Well FWP you could be right there. Someone has to be top dog and Judah was
the chosen son to produce the royalty of this planet according to the Bible.
HOWEVER it is just a matter of defining who exactly is tribe of Judah now.
We know European royalty is from King David and no doubt some of those
middle eastern royals could be too. If we read the Protocols of Zion it says
throughout -The Seed of David only has the right to rule this planet.Not
necessarily officially Jewish.

 However I think we can tell that the Rothschilds (plus other banker buddies
from former Babylonian bankers)  is the top dog with half the gold in the
world etc but (we think) they have a little something extra in their genes
which would make poor Jacob turn in his grave. Something a little scaley.

Brit - Am and the Northern Ireland section of British Israel are good
buddies too. I think other sections of the "Seed of David" and the other
tribes of Israel will get together to rid the world of that Jewish imposter
Rothschild. DNA testing will do it i.e. bring together people who will now
claim to be 'the' chosen of Israel. Once it comes out that each of the 12
tribes can be proved genetically we may even get world peace. Then we won't
get Jews putting themselves apart hopefully. They are just the same as
everyone else genetically apart from a predominance of blood type B. Though
I do think the tribe of Levi have been kept especially apart.

 That Jewish entertainers list is laughable. It is obvious that many are
half breeds even less. Lenny Kravitz is Jewish, Indian and black. Don't
forget how many Jews were converted by the Spanish or who changed to
Christianity right from the time of Jesus. There would be tribe of Judah
over every square inch of the planet now genetically, but they've forgotten
their own origins.Now do we need to call 'Jews', those with a little blood
like Elvis, who is said to be also part Hawaiian. Its crazy.(shrug)


-----Original Message-----
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2000 13:20
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Jewish Plan

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> John Lee wrote:
> >
> > Josh,
> >     Keep it coming! Every White and every other race needs to know how
> > jews think.
> No. They need to know how YOU think. Thanks for helping out.
> > What surprises me is, you continue to promote you hatred of
> > other races and especially Whites
> I don't hate other races at all. And I am white you moron. What I am not
> a white (Jewish.N) supremacist.

Don't you think someone has to be Top Dog (or Top D-g if you prefer)? Who
should it be?

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