Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

          What They Didn't Tell Us Before The China Vote

June 14, 2000                  by:  Phyllis Schlafly

Only after the House voted 237-197 to pass Permanent Normal Trade
Relations (PNTR) with Communist China did the major news media
tell their readers the real purpose behind the bill. The multinationals,
who spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying for PNTR, gloated in
their victory.

Remember how we were told that PNTR would be such a good deal
for America because it would "open up China's vast billion-person
market to U.S. exports"? Well, cry your heart out, exporters and
farmers; it turns out that all those promises were just soft-soap for
the gullible.

The morning after the vote, the pro-PNTR newspapers and the
spokesmen for the multinationals couldn't resist admitting what the
game plan really was. "This deal is about investment, not exports"
and "investment in China is the prize," proclaimed a front-page news
story in the Wall Street Journal.

Investment is the very opposite of exports. Investment means U.S.
multinationals build plants in China, hire cheap labor and then import
the products back into the United States to undersell goods
manufactured in America.

Exports, on the other hand, mean that U.S. companies and farmers
produce products to sell abroad. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
figure out that investment = jobs in China, and exports = jobs in

Joseph Quinlan, an economist with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter &
Co. said after the vote, "U.S. foreign investment is about to overtake
U.S. exports as the primary means by which U.S. companies deliver
goods to China." The "goods" he is talking about are NOT
made-in-U.S.A. goods, but U.S. capital investments (probably
subsidized by the International Monetary Fund and guaranteed by the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation).

Michael T. Byrnes, chief representative of Rockwell International
Corp.'s China division, seconded Quinlan's admission: "In China,
that's the direction we're going."

The multinationals played a crafty game when they lobbied Congress
this spring. As the Wall Street Journal revealed afterwards,
"Business lobbyists emphasized the beneficial effect the agreement
would have on U.S. exports to China. They played down its likely
impact on investment."

Greg Mastel, director of global economic policy at the New America
Foundation, explained, "U.S. exports will increase over time, but not
at the rate of investment, and the corporate community has been
quiet about that. They've been able to avoid telling that story." The
Wall Street Journal added, "U.S. exports aren't the big trade story

On the day after the vote, the Washington Post likewise revealed
much that it didn't tell us beforehand. "China experts warn that
[PNTR] does not guarantee U.S. companies immediate access to
China's market, or even ensure that China will comply fully with the
spirit of the deal it struck with the Clinton administration last

The Post admitted that "U.S. goods and services will face resistance
from regulators within China's central government, who have broad
discretionary authority."

Farmers, who were among the biggest supporters of PNTR, should
not be "under the illusion that now they can pop the champagne
corks and watch the money roll in," admitted Richard Margolis,
senior economist with Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong. Dong Tao, senior
Asia economist at Credit Suisse First Boston, warned, "American
companies have to be realistic. Genuine market access in China will
take years probably decades."

All those pre-vote predictions from pompous economists suddenly
evaporated. The Post reported: "Even if China adheres strictly to
provisions of the November agreement, few economists expect a
significant reduction in China's trade deficit with the United States
which last year reached $70 billion."

What about the lobbyists' promises that the World Trade
Organization will force China to live by the rules? Another Wall Street
Journal news story on the International page after the vote cautioned
that "few expect [China to implement the agreement to the letter]
without vigilant monitoring, and more than a little hectoring."

Newsweek joined the cascade of post-vote revelations saying that,
after Clinton leaves office, "the really hard part begins:

Newsweek revealed some of the ways that China avoids buying U.S.
goods. U.S. firms must sell to Chinese government agencies or
companies, which take their cut before permitting goods to be sold
retail. Communist China also restricts the Chinese market for U.S.
goods by producing illegal knockoffs.

What about all those promises that giving China PNTR will encourage
China to reduce its abuses of human rights? After the vote, that
oracle of internationalism, former Ambassador to China Winston
Lord, admitted, "It's going to set people up for disappointment down
the road. Beijing is gambling it can hang onto repression as it opens
up the economy."

                                Phyllis Schlafly column 6-14-00

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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