In a message dated 06/11/2000 2:03:40 AM Central Daylight Time,

<<  BTW: In real life I'm a CPA, have a law degree, flew Phantoms for three
 years in Vietnam, and am the former CFO of a LARGE bank. I can tell you a
 couple of FACTS about the 'bankers'. A: There is no secret cabal We would
 have liked one. It would make the job easier-- and more fun! B: The Fed has
 a LOT less ability to affect the money supply (and interest rates) then it
 is given credit for C: The 'unseen hand' (a term familiar to anyone with a
 basic understanding econ) is the TRUE driver. What's the unseen hand? It's
 the self interest of millions and millions of individuals, and it's ALWAYS
 been in control. The best protection for an ecomony is an educated populace.
 Not one fed tripe..."

   Professor Jerry Mander >>

Roger that, Phantom the ball!

You say: "...the unseen the TRUE driver" and that his is:
" the self interest of millions and millions of individuals, and it's ALWAYS
 been in control."

So.  The masses of people.....the millions and millions of individuals
have always been in control?

Wrong, Professor.   You get an "F" in history.  You just flunked.

If history teaches anything, it teaches that throughout all of recorded
history; the many have been victimized, plundered, enslaved,
and subjugated by the few.
The masses of slaves of the ancient empires were not "in control".
The masses of serfs in the age of  feudalism were not "in control".
The masses of wage slaves in the U.S. today are  not "in control".

Today, the masses of people live in an illusion.
Because we have popular elections instead of kings who rule
by "Devine Right".....we think we control the government.
This is the reason the illusion is maintained.
People are much easier to control when they don't realize
they are being controlled.
People don't struggle to get out of a cage, when they can't
find or see any bars.

The masses have never been in control Professor.
They never have been and they are not today.

The Federal Reserve Act was secretively passed in the
dark on the night before Christmas Eve 1913.
The Conspirators in Congress who did the deed then rushed
it over to the White House in the dark of night for Wilson to
sign into law.
No matter how you slice it or rationalize it; that was not the act
of a government of, by, and for the people.

Money and credit are the lifeblood of a modern society.
The truth is that this lifeblood is under the control of a
privately owned corporation of international bankers.
They are unaccountable to We the People.
The FED has never even been audited, even though several times
Bills have been introduced in Congress to require this.
The Pentagon is audited on a regular basis.
The White House is audited.
Every Federal Department and Agency is audited.
The Federal Reserve is not.
You say you are a CPA.
This ought to shout something to you very loudly.

You are correct on one count Professor, when you say:
 "The best protection for an ecomony is an educated populace.
   Not one fed tripe..."

   An educated populace would be wonderful.....
   Our children are "educated" in government indoctrination centers.
   The alleged News Media is tightly controlled so that people are
    only fed the "official tripe".
    Even so, most Americans do understand they have never been
    told the truth about:
    the assassination of President Kennedy
    the assassination of Bobby Kennedy
    the assasination of   Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
    the war in Vietnam (in which you say you participated)
    the massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco
    the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City
    just to name a few.
    The list could fill a book.....and Clinton has written at least
    an entire chapter all by himself.

    If you would know the truth, first you must respect
    power of illusion.
    Nothing is what it seems to be!

     Regards to All

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