This research seems very advanced at first, but I was doing EEG
biofeedback in a  mental hospital in the 1970's and it was considered as a
rather routine procedure even then. You train the patient to recognize the
association between particular EEG patterns and states of consciousness
(eg relaxation). When the patient is successful it means that person is
actually controlling the machine as well as the brain waves. For example
the alpha waves associated with relaxation might turn on a light or
tone. Today the control over such brain waves is then used to control a
cursor. No difference except that what science is going for now is much
greater control over machines by thought control. It gets rather spooky if
you project it to its ultimate state of development.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 16:49:29 MDT
> From: Mr.Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [CTRL] "Mind Reading Machine," "TIME"- JULY 1, 1974
> "TIME MAGAZINE" (JULY 1, 1974- page 37)
> The experiment looks like some ingenious test of
> mental telepathy. Seated inside a small isolation
> booth with wires trailing from the helmet on her head,
> the subject seems deep in concentration. She does not
> speak or move. Near by, a white-coated scientist
> intently watches a TV screen. Suddenly, a little white
> dot hovering in the center of the screen comes to
> life. It sweeps to the top of the svreen, then
> reverses itself and comes back down. After a pause, it
> veers to the right, stops, moves to the left,
> momentarily speeds up and finally halts - almost as if
> it were under the control of some external
> intelligence.
> In fact, it is. The unusual experiment, conducted at
> the Standford Research nstitute in Menlo, Park,
> California, is a graphic display of one of the newest
> and most dazzling breakthroughs in cybernetics.* It
> shows that a computer can, in a very real sense, read
> human minds. Although the dot's gyrations were
> directed by a computer, the machine was only carriying
> the orders of the test subject. She, in turn, did
> nothing more than think about what the dot's movements
> should be.
> Brainchild of S.R.I. Researcher Lawrence Pinneo, a 46
> year-old neurophysiologist and electronics engineer,
> the computer mind-reading technique is far more than a
> laboratory stunt. Though computers can solve
> extraordinarily complex problems with incredible
> speed, the information they digest is fed to them by
> such slow, cumbersome tools as typewriter keyboards or
> punched tapes. It is for this reasons that scientists
> have long been tantalized by the possibility of
> opening up a more direct link between human and
> electronic brains.
> [Brain Waves]
> Although Pinneo and others have experimented with
> computer systems that respond to voice commands, he
> decided that there might be a more direct method than
> speech. The key to his scheme: the
> electroencephalograph, a device used by medical
> researchers to pick up electrical currents from
> various parts of the brain. If he could learn to
> identify brain waves generated by specific thoughts or
> commands, Pinneo figured, he might be able to teach
> the same skill to a computer. The machine might even
> be able to react to those commands by, say, moving a
> dot across a TV screen.
> Pinneo could readily pick out specific commands. But,
> like fingerprints, the patterns varied sufficiently
> from one human test subject to another to fool the
> computer. Pinneo found a way to deal with this problem
> by storing a large variety of patterns in the
> computer's memory. When the computer had to deal with
> fresh pattern, it could search its memory for the
> brain waves most like it. So far the S.R.I. computer
> has been taught to recognize seven different
> commands-up, down, left, right, slow, fast and stop.
> Working with a total of 25 different people, it makes
> the right move 60% of the time.
> Pinneo is convinced that his barely passing grade can
> be vastly improved. He foresees the day when computers
> will be able to recognize the smallest units in the
> English language-the 40-odd basic sounds (or phonemes)
> out of which all words or verbalized thoughts can be
> constructed. Such skills could e put to many practical
> uses. The pilot of a high-speed plane or spacecraft,
> for instance, could simply order by thought alone some
> vital flight information for an all-purpose cockpit
> display. There would be no need to search for the
> right dials or switches on a crowded instrument
> pannel.
> Pinneo does not worry that mind-reading computers
> might be abused by Big Brotherly governments or overly
> zealous police trying to ferret out the innermost
> thoughts of the citizens. Rather than a menace, he
> says, they could be a high-civilizing influence. In
> the future, Pinneo speculates, technology may well be
> sufficently advanced to feed a computer directly back
> into the brain. People with problems, for example,
> might not don mind reading helmets ("thinking caps")
> that let the computer help them untangle everything
> from complex tax returns to matrimonial messes. Adds
> Pinneo: "When the person takes this thing off, he
> might feel pretty damn dumb."
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Now, please visit:
>  (click on: "Mind Reading Machine"- Alan Yu; it was
> posted again last week)
> If you are in a hurry, read this excerpt:
>       In 1975 a primitive mind reading machine was
> tested  at
>  the  Stanford  Research Institute.  The machine used
> a computer
>         which  recognizes a limited amount of words by
> monitoring a  per-
>         son's silent thoughts.  This technique relies upon
> the  discovery
>         that  brain  wave tracings (EEG) show distinctive
> patterns  that
>         correlate  with individual words - whether the words
> are  spoken
>         aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).
>   ( Walter  Bowart:  Operation Mind  Control. 1978 p.
> 268.)
>   This kind research indeed prove that they should
> have had the ability to
> read human thoughts via microwaves frequency since
> they can use the
> microwaves frequency to deliver message to human brain
> in 1973.
>       In 1975 a primitive mind reading machine was
> tested  at
>  the  Stanford  Research Institute.  The machine used
> a computer
>         which  recognizes a limited amount of words by
> monitoring a  per-
>         son's silent thoughts.  This technique relies upon
> the  discovery
>         that  brain  wave tracings (EEG) show distinctive
> patterns  that
>         correlate  with individual words - whether the words
> are  spoken
>         aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).
>   ( Walter  Bowart:  Operation Mind  Control. 1978 p.
> 268.)
>   This kind research indeed prove that they should
> have had the ability to
> read human thoughts via microwaves frequency since
> they can use the
> microwaves frequency to deliver message to human brain
> in 1973.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Try:  and
> ("Victims of
> Weapon Testing Experimentation Allegations Match
> Electromagnetic Weapon Technology")
> -------------------------------------------------------
> ("Citizens Against Human
> Rights Abuse," Cheryl Welsh)
> (Eleanor White, Phys. Engineer)
> [specifics:]
> ("Aerial Mind
> Control")
> ("Silent Sound"-
> Judy Wall)
> (again; it
> really makes sense)
> (Mojmir Babacek)
> ("Project Freedom")
> (Paul Bonacci court
> case)
> (Patty Rehn- ACHES)
> ("archives-mind control")
> (Dr. Nick Begich; please buy
> "Earth Rising"- if you really want to know -with
> patents and everything you need not to avoid being a
> skeptic)
> (in case Dr.
> Begich's book doesn't accomplish the general objective
> or you want to make us our lives unbearable with
> ignorant questions, you still have "options," before
> asking us the same questions- so to "speak")
> [Trust me, "remote viewing" is harder to believe and
> tell me it's just "fiction."]
> (Mr. Allen Barker)
> (Patricia Mougey)
> ("the final treason")

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