Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> I don't classify myself anymore. My only purpose in life is to bust bullshit.
> That endeavor manages to piss everybody off. ;}

I don't like to classify myself anymore either; but out of sloppy, lazy 'thinking'
and for the sake of convenience I seem to have a bad habit of classifying others.
Also, IMO some bullshit doesn't really seem worth busting, and might be better
left ignored. Although some of the most profound, 'eye-opening', stuff one can
ever come across might be found growing on "bullshit", if you know what I mean.
(McKenna, et al)

And if you don't classify yourself anymore, 'sup with calling yourself "a plain
old Anti-Capitalist Humanitarian Survivalist" in another message in this thread?

> I am not an anarchist though I love and support what the more radical Anarchists
> are doing. I am NOT a Libertarian of any sort whatsoever.

Historically (and currently) many radical 'anarchists' have styled themselves as
"libertarians"; and argue that right-wing 'anarcho'-capitalist types have insultingly
usurped and perverted the term. I falsely assumed you might have felt the same way.
Once again, I stand corrected. Please excuse.

> I hate Right
> Libertarians because I consider them a bunch of greedy, shallow, self centered
> shits who would sell children chocolate covered rat poison if " the Market "
> demanded it, and would cuss out the Gubbment if they tried to regulate them.

The VAST majority of right-libertarians, when they hear the term "free market
capitalism" (so-called), their minds seem turn to mush, and "anything goes"
with regards to this sacred cow. Until not too long ago, I tended to be the
same way.

As with Nessie, I have little problem with 'free market' exchanges and commerce
amongst fairly equal individuals, or groups of individuals, but I do have a
problem when such relationships are compelled between individuals and vastly
unequal legal fictions grunching around like 'giants'. As Bucky puts it:

        "Each of the giants of today's great Grunch is a quadrillionfold
more formidable than was Goliath. Each is entirely invisible, abstract, and
completely ruthless -- not because those who run the show are malevolent
but because the giant is a non-human corporation, a many-centuriesold,
royal-legal-advisor-invented institution. The giant is a so one-sidedly
biased abstract legal invention that its exploitation by the power
structures of thirty generations have made the XYZ corporations and
companies seemingly as much a part of nature as the phases of the
Moon and clouds of the sky...."

> I like Noam Chomsky who calls himself a Left Libertarian. Not because he is a
> Libertarian, but because he is very smart and very honest. There are things
> he puts out which I personally don't hold by. AND, his take on what we did to
> Yugoslavia is wrong.

I've tended to agree with most of his writings I've come across so far, especially
his insights on propaganda and the newsfakers, but I haven't read much on his
Yugoslavia opinions. In what way are they "wrong"? [I assume he must have
supported the interventions (extortion and murders) the Western terrocrats
(terrorist-bureaucrats) have perpetrated].

> In any case, it is better to be a Left Libertarian than a Right Libertarian if
> you have any aspirations of becoming a human being.
> Good luck,

So if I'm not yet a "human being" what, in your opinion, am I?

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