Hello David Sutherland - this is Ramblin Rose, better known as Aleisha
and you can call me Al.

So Jeane Dixon - ah yes, for you see it takes one to know one, and she
wasn't one.   For once there was a sect that followed the path of the
Rose and when they reached the highest initiation level they were told
many secrets, including plans to murder all obstacles in the path of
this rose and this included the Pope, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy
and there were many other acts of sabotage.

But you seem like a man who has done quite a bit of study - like Master
Fang Wang.

When one goes to sleep at night, some dream just dreams, but others in
the center of the forehead it is as if a giant TV screen materializes.
You are permitted to watch but not participate for though you are there,
nobody can see you or hear you - but you may listen and hear
conversations and see plans Oh So Secret.

This Third Eye, I believe, is what Hindus Call "The Third Eye"......it
never sleeps and will will ou when danger is near - ad when dreams get
dark in the center of the head, you see what is to come.   Now not all
people have experienced this I know, but near death experiences I
believe cause this third eye to open to protect you from harm -

So once I went to bed and wanted to be on the Titanic.....and guess
what?   I was on the Titanic, and they had a beautiful swimming pool,
and I was in a paneled stateroom where someone had a pair of cowboy
boots...but always see this MacIntosh Black and Red when disaster

Aboard this great ship was a Mummy- a High Priestess of the Temple of Ay
(EYE)....you find reference to t his AY in the bible, and there was more
aboard that Titanic than we will ever know.

Nobody was sining Throw Out the Life Line that night; they sang of ships
at peril, in the sea - they sant Londondaire Air - Danny Boy - and
danced to Barcarolle from Tales from Hoffman, one of the most beautiful
sons ever written about a man who as I recall may have sold himself to
the devil ?    Stead was aboard this ship and the Oh So Social returning
from Upper Egypt.

So J. P. Morgan's man was called off that ship....White Star Line - for
it was set for destruction but the question is, why?  and Who?  And
where is this High Priestess who was stole from her gravesite ?

Temple of Aye...well I went swimming in that dream in an evening dress
just for fun, but then woke up before I could look for what I came - the
Golden Coffin of the High Priestess of the Temple of Aye.

So lots of gold charted in the Bible....but in the night when some go to
sleep and it is curtains for others, often this third eye will open and
you get a peek at the future.

There is a big difference between a prophet and a soothsaying,
gainsaying woman such as appears in Acts 16 - but by the time you get to
Acts 19, you find one dead Princess, three men murdered in a space Craft
named Apollo - book burning...inquiries.....and the concordance equates
these chapters to lo and behold, sabotage.

Sometime if you awaken in the middle of the night in the wee hours of
the morning from a dream so vivid is seemed real, write it down...these
are Night Voyages.

Then there was that dream where I was in a Yellow Rolls Royce with Omar
Shariff and it is a good thing I was a nice girl for that guy was awful.
I woke up just in time.   Sometimes I wish I had - oh well, that was
long ago.

So David, Jean Dixon was a political propagandist and part of something
evil.   J. Edgar Hoover got on her Children to Children Board, and
suddenly she is being investigated.

I know now, that J. Edgar was responsible for her losing her "divine

As for the masonic bible - you are aware masons come in many different
colors and countries.   Look at George Patton and the famous Red Baron,
who were true blue gentlemen.   Then take a good look at a man such as
William Jefferson Clinton, the Coward of the Country who sends out
others like a Uriah to be killed, while he plays war games and chases
well trained prostiutes about in the Oval Office.

Have never picked up a think in a dream on Bill Clinton, and I guess it
is because I refuse to watch X Rated Movies.....lfor I know when to
close my third eye, and wake up.

Worst propagandist in the world was Nostradamus, who said world would
end in 1666....so to save face and his own hide, he then turned the
numbers over to 1999.   Sometimes I think I was there in 1666 and in
1999 - for Nostradamus would deny all free will, and drugs - hypnotic
drugs - would robotize an entire nation.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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