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Single Currency

Greece Joins EMU

Now the euro will suck even more.

SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA, Portugal - In what was called a step toward modernity,
Greece formally won acceptance as the 12th member of the European Monetary
Union on Monday, and the Greek prime minister, Costas Simitis, said the move
would quickly result in lower interest rates, long-term price stability and
faster economic growth.

''With this historic step, Greece makes a big leap toward stability,'' Mr.
Simitis said at a summit meeting of the European Union here.

The admission of Greece, the European Union's poorest country, leaves only
Britain, Sweden and Denmark among EU members outside the single currency, the
euro. Denmark will hold a referendum in September on joining. Meanwhile,
Britain's Labor government remains deeply divided over the issue.

Greece will join the single currency on Jan. 1 with an official conversion
rate of 340.75 drachmas to the euro, its current central rate in Europe's
exchange rate mechanism.

The move was a triumph for the modernizing policies of Mr. Simitis, who has
rescued the Greek economy from high inflation and excessive debt and brought
it closer to the standards in most of the rest of Europe. He said that many
had doubted in 1994 that he could succeed, but that the Greek people had
proved they were willing to make sacrifices to achieve membership.

The prime minister cautioned that membership was not a panacea for all of
Greece's economic problems, adding that the country would have to continue
working hard to restrain spending, achieve a budget surplus, bring down
interest rates and boost growth.

The Bank of Greece's 14-day deposit interest rate is more than double the
European Central Bank's main refinancing rate of 4.25 percent while economic
output per head is on average 30 percent higher in the rest of the EU than in
Greece. And at an annual rate of 2.6 percent, inflation in Greece is still
much higher than in other European countries.

Greece sought to join the euro in May, 1998 when the first 11 members were
chosen, but failed to qualify. This time around, EU economy ministers found
it had cut inflation, public deficits and debts to within the ''convergence
criteria'' needed for membership in the single currency.

Because the Greek economy's small bulk in the single currency, and because
the decision Monday was expected, the news had little impact on the markets.

As expected Monday, EU finance ministers failed to unblock a deadlock over a
community-wide tax on investment income. The best that finance ministers
could achieve was a paper that ''could form the basis of future work and
discussion,'' providing the heads of government accept it.

The paper calls for talks with the United States, Switzerland and other
countries to determine whether they would be willing to join an international
effort to prevent tax evasion by people who put their money in tax-free
investment accounts abroad.

Britain balked at the idea of an EU-wide tax on the income from such

EU sources said Austria, late Monday, was threatening to veto an alternative
suggestion that called for governments to eventually agree to lift banking
secrecy laws to enable governments to exchange information about such nomadic
investments. Austria was furious over EU diplomatic sanctions and believed
lifting bank secrecy would require a change in its constitution and could
provoke a serious political crisis.

Because the question of untaxed investment incomes is linked with other
elements of a tax package, the failure to agree has a broad impact on policy
within the euro zone. With out an agreement, member states are unable to
implement measures preventing double taxation of businesses or proposals to
eliminate so-called unfair tax breaks to attract jobs and investments from
one country to another, for example.

Austria was in no mood to cooperate given the refusal of its 14 partners to
lift the pariah status they imposed early this year when the far-right
Freedom Party joined the government in Vienna. Prime Minister Antonio
Guterres of Portugal told the Austrian chancellor, Wolfgang Schuessel, that
nothing had changed to alter the decision since it was imposed in February.

And while no decision would be made at the summit, he said, Portugal would
search for a solution during the remaining 10 days of its presidency of the
EU. Once France takes over, on July 1, there seemed little hope of a solution
because of President Jacques Chirac's open hostility to the Freedom Party.

The Portuguese European affairs secretary, Francisco Seixas da Costa, said
that although Joerg Haider, the Austiran rightist, had resigned leadership of
the Freedom Party, he was ''back in business'' behind the scenes and behaving
like ''a back-seat driver'' in Austrian politics.

The Portuguese minister said Mr. Haider's ''retirement was clearly a tactical
move.'' He added that Mr. Schuessel had become ''hostage'' to the Freedom
Party, which had done nothing to abate its hostility to foreigners and

While Austria was asking the other countries to loosen their restrictions,
Mr. Seixas da Costa said, ''Austria should also be more flexible.''

On the sidelines of the meeting, the Belgian prime minister, Guy Verhofstadt,
sought a pledge from the British prime minister, Tony Blair, that there would
be no repetition of the violence that has marred the Euro 2000 soccer
tournament in Belgium and the Netherlands. One official said it was
inconceivable that Britain could put domestic pets into quarantine for six
months, but do nothing to prevent its soccer hooligans from rampaging through
European cities.
International Herald Tribune, June 20, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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