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Crime/Corruption Miscellaneous Keywords: LARRY NICHOLS...CORRUPTION
Source: phone interview with Larry Nichols
Published: 4-4-00 Author: Doug from Upland
Posted on 04/04/2000 20:10:40 PDT by doug from upland
I had a lengthy conversation tonight with Larry Nichols. Here are the latest

-- Larry is healing from his recent beating, the ninth such incident. He
thought they might kill him but this appeared to be a warning. He suspects
that it might be a Hillary warning telling him not to mess with her. Larry
believes Hillary may be nominated during a brokered convention and the
Buddhist Temple may destroy Gore.

-- He suspects that the White House e-mail releases came from the Clintons
in an attempt to help Hillary and hurt Gore.

-- Hillary indeed had an indictment prepared against her before Starr
disbanded. Nichols personally saw and went over the part regarding
information he provided. In the testimony of Hickman Ewing in the Susan
McDougal trial, he testified that there was an indictment drawn. He claimed
it was not uncommon to draft them but then not actually serve them.

-- Asa Hutchinson was the spy for Jackson Stephens. Stephens was kept
informed about what was going on during secret discussions.

-- Larry gave me the names but I am not allowed to divulge them at this time
of the well-known television journalists who have used him as a source many,
many times. You would be shocked and would recognize their faces on
television. They would always ask him to guide them to the next story. These
people never really went for the jugular because it would destroy their
careers. They do know the truth but won't report it.

-- The building blocks of the Clinton machine are as follows: 1) Everyone
has a price or has something to hide... 2) Reality is as one perceives it.
You control what people see... 3) Lie, lie, always lie...don't mix truth
with lies or you get in trouble...always lie... 4) Do you believe me or your
lying eyes... They used these successfully in Arkansas and he brought it to

-- If Bill were really holding meetings and doing all of the things he
claims he is getting done for the American people, he wouldn't have time to
chase women. He is not doing all of the work that is reported. He works less
now than ever and the pool reporters are fools. Don't believe anything you
see -- every bit of it is scripted.

-- Richard Ball from Virginia came with his son to help Larry with phone
calls and other business. He was recently hit with a blackjack or glove
filled with something that left a burn like bruise on his face and his eye
swollen shut. Luckily, his son was not hurt. He thinks he heard a thug tell
him to "leave town." The police have no leads in this case or Nichols' most
recent beating.

-- Larry is set to testify in the case against Clinton before the Arkansas
Bar. They will go back to Larry's original lawsuit for info. Clinton does
not want him to testify.

-- Trent Lott was part of the fix because they were blackmailing him. He was
involved in his own phony federal loan and land deal. Orrin Hatch has the
info against Lott. Larry was giving info to a research staffer who kept him
informed. He knew that Lott had caved on witnesses a half hour before Lott
announced it on television. As we remember, Lott gave Tom Daschle veto power
over witnesses. Lott stabbed him in the back. In addition, Larry has
unconfirmed rumors about Lott's two homosexual encounters while a
cheerleader in college. Larry had put off throat surgery until the Senate
hearing and was set to sit back and watch a good show. The whole thing fell
apart when it turned out that Juanita Broaddrick was to be the first witness
called. Three other women were ready to testify about sexual harassment or
worse. One was Sally Perdue. Although he had a consensual affair with her,
the first time they met he was literally ripping off her clothing. These
witnesses could have done irreparable damage and the country would have
turned on Clinton. Lott and Daschle could not let that happen.
Larry Nichols' new book, THE GENIE IS OUT OF THE BOTTLE, can be ordered by
sending $24.95 to him (including S&H)at 58 Kensington Drive, Conway, AR,
72032. It will be autographed by him and by trooper Larry Patterson. His
radio show can be heard on the Internet at It is on from
7-9 AM, Pacific Time.
1 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:10:40 PDT by doug from upland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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To: doug from upland
A lot of people say that Larry is a liar, but I can't figure out how he
fakes his injuries.


2 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:17:52 PDT by Senator Pardek
To: doug from upland
Hutchinson spelled backwards is ; No snithc, uh?

It's a spooky post, but the heart of it was really Trent Lott being
blackmailed about the "gay thing". That's when the Senate caved to Daschle.
It's also been out there for a while.

George Stuffingenvelopes nailed it back in the beginning when he promised
that blackmail would be the endgame, and he was right- for once.

3 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:24:04 PDT by Bush-McCain
To: doug from upland
Thanks for the report. It's a wonder Larry Nichols is still alive. Watch
your own back, too, please.

4 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:25:56 PDT by Cicero
To: doug from upland
"-- Asa Hutchinson was the spy for Jackson Stephens. Stephens was kept
informed about what was going on during secret discussions."

Regarding which topics, Doug? Just the Impeachment, or does it go farther?

5 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:32:14 PDT by NDCORUP
To: Cicero
Larry was among the first, if not the first, to sound the alarm about the
Clinton mob. Everyone should go back a view the Clinton Chronicles.
Everything he predicted came true. It predicted that once Clinton had
completed his circle of power, there would be no stopping him. How
prophetic!!! God Bless Larry Nichols!

6 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:37:21 PDT by SkiBum
Remember Barr and Graham were aghast at some of Asa , please don't break
into my house again, Hutchinson's statements during the 'proceedings'.

I love 'BI-' stuff. 'Gush' is 'BI-'. So is 'Bore'.

