In a message dated 00-06-25 20:45:04 EDT, you write:

 I would like to say that I did not kill Bobby Lambert. That I'm an
 innocent black man that is being murdered. This is a lynching that is
 happening in America tonight. There's overwhelming and compelling
 evidence of my defense that has never been heard in any court of
 America. What is happening here is an outrage for any civilized  country
 to anybody anywhere to look at what's happening here is  wrong.

 I thank all of the people that have rallied to my cause. They've been
 standing in support of me. Who have finished with me.

 I say to Mr. Lambert's family, I did not kill Bobby Lambert. You are
 pursuing the execution of an innocent man.

 I want to express my sincere thanks to all of y'all. We must continue  to
 move forward and do everything we can to outlaw legal lynching in
 America. We must continue to stay strong all around the world, and
 people must come together to stop the systematic killing of poor and
 innocent black people. We must continue to stand together in unity  and
 to demand a moratorium on all executions. We must not let this
 murder/lynching be forgotten tonight, my brothers. We must take it to
 the nation. We must keep our faith. We must go forward.

 We recognize  that many leaders have died. Malcom X, Martin Luther King,
 and others who stood up for what was right. They stood up for what was
 just. We
 must, you must, brothers.  That's why I have called you today. You must
 carry on that condition.  What is here is just a lynching that is taking
 place. But they're going to keep on lynching us for the next  100 years,
 if you do not carry on that tradition, and that period of  resistance.

 We will prevail. We may loose this battle, but we will  win the war. This
 death, this lynching will be avenged. It will be avenged, it must be
 avenged. The people must avenge this murder. So  my brothers, all of
 y'all stay strong, continue to move forward.

 Know that I love all of you.  I love the people, I love all of you for
 your blessing, strength, for your courage, for your dignity, the way  you
 have come here tonight, and the way you have protested and kept  this
 nation together. Keep moving forward, my brothers. Slavery
 couldn't stop us. The lynching couldn't stop us in the south. This
 lynching will not stop us tonight. We will go forward. Our destiny in
 this country is freedom and liberation. We will gain our freedom and
 liberation by any means necessary. By any means necessary, we keep
 marching forward.

 I love you, Rev. Jackson.  Bianca, make sure that the state does not  get
 my body. Make sure that we get my name as Shaka Sankofa.  My name  is not
 Gary Graham. Make sure that it is properly presented on my  grave:
 Shaka Sankofa.

 I died fighting for what I believe in. I died fighting for what was just
 and what was right. I did not kill Bobby Lambert, and the truth  is going
 to come out. It will be brought out.

 I want you to take this thing off into international court, Min. Robert
 Mohammed and all y'all. I want you, I want to get my family  and take
 this down to international court and file a law suit.  Get  all the video
 tapes of all the beatings. They have beat me up in the  back. They have
 beat me up at the unit over there.  Get all the video
 tapes supporting that law suit.  And make the public exposed to the
 genocide and this brutal world, and let the world see what is  really
 happening here behind closed doors. Let the world see the  barbarity and
 injustice of what is really happening here. You must  get those video
 tapes. You must make it exposed, this injustice, to
 the world. You must continue to demand a moratorium on all  executions.
 We must move forward, Minister Robert Mohammed.

 Ashanti Chimurenga, I love you for standing with me, my sister. You are a
 strong warrior queen. You will continue to be strong in everything that
 you do. Believe in yourself, you must hold your head  up, in the spirit
 of Winnie Mandela, in the spirit of Nelson Mandela.
 Y'all must move forward. We will stop this lynching.

 Reverend Al Sharpton, I love you, my brother.

 Bianca Jagger, I love all of you. Y'all make sure that we continue to
 stand together.

 Reverend Jesse Jackson, know that this murder, this lynching will not be
 forgotten. I love you, too, my brother. This is genocide in  America.
 This is what happens to black men when they stand up and
 protest for what is right and just. We refuse to compromise; we refuse to
 surrender the dignity for what we know is right.  But we will move on, we
 have been strong in the past. We will continue to be  strong as a people.
 You can kill a revolutionary, but you cannot stop
 the revolution. The revolution will go on. The people will carry the
 revolution on. You are the people that must carry that revolution on, in
 order to liberate our children from this genocide and for what  is
 happening here in America tonight. What has happened for the last
 100 or so years in America. This is the part of the genocide, this is
 part of the African (holocaust [?]), that we as black people have endured
 in America. But we shall overcome, we will continue with this. We will
 continue, we will gain our freedom and liberation, by  any means
 necessary.  Stay strong.  They cannot kill us. We will move forward.

 To my son, to my daughter, all of you. I love all of you. You have  been
 wonderful. Keep your heads up. Keep moving forward. Keep united.
 Maintain the love and unity in the community.

 And know that victory is assured. Victory for the people will be
 assured. We will gain our freedom and liberation in this country. We will
 gain it and we will do it by any means necessary. We will keep marching.
 March on black people.

 Keep your heads high. March on. All y'all leaders. March on. Take your
 message to the people. Preach the moratorium for all executions.  We're
 gonna stop, we are going to end  the death penalty in this country. We
 are going to end it all across this world. Push forward people. And know
 that what y'all are doing  is right. What y'all are doing is just. This
 is nothing more that  pure and simple murder. This is what is happening
 tonight in America.  Nothing more than state sanctioned murders, state
 sanctioned lynching, right here in America, and right here tonight. This
 is what is happening, my brothers.  Nothing less.

 They know I'm innocent.  They've got the facts to prove it.  They know
 I'm innocent. But they  cannot acknowledge my innocence, because to do so
 would be to
 publicly admit their guilt. This is something these racist people will
 never do. We must remember, brothers, this is what we're faced with. You
 must take this endeavor forward. You must stay strong. You must continue
 to hold your heads up, and to be there.

 And I love you, too, my brother. All of you who are standing with me in
 solidarity.  We will prevail. We will keep marching.

 Keep marching Black People.  Black Power!
 Keep marching Black People.  Black power!
 Keep marching Black People.
 Keep marching Black People.

 They are killing me tonight.
 They are murdering me tonight.
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