Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday June 18, 2000 5:43 PM EST

'Suicide' of House Intelligence Staff Director Raises Suspicion

Widely quoted in the press these days is Congressman Porter Goss,
Republican of Florida and chairman of the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence.

Mr. Goss has had a thing or two to say about the lax security at
Los Alamos and the possible theft of U.S. nuclear secrets.

But recent disclosures about the woeful condition of U.S.
national security and the purview of Goss' House Intelligence
Committee should raise some questions about the death of John

John Millis served as staff director of the House Intelligence
Committee, in charge of the committee's day-to-day work.

He was found dead just two weeks ago on Sunday, June 3, in a
suburban Virginia motel.

Police say they were called to the Breezeway Motel in Vienna,
Va., at 8:12 p.m. and informed there was a man threatening to
kill himself.

 The police say they found Millis' body in the bathroom, dead of
a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

A former CIA official brought this strange death to the attention

The official said Millis was a "man of responsibility," and he
expressed surprise he would end up dead in "a fleabag motel."

 The buzz in the Washington intelligence community is that Millis
was being blackmailed. Some are surprised that his death hasn't
set off alarm bells.

 Even if the death was as claimed, a suicide, any unusual death
of someone so knowledgeable about U.S. national security is
typically treated with great concern.

For example, Millis could have been a target of a foreign
intelligence agency. The fact that Millis' death, considering his
high position, has drawn so little attention has some spooks
scratching their heads.

The 47-year-old Millis was a veteran CIA operations officer. He
left the CIA in 1993 to join the House Intelligence Committee. In
1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton
administration's role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian
Muslims. At the time Iran was on the State Dept.'s list of
terrorist states.

Millis left a wife and five children.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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