
>From NewsMax:

Clinton: The President Who Loved the Anti-Americans

John LeBoutillier Tuesday, June 20, 2000

Do you know why this poisonous, dishonest and devious
administration is not upset with the repeated violations of
national security at our research labs and government

Because they are not afraid of the very nations most Americans
regard as "our enemies."

In fact the top level of the Clinton government is more friendly
and more sympathetic to our adversaries than any other
administration in our history.

Proof of this ‘pro-anti-American’ tilt can be seen in a series of
amazing statements made yesterday on National Public Radio by
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.  As Reuters news service
reported, "Iran, Libya and North Korea are rogues no longer, the
U.S.  State Department has decided.

Now they're just "states of concern," Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright said in a radio interview.

"Some of those countries aren't as bad as they used to be.  They
say: 'We've done some stuff, so why are you still calling us a
rogue state?’ " one State Department official said.

Or, as State Department spokesman Richard Boucher put it more
carefully on Monday: "It's just a recognition that we have seen
some evolution in different ways in different places, and that we
will deal appropriately with each one based on the kind of
evolution we're seeing."

Iran, for example, has become more democratic, with presidential
and parliamentary elections.  Libya has handed over the suspects
in the Lockerbie case for trial and North Korea has declared a
moratorium on tests of its long-range missiles.

Even Iraq, a hardcore "rogue state" under the old description, is
now "a state previously known as rogue", to quote Boucher's
jocular formulation.

Albright, speaking on National Public Radio's Diane Rehm show,
said: "We are now calling these states 'states of concern'
because we are concerned about their support for terrorist
activities, their development of missiles, their desire to

No wonder the disappearance of the Los Alamos hard drives is
treated with a wink and a smile by Richardson et al!  Who cares
if the information they contain falls into Lybian or Iraqi or
North Korean hands.  They are no longer our enemies; no, there is
only some "concern" – a longtime liberal phony word spoken with a
pseudo-serious facial expression – about these no-longer-rogue

What a total disaster this has become!

Any doubts about what the Clinton legacy is going to be are now

Simply stated, Bill Clinton gave America away.  Period!

Where Ronald Reagan made great strides at marginalizing these
outcast countries, Clinton sees himself as bringing these
‘misunderstood’ states back into the world community.

Dutch saw the likes of Quaddafi, Castro, Khomeini and Kim Il-sung
as "degenerates and lowlifes" – yes, he used those exact words.
Clinton sees them as "equals."

The softening of our description of these nations is Step One in
Clinton’s plan to re-arm and re-finance these already-dangerous
regimes.  Aid, loans, military tranfers and trade treaties are
now all in the cards for America’s most dangerous adversaries.

The potential damage to our country’s future is incalculable.
We are soon going to face not just a resurgent KGB state known as
Russia (which we have financed since the breakup of the Soviet
Union while they are still aiming ICBMs at our major cities) but
also the gargantuan known as China.  But now we are also going to
have to plan on these ‘rogue states’ once again becoming armed to
the teeth and financially solvent countries that still have
hostile intent toward us.

Bill Clinton, the president who loved the anti-Americans.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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