when you're told free trade unions are obsolete or no longer
needed in this so-called "new world order," look closely. You may be
looking Fascism straight in the eye.

If so, don't blink, don't fear, don't back up and don't back down or the
next Fascist symbols may be the stars and bars. Remember, the country
you save may be your own.

First they came for the jews and I did not speak out -
because I was not a jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out -
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out -
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me -
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Niemoeller (Victim of the Nazis)
draft: Sept. 1990 ~Jerry Hammond ~
Yahoo Chronicles: Tales I wish weren't true

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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