Paradigm Shift Interview by Philip H. Farber

We think many of our readers are already familiar with the work of
Robert Anton Wilson. If you're not -- hoo boy! -- we are a little
envious of you, because you've got the chance to discover for the first
time an amazing collection of books including Illuminatus! (with Robert
Shea), The Earth Will Shake, The Widow's Son, Prometheus Rising, Cosmic
Trigger, Quantum Psychology, and a bunch more. Wilson's novels and
non-fiction are guaranteed to blow the cobwebs from your neurons, rattle
your cage, yank your chain, and open your eyes.

Paradigm Shift recently had the pleasure of conducting the following
interview with Dr. Wilson:

PHF: What is it that you most like to do with your time these days?

Robert Anton Wilson: I like to get stoned and surf the Web. I find all
sorts of wonderful wonders, both in text and art. This hobby occupies a
few hours a night, three or four nights a week. Otherwise, I enjoy most
of what I do but feel more pressure about it. I look after my wife
Arlen, who is recovering from a stroke; I shop and cook and houseclean
etc.; and I keep working on an encyclopedia of conspiracy theories for
Harper Collins. All that has its own rewards, but stoned Websurfing is
just pure play... and often educational, too.

PHF: Heh heh.... That's a common pastime around here, too. Do you think
that the hyperlinked nature of the web encourages a different kind of
thinking? If so, does surfing stoned enhance that?

RAW: I kind of suspect that hyperlinking encourages holistic or at least
nonlinear perception, but I had a lot of experience with that before the
Web. Most of my favorite 20th century writers --especially Joyce, Pound,
Williams, Burroughs -- seem to have a hyperlinked style. McLuhan
compared them to the front page of the New York Times and Kenner
compared them to film montage. It's all blended in my head --nonlinear
page make-up in journalism, montage in film, collage in painting, Joyce,
Pound, Williams, Burroughs, now the Web -- and being stoned certainly
helps you groove with that kind of "cubist" sensibility. In fact, stoned
dial surfing on TV makes for much the same effect. (I once thought I
invented dial surfing but so many others invented it at about the same
time I don't think we'll ever know who was first...)
All that said, websurfing remains the most fun, and probably the most

PHF: What are some of your favorite sites to surf stoned?

RAW: Well, I'd rather turn that around and ask you and your readers the
same question. I'm working up a list of The 10 Best Sites To Visit While
Stoned, which I'll add to my own web site when it's finished, and I'm
still looking for more leads...Just tack them on at the end of this
interview and I'll explore all the ones that are new to me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Please send submissions for the Best Sites To Visit While
Stoned to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and we will forward suggestions to Dr. Wilson.

PHF: Okay... I'm sure we have enough stoned people surfing these pages.
Perhaps we can set up a form to submit URLs that can accompany this

RAW: I hope so. By the way, not to be too coy, a few of my favorite web
sites, which I have bookmarked and don't keep the URLs for, are the
Unofficial George Carlin site, the Monty Python sites, the SubGenius
site, the Discordian site and the Republic of Texas site.

PHF: Anyway... From what you see in your virtual travels, do you think
people are generally using the web with intelligence, or has it become a
wasteland to rival prime time television?

RAW: I don't know what "people"are doing with the Web. Since most people
seem to me to be moderately retarded, I assume they're not using much of
what is available to them. However, the brightest people I know are
using the Web very creatively and all seem to be getting brighter...or
at least better informed.
I assume the brightest people use TV that way, too, and they have used
books that way for 500 years now.

PHF: Our webzenmaster, John Hoke, asks, "Do you think the web is a
conspiracy to keep all the other conspiracies out in the open?"

RAW: Well, that's certainly an amusing way of looking at it. In general,
I regard the Web as the closest approximation yet achieved to the ideal
of a free marketplace of ideas. The Marxist criticism of democracy
("freedom of the press belongs only to those who own the press") has
always been uncomfortably close to the truth. But with the Web (and
newsgroups, chat rooms etc.) more people have more freedom of the press
or freedom of speech than ever before. I believe that is the most
positive development in this generation.
It's not just the conspiracy pages that show a much greater diversity of
opinion than the general media. Diversity is all over the net. Everybody
who can save up enough money to get a computer can send their own
version of reality to the world at large. "Just what I always wanted,"
Tom Jefferson would say.

