More than half of the world's countries fail to perform full tests on
donated blood, increasing the risk of spreading AIDS and other diseases,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO). From five to ten percent of
people with the AIDS virus are estimated to be infected via blood
transfusions. A reliable and safe blood supply is still out of reach for
millions of people around the world because of lack of commitment and support
on the part of many governments. Annually, more than 13 million units (pints)
of blood, almost one-fifth of the world's annual consumption, are not tested
for all infections that could be transmitted by transfusions. In addition to
AIDS, many other diseases -- such as hepatitis B and C, malaria and syphilis,
can be transmitted through transfusions. Each year, unsafe transfusion and
injection practices are estimated to account for 8 million to 16 million
hepatitis B infections, 2.3 to 4.7 million hepatitis C and 80,000 to 160,000
HIV infections. WHO concedes that blood testing is expensive, costing between
$40 and $50 per unit. It also is not always reliable, if carried out by
inadequately trained staff or with inadequate equipment. WHO hopes to change
this by helping countries install national blood safety programs.

Associated Press, "Much of world's blood supply not fully tested, creating
risks" the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 7, 2000, A2

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