How naive you are!  We allowed our Freedom to be taken from us.
The Duopoly took care of that beginning in 1913,
and solidified they're hold on us in March, 1933;
increasing the tightness of the shackles ever since.
Ignorance is Bliss!!
Wouldn't be surprised if YOU were one of those
ignorant persons who vote for the socialist
DemoRepub thugs;  you're in denial.
We don't need any "gentle breezes", we need a
Tornado to clean out the stench in SinCity.
Wake UP for Christ's Sake!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlotte DeMoss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 5:04 PM
Subject: [slick-d] Let Freedom Ring!

>      ****for the 4th of July, 1999 ****
> There is a gentle breeze cooling the hot July air.  You can almost hear
> the clatter of horses' hooves beneath the cobblestone street.  The bells
> are now ringing.  The people are cheering; many of them celebrating all
> through the night.  The reason for this celebration?  The signing of the
> Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia.
> What made this date so special?  Children and adults today love the 4th of
> July.  It means strolling through the park, and being with friends,
> and sweethearts.  At the end of the day, many may see a fireworks display,
> then everyone goes home.  I'm wondering: Are Americans today truly aware
> what the 4th of July stands for?
> To appreciate what our Founding Fathers sacrificed in order to establish
> our beloved Republic, we need to understand the reasons for separating
> Great Britain.
> King George III virtually disowned the American colonies. American ships
> were declared to be "free booty" which meant it was legal to capture any
> American vessel on the high seas, and take it over including cargo.  There
> was a history of repeated injuries and abuses, which resulted in abolute
> tyranny.
> A formal declatation was introduced by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia on
> June 7, 1776, asking for a separation from Great Britain.  As a result of
> this action, a committee of five, Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Benjamin Franklin,
> John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston, was elected by ballot.
> Thomas Jefferson received the largest number of votes and became the
> chairman of the committee due to his skills as a writer.
> These gentlemen in 1776 did take their responsibilities seriously, but
> they also could find humor in a life full of change and heartache.  When
> john Hancock affixed his magnificent signature he remarkd. "There, John
> Bull can read my name without his spectacles."
> Hancock urged members of the Congress to hang together.  Franklin retorted
> his  famous saying "Yes, we must hang together or we shall all hang
> separately."
> The responsibility of presenting and sustaining the report of the
> committee was assumed by John Adams, whom Jefferson called "the Colossus"
> of that great debate.
> JULY 4TH, 1776
> At noon, Monday, the Declaration of Independence was publicly read for the
> first time in Independence Square, Philadelphia.  Captain John Hopkins, a
> young commander of the first armed brig of the navy was the reader.
> The militia companies, the Committee of Safety, and other revolutionary
> bodies marched in procession to some public place, where after listening
> the reading of the declaration, cheers were given and salutes fired; and
> the evening there were fireworks and bonfires.
> Now that we had declared our independence, nine years of war with England
> would follow to actually secure it.  After nine long years of bloodshed,
> death, suffering and misery we won the war with England and had won our
> independence.
> Our independence gave birth to the U. S. Constitution. Our Constitution
> was designed by men who were ardent students of history with
> well-referenced fear of tyranny and intrusive government.  Those men, our
> Founding Fathers, meticulously designed our Constitutional Republic to be
> system of "freedom under law."  James Madison, devoted friend of Mr.
> Jefferson for 50 years, was given the title of "Father of the
> James Madison wrote to Thomas Jefferson in France on December 9, 1787,
> saying it was "impossible to consider the degree of concord which
> ultimately prevailed as less than a miracle."
> As one could say from a figurative sense, those who signed the Declaration
> of Independence, did so in blood.  Those men of honor knew that if the
> Americans were to lose the Revolutionary War and the signers of the
> declaration were to be captured, they would have been tried by the British
> for treason and executed.
> The final sentence of the declaration reads "And for the support of this
> declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,
> we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred
> honor."
> The Declaration of Independence will forever be instilled in the hearts of
> every true American forever.***
> Essay has been copyrighted.

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