In a message dated 00-07-05 20:52:21 EDT, you write:

  << Finally, I am curious to learn what item #3 you list above is
   referring to, in which it states: "a possible extraterrestrial
   initiative by organized Universe society."

  Kenny - Hi! OK here goes the counter-spin:

  1. For extraterrestrial Initiative please refer to 53 page report, which
  posits a model that Universe society is highly organized; Earth is in a
  "quaratine status.

  Please read it at

  Better yet tune in July 6 to a 3-way discussion
  Basset; Alfred Webre; Fr. Daniel Sheehan on exopolitics and the
  extraterrestrial hypothesis in the Carter admn).  I think I wrote you asking
  to review the report about a month ago - you said it was out of your area of
  expertise. (See release below)

  2.  Anglophobia vs Francophobia - My point is devilishly simple.  Cometa
  advances the extraterrestrial hypothesis OFFICIALLY.  Secret agencies in the
  Echelon countries are in fact carrying out a disinformation campaign (MILAB
  abductions; phony UFOs, information war). Guess which terrestrials LIKE the
  extraterrestrials; Guess which terrestrials are at WAR with the
  extraterrestrials.  All that Corso stuff you mention is smoke and mirrors
  aside the fact that hard core cases are defined by France's NASA chief and
  Air Force honchos as supportive of the ET hypothesis.  In the scheme of the
  information war about ET in the last 50 years, the Cometa report is HUGE.
  Anglophiles natureally get bent out of shape watching their government lose
  face globally, to Francophiles - but that's been going on for centuries.

  We tried to do a Cometa-type report in the Carter White House, and were
  terminated by US intelligence, in September, 1977.  Tune in to the broadcast
  below and read the Exopolitics report and then let's talk.

  I really like the point mentioned about Strategic Deception - thatg's
  countries game re ET.  Last time I saw Jacques Vallee was at his Investment
  Bank office in California - Oh did I mentiona that Lawrence Rockefeller
  Available Evidence report 1996; Sturrock Panel 1998) bought up all the
  Anglophile ET evidence, just like Gradaddy John D. Rockefeller taught him
  hown to do? Now that's startegic deception.)

  My opinion: the opening to ET is just beginning.

  Alfred  Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
  Vancouver, BC


   Press Release
       July 4, 2000

   Washington, DC -  A controversial and impacting Coast to Coast AM with
   Mike Siegel will air at 10 PM PST, Thursday, July 6.   This program could
   be a milestone in addressing the government cover-up of facts concerning
   an extraterrestrial presence in our world, now.

   Two jurist doctors and an activist/lobbyist will join host Mike Siegel,
   jurist doctor, to discuss, among other things, significant events which
   during the administration of President Jimmy Carter.  With Mike will be
   famous legal activists, Daniel Sheehan; author Alfred Webre; and lobbyist,
   Stephen Bassett.

   Daniel Sheehan has spent his life working on progressive social
   He was legal counsel on such nationally recognized cases as Karen Silkwood,
   Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Three Mile Island. He brings
   to the issue of extraterrestrial related phenomenon a unique background in
   investigating the world of covert operations, "black budget" programs,
   government disinformation, and covert warfare.  He founded the Christic
   Institute, for nearly two decades one of the country's preeminent
   public-interest law firms.

   Alfred Webre is the author of Exopolitics, a remarkable assessment of the
   pre- and post-disclosure political implications of an extraterrestrial
   In the same fashion as the recent Stephen King offering, Exopolitics is
   sold as an eBook at

   Webre is a Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law
   School and the University of Texas Counseling Program.  He has been an
   environmental lawyer, futurist with Stanford Research Institute, community
   health and social activist, and has taught at Yale University and the
   of Texas.  Webre has also been a Non-Governmental Delegate to the United
   Nations, as well as a delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention.

   Stephen Bassett is a lobbyist, activist, and columnist.  He is the founder
   Paradigm Research Group, founder and executive director of the
   Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), creator of the Paradigm
   author of two websites, and frequent guest on radio programs nationwide
   discussing the "politics of disclosure."

   Coast to Coast AM, with 476 radio stations in syndication nationwide, is
   largest late night radio talk program in the America.  It also broadcasts
   worldwide on the Internet at:, where past programs
   are archived for 30 days.  This broadcast will air in the Washington, DC
   area on WWRC AM 570.

                                     Paradigm Research Group
                                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                        Phone: 301-564-1820
                                          Fax: 301-564-4066
                                    4938 Hampden Lane, #161
                                    Bethesda, Maryland 20814

                     Spread the word about the politics of disclosure:

  __________ - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics &
  consciousness.           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MIRROR SITES:

 Forwarded Message:
 Subj:        Re: [CTRL] ECHELON: France opens US espionage case
 Date:  00-07-06 01:09:22 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DIG alfred webre)
 Sender:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Discussions about UFOs and
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Discussions about UFOs and

 In a message dated 00-07-05 20:52:21 EDT, you write:

 << Finally, I am curious to learn what item #3 you list above is
  referring to, in which it states: "a possible extraterrestrial
  initiative by organized Universe society."

