Chamish Sees Truth..................Beware of those who say they are
Jews and are not

A Saba

Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 6-10-00


Barry Chamish

The plot against Israel is far more profound than I can safely explain
to Israelis. They have never heard of the New World Order, nor the
Council On Foreign Relations. If I dare elaborate on the real conspiracy
against the Jewish nation, I'll lose too much credibility.

So I stick with the Rabin assassination, because my proofs are too
strong to be entirely ignored. That I hope will be the key to waking up
my people. But I'm more daring in English. I have two books, both
available over Amazon, which spell out the full danger to my nation.

They are called Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land and
Israel Betrayed.
Within both, I document how the CFR grooms and finances weak, corrupt
Israelis for leadership positions. I reproduce the CFR's own Task Force
Report On The Middle East, which calls for an Israeli withdrawal to the
indefensible 1948 borders. I expose the Jews behind the corruption of
Israel's leadership, people like Ross, Kissinger, Indyk, Bronfman,
Berger et al and explain that they have no allegiance to Judaism, rather
to a diabolical scheme to disrupt the world status quo and create a one
world government from the rubble.

Tonight, Madeleine Albright, a Jew who somehow forgot that she was born
Jewish, and a prominent CFR member, is in Jerusalem forcing Prime
Minister Barak to lead his nation to extinction. But I can't tell my
people about world conspiracy, so I sent out the following plea:

      Hello All Who Love Israel,

      They're doing it all over again. On the eve of a
massive   government sellout of Israel, begins an equally massive
government campaign of sick incitement. Once again the media is
filled with stories of rabbis threatening the prime minister's   life.
Once again, those who express opposition to the   government's
policies are being arrested. Once again, a leader   of a "radical"
Jewish organization, this time Next Generation,   replacing Eyal,
threatens the prime minister's life.
      Tonight, Channel Two set the stage for something BIG.
First   Barak prepared the public for the removal of 50,000 residents
of   Judea and Samaria from their homes and expressed fear that his
  life was in jeopardy from the same forces that murdered Rabin.
But not to worry, he's in good hands with the Shabak.
      Then the haters were gathered for a discussion; hack
writer Ehud   Sprinzak, the usual contemptuous Knesset members Raanan
Cohen   and Uzi Baram, all blaming the rabbis for murdering Rabin. And
  did the one sole political representative of Judea and Samaria,
Hanan Porat, defend the rabbis with the truth of the   overwhelming
evidence that members of the Shabak murdered Rabin   and that a Shabak
provocateur, Avishai Raviv, not the rabbis,   led the incitement in
the days before the assassination? Of   course not. That would take
      For the past four and a half years, I have been trying
to have   the real murderers of Rabin brought to justice. My motives
were   pure from the beginning. I am not religious and have never
belonged to any political organization, let alone from the   Right. In
fact, my own personal lifestyle is far closer to that   of Israel's
Left with all its sins and indiscretions. But I   discovered that
those deemed responsible for Rabin's murder,   the religious Right,
did not do the deed and I am opposed to   injustice.
      And for someone with nothing ideological to gain, I
spent a   miserable first two years of research. A concerted media
campaign turned me into a Holocaust denying, fascistic, mentally
disturbed monster. Imagine what it did to my wife to read in   front
page stories that I denied the Holocaust when a third of   my family
was wiped out by the Nazis. Imagine how my family felt   when Shabak
thugs violently tried to put an end to my lectures   and the media
reported that this was a heartfelt, grassroots,   legitimate protest
against, as MK Ophir Pines called me, "the   country's biggest
inciter." And then there were the phone calls   warning me to leave
the country, "by tomorrow, or I won't be   responsible for what
happens to you."
      The Israeli ruling establishment, those who are
planning our   nation's last days, and those who murdered Rabin, tried
their   best to frighten and humiliate me into quitting my work about
  the assassination. And I didn't give in.
      The first question asked at my lectures, every time,
is, "Why   are you still alive?" And I answer that I don't want to
think   about that question. Do people believe I don't understand the
      For four and a half years I took most of the risks,
now it is   other people's turn. There is no need for violent
recourse.   There is no reason for armed defense of our homes. I offer
the   people of Israel a gift, the indisputable documentation proving
  the Rabin assassination was an internal plot led by the highest
ranking leader of the Labor Party at the time. I have   distributed
thousands of copies of the primary documents to   people throughout
      Now use them! If you want to save this country, bring
the   murderers to justice. When they fall, so will the regime that
  rules Israel. Tomorrow, take the following steps:
        - Bombard the police departments with complaints
against those     complicite in the Rabin assassination. Start with
Rabin's     bodyguard Yoram Rubin, who testified that he was shot by
    Amir. I have his clinical report. He was treated with iodine
  and water and released. Carry on to the State Pathologist Dr.
  Yehuda Hiss whose pathological report states categorically
that Rabin's spine was unhurt when all other medical reports
prove it was shattered. Get him on medical malpractice and
evidence tampering. Issue complaints against the Shabak for     all
of Avishai Raviv's illegal violence. etc.etc. Make every     police
station in the country investigate.
        - Somebody raise some money to put full page ads
in all the     country's papers which reproduce the most damning
        - Do not let the media spread the slander that
the rabbis     murdered Rabin anymore. Spam the radio talk shows,
overload     the TV switchboards with complaints, organize
letter-writing     campaigns to the newspapers, spread posters and
billboards     throughout the country demanding a reinvestigation of
the     Rabin murder. Gather signatures for a nationwide petition.
    For those without the financial resources, learn the art of
  Rabin graffiti.
        - Attorneys, volunteer your knowledge! Petition
the Supreme     Court for a reopening of the investigation into
Rabin's     murder on any and all grounds. I'll be happy to supply
the     written and filmed proofs.
As I have successfully predicted many times before, traditional protests
against the government's "peace" policies do no good. Demonstrations are
futile. The bulldozers will roll on no matter how many people show up in
Zion Square.
But, this regime cannot escape the consequences of the Rabin
assassination. The murderers have been caught and they are them. I had
hoped the Rabin truth would emerge in time to salvage what remains of
our nation. It hasn't. The moment of our demise may take place within
days, even hours.
I have provided the people of Israel with the ammunition. I can do no
more. I am a writer not a political organizer. If my gift is turned
down, well, no one will ever say I didn't try.
Frankly, I no longer trust my worn out, brainwashed people to act on
this good advice. Israelis have forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust.
They no longer realize that once again, the ghetto is getting smaller
and smaller.
        Past and present guests who would like to
showcased in             "The Guest Corner", please email
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                    "Good men
must not obey the laws too well."             -- Ralph Waldo
Emerson, "Politics"
                                  --<>--   --<
Book of Jasher
    An apocryphal manuscript, Jasher was denounced, lost (and
conveniently forgotten). But with persistence, the Book of Jasher found
its way back into circulation.
                                  --<>--   --<
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of last week's most intriguing!
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On     NutraSweet
    * Ground Penetrating Radar Finds Hidden Cities
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-     UFO Stops Car
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TUE 6-13
    Peter Davenport: UFO Eyewitness Recordings
WED 6-14
    Carl Limbacher: Inside Cover Kathleen Keating:
The End Times?
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Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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