PHF: Is there anything you'd like to see happening on the 'net that you
haven't found there?

RAW: A more perfect union of internet, TV and VCRs. And that can't be
more than a few years away...

PHF: I'm interested in your recent work with Richard Bandler. Have you
found NLP to be useful in your writing?

RAW: Yes and no. Dr. Bandler keeps insisting that I have used NLP for
years, even if I didn't know it myself. I can see what he means. Both
Richard and I have been strongly influenced by Alfred Korzybski, whose
system of non-aristotelian logic and general semantics underlie a lot of
what Bandler does in his workshops and hypnotherapy; and they also
underlie much of my "guerilla ontology," not just in my ideas but in my
styles of presentation and my way of altering styles. (For instance, my
psychedelic theories derive as much from Korzybski as from dear old
Timothy Leary.)

So you might say I "knew" NLP before I studied it. On the other hand,
studying NLP has helped me a great deal. I understand my own work better
and therefore I think I can do it more skillfully and powerfully now.
To put this into wider context, in a recent conversation Dr Bandler
agreed with me that Faulkner uses many NLP techniques in his prose,
particularly in his famous long sentences, where the readers absorb a
lot more than they consciously comprehend. And, of course, Faulkner also
influenced my work a good deal.

PHF: Okay... Since NLP was developed from modeling effective language,
that makes sense. Apart from writing skills, have you been playing with
it in other ways? Accessing altered states or otherwise changing brains?

RAW: Of course. Chiefly, I use it to relax and stop worrying -- two
things I need to work on these days, due to medical problems afflicting
people near and dear to me. I use a combination Sufi listening exercise
(which gets you into relaxation and near trance) and Bandler's mighty
mantra, which you repeat every time you start going back into worry or
anxiety. The mantra is slow and spaced and it says to the voice of
worry, "Shut     the     fuck     up." After a few tries you get very
good at making that damned voice shut the fuck up.
I've also used some NLP techniques in my workshops to make various
meditation exercises quicker and more efficient. No doubt about it, NLP
has one of the most practical and efficient reprogramming systems

PHF: Do you think NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis has potential for changing
imprints? Or just conditioning?

RAW: Gee whillikers, I wish you wouldn't ask such hard questions. I have
been trying to figure this one out ever since I learned a little NLP,
and the more I learn, the more unsure I become. NLP certainly changes
conditioning. Maybe, just maybe, it can even reverse imprinting. I'll
have more definite opinions about that in another year or so.

PHF: Damn... I was hoping you had the answer to that one! Anyway... on
to other territory... What's your take on the Clinton administration's
attempt to squelch medical marijuana, even in the states where people
have voted for medical herb?

RAW: I hate to become predictable, but I regard Clinton's position as
not only wrong, morally and medically, but unconstitutional, fascistic
and all-around rotten. If Bob Marley hadn't said it already about the
pope, I'd say Clinton was Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Godfather
of the Mafia and general all-around Anti-Christ; but I guess that line
does work better for the pope.

To sound less violent and more precise, the Constitution lists the
powers of the federal government very clearly. Nowhere does it list the
power to create an official school of correct medical theory and use
force to prevent competition by rival theories.

This power is clearly reserved "to the States or the people," an
ambiguity I assume was deliberate because the founders wanted power
divided as many ways as possible and each part in some tension (a la
Bucky Fuller's dynamic tension philosophy) with all the others. The
growth of federal power over all the traditional checks and balances is
the worst single event of this dying century and I hope it will be
reversed in the next century.

This is not just a matter of one medical heresy; the FDA is cracking
down more and more often on any doctor who does not obey orthodoxy, and
orthodoxy always turns out to be that which benefits the billion-dollar
pharmaceutical industry. Materialists may consider that match between
orthodoxy and profits mere coincidence, Jungians may call it
synchronicity, but to me it looks like a conspiracy to rip off the

There's a new medicine for AIDS, I forget its name, but it will cost
$20,000 a year. Those with less money than that will just have to suffer
on. Now really does anybody believe this medicine would be legal if you
could grow it in your backyard and it made no profits for the corporate

As Bismarck said, "Laws are like sausages. You have more respect for
them if you haven't seen how they're made."

