Sender's Note - If third parties are excluded it will only confirm what many of us have known for a long time now,
i.e. we are controlled by a Criminal and Treasonous Conspiratorial Duopoly.
If ever there was issue that should appeal to your common sense of fair play, this is it.
I urge you to do whatever is necessary to support the inclusion of third parties in the Debates.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom
"To shut out legitimate third-party candidates from these debates is to limit the competitive democratic process on which the American electoral system is supposed to be built," Ralph Nader stated shortly before accepting the Green Party nomination on June 25th.
Nader and Patrick J. Buchanan of the Reform Party have numerous, common sense reasons why they should be admitted to the presidential debates.  Unfortunately, the Commission on Presidential Debates - run by a Democrat and a Republican - says you have to poll 15% nationally before they'll let you step up to the podium.  This is the establishment's way of saying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is their clubhouse, and third parties can't play in it. 
It's not surprising that, even with millions of Americans supporting these two men, the commission remains unmoved.  "A third-party candidate could theoretically get the support of 28 million Americans of voting age," the Portland Press Herald pointed out in an editorial criticizing the 15% barrier, "and still be denied the chance to debate."
The commission says Buchanan and Nader have no chance to win because they're polling under 15%.  But Jesse Ventura was at only 10% before he debated, shot up to 37%, and ultimately "shocked the world" by beating both the Democrat and Republican candidates. 
Clearly the establishment doesn't want Ventura's scenario to play out nationally, so they set the 15% rule.  They say the number's reasonable, pointing out that three "third-party" candidates have polled over 15% since 1968.  They neglect to mention that two of those men were establishment office holders, and the third drew on a fortune of $3 billion.
Americans have been reenacting the Lincoln-Douglas debates for almost 150 years, celebrating a pure form of democracy in which spin-doctors, TV ads and high-priced consultants play no role.  The debate commission should do justice to the memory of that watershed event, and admit Buchanan and Nader to this year's debates.

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