 Kenny - Hi! OK here goes the counter-spin:

 1. For extraterrestrial Initiative please refer to 53 page report, which
 posits a modl that Universe society is highly organized; Earth is in a
 "quaratine status.

 Please read it at

 Better yet tune in July 6 to a 3-way discussion (Steve
 Basset; Alfred Webre; Fr. Daniel Sheehan on exopolitics and the
 extraterrestrial hypothesis in the Carter admn).  I think I wrote you asking
 to review the report about a month ago - you said it was out of your area of
 expertise. (See release below)

 2.  Anglophobia vs Francophobia - My point is devilishly simple.  Cometa
 advances the extraterrestrial hypothesis OFFICIALLY.  Secret agencies in the
 Echelon countries are in fact carrying out a disinformation campaign (MILAB
 abductions; phony UFOs, information war). Guess which terrestrials LIKE the
 extraterrestrials; Guess which terrestrials are at WAR with the
 extraterrestrials.  All that Corso stuff you mention is smoke and mirrors
 aside the fact that hard core cases are defined by France's NASA chief and
 Air Force honchos as supportive of the ET hypothesis.  In the scheme of the
 information war about ET in the last 50 years, the Cometa report is HUGE.
 Anglophiles natureally get bent out of shape watching their government lose
 face globally, to Francophiles - but that's been going on for centuries.

 We tried to do a Cometa-type report in the Carter White House, and were
 terminated by US intelligence, in September, 1977.  Tune in to the broadcast
 below and read the Exopolitics report and then let's talk.

 I really like the point mentioned about Strategic Deception - thatg's Echelon
 countries game re ET.  Last time I saw Jacques Vallee was at his Investment
 Bank office in California - Oh did I mentiona that Lawrence Rockefeller (Best
 Available Evidence report 1996; Sturrock Panel 1998) bought up all the
 Anglophile ET evidence, just like Gradaddy John D. Rockefeller taught him
 hown to do? Now that's startegic deception.)

 My opinion: the opening to ET is just beginning.

 Alfred  Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
 Vancouver, BC


  Press Release
      July 4, 2000

  Washington, DC -  A controversial and impacting Coast to Coast AM with
  Mike Siegel will air at 10 PM PST, Thursday, July 6.   This program could
  be a milestone in addressing the government cover-up of facts concerning
  an extraterrestrial presence in our world, now.

  Two jurist doctors and an activist/lobbyist will join host Mike Siegel,
  jurist doctor, to discuss, among other things, significant events which
  during the administration of President Jimmy Carter.  With Mike will be
  famous legal activists, Daniel Sheehan; author Alfred Webre; and lobbyist,
  Stephen Bassett.

  Daniel Sheehan has spent his life working on progressive social initiatives.
  He was legal counsel on such nationally recognized cases as Karen Silkwood,
  Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Three Mile Island. He brings
  to the issue of extraterrestrial related phenomenon a unique background in
  investigating the world of covert operations, "black budget" programs,
  government disinformation, and covert warfare.  He founded the Christic
  Institute, for nearly two decades one of the country's preeminent
  public-interest law firms.

  Alfred Webre is the author of Exopolitics, a remarkable assessment of the
  pre- and post-disclosure political implications of an extraterrestrial
  In the same fashion as the recent Stephen King offering, Exopolitics is
  sold as an eBook at

  Webre is a Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law
  School and the University of Texas Counseling Program.  He has been an
  environmental lawyer, futurist with Stanford Research Institute, community
  health and social activist, and has taught at Yale University and the
  of Texas.  Webre has also been a Non-Governmental Delegate to the United
  Nations, as well as a delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention.

  Stephen Bassett is a lobbyist, activist, and columnist.  He is the founder
  Paradigm Research Group, founder and executive director of the
  Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), creator of the Paradigm
  author of two websites, and frequent guest on radio programs nationwide
  discussing the "politics of disclosure."

  Coast to Coast AM, with 476 radio stations in syndication nationwide, is the
  largest late night radio talk program in the America.  It also broadcasts
  worldwide on the Internet at:, where past programs
  are archived for 30 days.  This broadcast will air in the Washington, DC
  area on WWRC AM 570.

                                    Paradigm Research Group
                                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                       Phone: 301-564-1820
                                         Fax: 301-564-4066
                                   4938 Hampden Lane, #161
                                   Bethesda, Maryland 20814

                    Spread the word about the politics of disclosure:

 __________ - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics &
 consciousness.           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MIRROR SITES:
 </XMP> >>

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