Oh to get back to that Bob Marley quote. I don't really consider Clinton
the Godfather of the Mafia or Imperial Wizard of the KKK, but he does
look more and more like a General All-Around Anti-Christ.

PHF: Heh... I'm in agreement. Do you think the various pro-medical-pot
bills that passed in a few states bodes well for legalization in the
near future, in spite of Clinton and the pharmaceutical industry? Under
what conditions would YOU like to see herb legalized, if at all?

RAW: I have an Ideal Answer and a more Pragmatic Answer. Ideally, I
would like a government that let everybody to hell alone and let us all
make our own medical decisions and even our own recreational decisions.
That, I think, is the kind of government intended by the Constitution.
The idea that we are ignorant children and Papa Government has to make
all our decisions for us is not a democratic idea, not at all; it's a
medieval, almost Papist idea. I'd get rid of all victimless crime laws
and let everybody do anything that harms not their neighbors. I know
that sounds looney, like one of those 18th Century radicals of the Tom
Jefferson ilk, but ideally it is the kind of government I'd like.

Pragmatically, since most Americans, like most people everywhere, have
an emotional anchor to the patriarchal- authoritarian structure, as
described by Reich in The Mass Psychology of Fascism, I don't expect the
radical ideas of 18th Century intellectuals to have any sudden rebirth
here, or anywhere else on the planet. So, pragmatically, I just hope for
gradual moderation of the present insane drug laws, as more and more
people, even conservatives, become more and more aware that we're
spending vast billions of dollars on a "war" that cannot be won, while
other parts of our country are falling apart because of lack of funding
for better schools, civilized medical care, etc. According to Pete
McWilliams's Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do, we spend around 450
billion a year trying to enforce victimless crime laws. People who want
a balanced budget or a smaller national debt have more and more realized
what a vast waste that is. They will favor moves toward more moderation
and some sanity.

Of course, the major argument for cutting back on the War On Sin is
simply that in real crimes you've got victims who are eager to help the
police identify the culprit, public agreement that such crimes (robbery
rape etc.) should not be allowed, and a general cooperation between the
people and the cops. In victimless crimes, you have the opposite
situtation. The only way the power elite can really win any war against
Sin is to spend trillions, not billions, and establish a full-scale
totalitarianism. There's enough growing resistance to federal power
already; I don't think the public will allow the higher taxes and total
loss of liberty such a war would cost us.

PHF: Free associating from the federal gov't to conspiracies... Do you
think the current media glut concerning aliens, X-files, Men in Black,
etc., is an indication of some organized attempt at propaganda or
disinformation? Or something rising from the collective unconscious?

RAW: This requires a complicated answer. I don't see one organized
conspiracy running the whole show, but I do agree with Jacques Vallee
and Phil Klass that the government has used UFO flaps to help plant
certain belief systems (Vallee) and also to cover up other things they
didn't want us to know (Klass) --for instance, in early days, the U2 spy
planes. However I think most UFO events come from somewhere else...and
my favorite model combines Jung (spontaenous release of archetypes of
the collective unconscious) and Persinger (energy fluctuations that
provoke real Lights, usually ball lightning, plus "poltergeist" type
phenomena (dancing furniture, electric systems going on and off
unpredictibly etc.) plus brainwave change unleashing the Jungian

But these are just my favorite models. The UFO experience seems to me
profoundly more puzzling than either the dogmatic Believers or dogmatic
Debunkers seem to realize. I guess my third favorite model, or
non-model, is Hynek's agnostic notion that we may have to change basic
ideas (about time, space, ego or whatnot) before we can begin to fathom
this galloping wierdity.

Based on experience with media, I don't think any central conspiracy
"controls" everything totally, although certain ideas get notably
ignored in mass media and certain ideas get reinforced over and over...
but on the other hand, what gets fashionable depends most often on box
office returns. For instance we've had so many films about serial
killers,not because the Power Elite wants to make us more afraid of one
another, but because The Silence of the Lambs did so damned well; and we
have so many alien movies because ET did so damn well, and now we have
sinister alien movies because X Files did so damn well.

