June 24, 2000 -- 9:02 am

Homosexuality Law Scrapped In Scotland

LONDON, England (CNSNews) -- Scotland has become the first part of the
United Kingdom to scrap a controversial law banning the promotion of
homosexuality in schools - but opponents of the repeal also scored a moral
victory by getting the importance of marriage enshrined in new guidelines
for sex education teachers.

Faced by a growing public campaign in favor of keeping the law, known as
section 28, ministers in the devolved Scottish Executive reversed course
this week, agreeing to a crucial change in the wording for the
legally-binding teaching guidelines.

Lawmakers then passed the repeal bill by a 99-17 vote.

The text of the compulsory guidelines will now say teachers of sex education
should emphasize " ... the importance of stable family life and
relationships" - and then adds the crucial phrase "... including the
responsibilities of parenthood and marriage."

Previously the Labor-led Executive maintained there was no need for
legally-enforceable guidelines ensuring that teachers highlight marriage in
their classes.

Supporters of section 28, aware that its repeal was ultimately inevitable,
fought for the amendment, which they said may help reassure parents who were
concerned that the abolition of the law would result in homosexuality being
actively promoted in schools.

The Roman Catholic Church and Brian Souter, a Christian transport
millionaire who spearheaded a "Keep the Clause" campaign, welcomed the
inclusion of marriage in the guidance.

Souter last month financed Britain's first ever privately-funded referendum
on the matter, in which 87 percent of Scottish voters who responded voted to
keep section 28. On Wednesday he announced he was closing down the campaign.

Souter's "Keep the Clause" drive was supported by Cardinal Thomas Winning,
leader of Scotland's 750,000 Roman Catholics, who warned earlier: "If we are
not very, very careful, we will inadvertently promote a lifestyle for our
children which will reduce their life expectancy, increase their chances of
HIV infection and expose them to predatory and abusive relationships."

The eight-month long dispute over section 28 dominated the first year of the
devolved Scottish Executive's existence.

Section 28 was introduced by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Conservative
government in 1980s, partly as a reaction to the actions of left-wing local
government councils which promoted "politically correct" programs.

It said local authorities "shall not promote the teaching in any maintained
school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family

It opponents, headed by the homosexuality advocacy lobby, said it was
discriminatory and had no place in a modern, tolerant society. Some teacher
groups said it provided an environment in which homophobic bully could

Its supporters said the law's repeal would open the doors for highly graphic
and offensive material already being prepared for use in some schools.

The British government has still not managed to scrap section 28 in England
and Wales, its attempts to do so having been repeatedly stymied by the
Conservative-dominated upper House of Lords.

No more same-sex 'marriages'.....
No more homosexual sex education......
 Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex

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