7 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:40:34 PDT by Boyd
Larry only referred to the impeachment hearings and discussions. Asa was
also the prosecutor who shut down Mena so he has been involved in the mess
for a long time.

8 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:44:18 PDT by doug from upland
To: doug from upland
Just makes a person sick to see how dirty most politicians are. I say no
matter the party there has to be a cleaning and let the chips fall where
they may.

Hang in there Larry, and God Bless.

Does Larry have a computer and does he visit FR? I know he is a very busy
person so he might not have time.

9 Posted on 04/04/2000 21:04:53 PDT by blackbart
Jackson Stephens goes back a long way in southern Democratic polatics,he
graduated from Annapolis w/J. Carter and put him in office and when Reagan
won they put their power machine into play for Clinton.

Stephens plays both sides of the field to protect his power,he backed Dole
w/financing to hedge his bet in 96.J Stephens is tied into almost every
shady financial deal that Clinton was involved with.

10 Posted on 04/04/2000 21:08:23 PDT by thunder
To: blackbart
He does not visit FR.

11 Posted on 04/04/2000 21:11:05 PDT by doug from upland
To: doug from upland
"He does not visit FR."

is there a reason? or am I being to nosy?

Great job Doug!

12 Posted on 04/04/2000 21:45:31 PDT by BobbyK
To: BobbyK
I don't know whether he has a computer and I forgot to mention that he does
over 200 shows a month.

13 Posted on 04/04/2000 21:49:49 PDT by doug from upland
To: doug from upland
Yes, I heard him on a radio show about a week ago. Apparently, he has 5
broken ribs and several cracked ones. He was in a lot of pain, just

14 Posted on 04/04/2000 22:21:36 PDT by blackcat
To: doug from upland

Quote Of The Day by steve-b

15 Posted on 04/04/2000 22:48:32 PDT by RJayneJ
So what are the details of the beatings (where is it happening, etc.) and
why doesn't he get some protection?
16 Posted on 04/04/2000 23:33:27 PDT by Lug Nut
To: blackbart
I don't think that Larry has a computer.

I do know that Larry is hurting for money. Larry asked the people that
listened on radio last year to send donations for Bo Gritz.

I talked to Larry and he is a good man. Everybody had better listen to what
he has to say.

Larry had to beg for donations to write his book. He said that he would pay
everyone back as soon as the books sold.

He didn't write this book for profit for himself.

He did it for America.

I will be sending Larry a check for his own personal use as he could not
afford to pay his utilities.

17 Posted on 04/04/2000 23:35:14 PDT by Ambi
To: doug from upland
Larry Nichols' new book, THE GENIE IS OUT OF THE BOTTLE, can be ordered by
sending $24.95 to him (including S&H)at 58 Kensington Drive, Conway, AR,
72032. It will be autographed by him and by trooper Larry Patterson. His
radio show can be heard on the Internet at It is on from
7-9 AM, Pacific Time.

Good of you to post this. (On now.)

18 Posted on 04/07/2000 07:26:16 PDT by flamefront
To: Bush-McCain
Just looking at Daschle and Lott makes me think the two are butt buddies. I
predict it will all come out one day in the not-too-distant future.

19 Posted on 04/07/2000 07:33:11 PDT by elwoodp
To: doug from upland
No offense, but some of this seems pretty out there. I can't figure out the
apparent stupidity of the thugs (or the ones sending them). If the idea is
to "send a message", seems pretty stupid to leave the person to flounder and
guess what the message is when there are three or four possibilities at any
given time. And of course you can't allow the thugs to really say because it
would connect them to who sent them. So you send 'em out to give another
beating. Reads like "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". It's way out
there in "duh" land.

20 Posted on 04/07/2000 07:49:21 PDT by RhettButler
To: doug from upland
And one more thing...

Larry is healing from his recent beating, the ninth such incident...

How many incidents would it take for any one of us to have a friend,
relative, someone hired, anyone to tail us with a camcorder and a $3 blank
tape when we went out, or to stake out the home or apartment. (I can tell
you once would do it for me.) Even a freelancer would do it for nothing,
because the prospect of possibly catching a Clinton-connected thug on tape
could be worth thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands. And Nichols could
probably get dozens of volunteers to tail him with camcorders at the ready
just by putting out the call on his broadcast show or the net.

Nine times? Come on.

21 Posted on 04/07/2000 10:34:26 PDT by RhettButler
To: doug from upland
replay for today

22 Posted on 04/07/2000 15:22:04 PDT by razorback-bert
To: RhettButler
Please volunteer.

23 Posted on 04/07/2000 17:00:32 PDT by doug from upland
To: Senator Pardek
A lot of people say that Larry is a liar, but I can't figure out how he
fakes his injuries.

Well... I suppose you could go down to the local biker bar and spray paint
any hogs you see routing around out in the yard. :-)

24 Posted on 04/07/2000 17:09:25 PDT by go star go
To: go star go
Or, I could go down to the local gay bar and light on fire my prized Barbra
Streisand boxed set collection.

25 Posted on 04/07/2000 17:33:38 PDT by Senator Pardek
To: Senator Pardek

26 Posted on 05/05/2000 12:14:15 PDT by Sawdring
To: doug from upland
God bless, Larry Nichols. But, like the Roman Empire, this country too, will
fall under its immoral corruption!

27 Posted on 05/05/2000 12:29:12 PDT by kimber ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
To: doug from upland

28 Posted on 05/06/2000 07:14:11 PDT by 1234

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