PHF: Any thoughts about where such a radical change in basic ideas might
come from?

RAW: As of today (August 11, 1997) I find the most interesting ideas in
traditional Buddhism, Nietzsche, Charles Fort, several quantum
physicists (Nick Herbert, David Bohm, Fred Wolfe, David Finkelstein) and
in Rupert Sheldrake. Add together the Buddhist yoga of detachment from
fixed ideas and emotions, Nietzche's and Fort's merciless assault on the
cultural prejudices that are so deeply embedded we usualy don't notice
them, quantum uncerainty and holism, Sheldrake's special variety of
holism, and I think we have the beginning of a hint of the New Paradigm
we need.But after looking at this list I realize I should have included
Korzybski's general semantics, Bandler's neurolinguistic programming and
Leary's evolutionary-existentialist neuro-psychology or info-psychology
as he most recently labelled it.

PHF: Okay... so why are conspiracy theories so popular?

RAW: Information flow is accelerating, as several studies have indicated
and as I have documented in a few of my books. Information acceleration
leads to fractal functions, according to mathematician Theodore Gordon.
Fractal functions are always unpredictible. Okay?

Well, most people don't know enough math and sociology to understand
that simple paragraph.All they know is that everything is getting more
unpredictible and that looks spooky to them. (The unpredictible tends to
spook all mammals...) Unable to grasp what is happening (accelerated
evolution), most domesticated primates feel spooked and threatened and
look around for some Evil Force to blame. Conspiracy theories will
continue to proliferate as long as the acceleration does not include an
acceleration of general education...but that will have to happen as the
whole world moves into high gear. Then we'll have more understanding
(science) and less demonology (conspiracy theory.)

PHF: Any suggestions for those who might find themselves curious about
conspiracy theories, or on the verge of swallowing one whole?

RAW: I am 100 per cent in favor of studying conspiracy theories because,
next to quantum mechanics, they represent the best test of how well you
can handle ambiguity and uncertainty. Most people at present cannot
handle indeterminacy at all and generally evade it by rushing to
premature certitude. If you really study conspiracy theory carefully,
examining all its flavors, the result is like studying quantum theory
and all of its conflicting models. You either go bonkers or you learn to
think beyond the aristotelian either/or logic of our culture.

The best way to study conspiracy theory without swallowing one theory
whole is to prepare yourself by a thorough training in clasical logic,
fuzzy logic, general semantics and quite a bit of Zen-Sufi humor, until
you have internalized the realization that Universe is infinite chaos
and any model you make at a date cannot possibly contain all of it but
only represents the mixture of your knowledge and ignorance at that

PHF: You recently joined the Board of Advisors of the Fully Informed
Jury Association. Why is this group so important in your estimation?

RAW: Well, after I quit the ACLU I had to find some outlet for my
energies. (The ACLU has decided they're in favor of discrimination
against certain groups.I'm not in favor of discrimination against any
groups, so I had to withdraw.)

The Fully Informed Jury Assocation seems to me the best safeguard
against the absolute tyranny of the federal government, toward which we
seem to be headed. When juries know that they have the right, both de
jure and de facto, to nullify any law they find obnoxious or trannical,
we have a real chance of withstanding the increase of omnipresent State
meddling in every aspect of our lives. (They're prying into our bladders
already. When even your bladder is not private and safe from invasion,
how much liberty is left concretely?)
De facto any jury can vote as they damned please, and they often do. De
jure, they have the right to acquit when the law itself seems unfair or
unjust to them, but judges often lie and tell them they do not have this
right. FIJA is around to spread the word that juries have had this right
since Magna Carta and still have this right, and any judge who says
otherwise is a liar and tyrant.

Of course, as an advocate of jury nullification, I also belive in the
equally old tradition that juries should be chosen totally at random. In
the early days, a jury was the first twelve men the bailiff saw when he
walked out the door of the court. It should be both men and women,of
course, but it should remain equally random. The lawyers should have no
ability to stack a jury. The traditional system, with its random factor,
comes as close as humanly possible to obtaining a true cross section of
the common sense, the common decency and the common humanity of the
people, and I trust those factors, if not blindly the way Catholics
trust the pope, certainly a lot more than I trust lawyers and judges.

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