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The Government-Criminal
Connection - Part 3
by Sherman H. Skolnick

In the past, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has had movies and TV series
promoting them as the men (and later women) in the white hats. Yet, from the
time J. Edgar Hoover took over the FBI in the 1920s, to his murder in 1972,
the Bureau was America's secret political police. And there are strong
reasons to believe it still is that.

Starting in the 1930s, Hoover used his "muscle" to block any would-be radio
station owner that was linked with labor unions or labor groups. Exactly how
he had his way with the then new Federal Communications Commission to
strangle pro-labor radio stations is a little-known subject. One of the few
exceptions was WCFL Radio in Chicago. It was owned by the Chicago Federation
of Labor. If you listened to them starting in the 1960s, however, you would
not suspect or detect that they were supposedly "The Voice of Labor". They
had the usual format, just like every other commercial radio station. They
did NOT push labor's point of view and hence were acceptable to the FBI.

For all of the years, even now, the policies of the FBI include:
[1] Through FBI-paid agents provocateur, they framed labor union organizers
and activists as "bombers" and "violence-makers", or simply tagged them as
"subversives" and "communists", a label too often used to wreck the voices of

[2] The FBI targets those whose politics are incorrect, as "subversives". To
save their time and breath, the FBI simply called most civil rights marchers
and anti-Viet Nam War activists, and environmentalists, and such, as
"communists", from the Bureau's standpoint, sufficient to put such persons
out of action and bad-mouthed in the monopoly press.

[3] According to the FBI mantra, there was and is no "organized crime" or
mafia, or La Cosa Nostra. It was all in the "imagination" of book and
magazine writers, a phantasy.

[4] According to the Bureau's agenda, certain categories of persons were not
only "subversives" but using more current lingo, labeled "terrorists". (With
the help of the FBI, Hillary Rodham Clinton, disturbed by our public access
Cable TV programs, had me and an associate of mine, Joseph Andreuccetti,
falsely tagged as "domestic terrorists" and put on her "enemies list". The
White House-instigated Federal Gestapo followed me in my wheelchair all over
the federal courthouse, even waiting for me outside the government building
toilet. I always offered a full report of how much government tissue and
paper towels I used up.) The bulk of those targeted by the FBI as
"terrorists" are those whose origin or descent was from the Southern
Hemisphere, including Africa and the Middle East. That is, people of color
are most often labeled "terrorists" by the Bureau under their bigotted racial

[5] Under FBI policies, there is no Russian mafiya operating in the U.S.,
such as in Chicago, Cleveland, and New York. None, that is, that the FBI
wants to tangle with. This mafiya is made up of assassins and cut-throats,
many formerly with the dreaded Soviet secret political police, the KGB. And
the FBI, in many ways incompetent to deal with such, are simply blind to it.
The FBI does not wish to enter the political and financial world of the
Russian mafiya that includes U.S. units of Mexican Banks interwoven with the
dope traffic and the family of George Herbert Walker Bush and his sons. Visit
our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes the Bush Family".

[6] Under their policies, the FBI's specialty has been to supposedly pursue
small-time bank robbers or misguided robbers of post offices. Certainly this
was so in the 1930s as to banks, when Hoover planted a lot of stories in the
lackey press about "G-Men". Veteran FBI agents, however, have given us
details of how Hoover took pay-offs to let a few bank robbers go free. After
all, the "imaginary" organized hoodlums owned and blackmailed Hoover who was
of Swiss descent. (Hey! Did he have a secret Swiss account?) They knew he was
gay and they apparently had pictures of his sexual episodes with his live-in
top FBI official. They let him corruptly win at gangster-linked race tracks
where he often went as their guest. A criminal booze octopus set up a
supposed "foundation" to benefit him financially and personally. (Read
"Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover", by Anthony

An understanding of the "Pizza Connection" episodes would convince any
open-minded person that the FBI is a highly politicized and corrupt
operation. The supposed terminus of the worldwide dope link to pizzerias in
the U.S. was a pizza parlor in the tiny town of Oregon, Illinois. Apparently
nothing came up, however, in the FBI/U.S. Justice Department jurisdiction in
the Middle West. [By the way, unlike the American CIA set up by a charter,
the FBI HAS NO STATUTORY BASIS TO EXIST. It was simply created out of the
mists and vapors swirling around the Justice Department, considered by some,
a nest of vipers. But, would any federal judge, many subject to blackmail,
dare declare the FBI as legally non-existent, an unconstitutional animal?]

The FBI limited the "Pizza Connection" investigations primarily to the Gotti
and Gambino crime families of New York. Nothing was said about those crime
families operations in the Chicago-area, such as a short distance west,
south, and north of Chicago. Nothing was said of CIA creature John Gotti and
how he arranged the dope route from Arkansas Governor Clinton and George
Herbert Walker Bush and Ollie North through the Mena, Arkansas airport to
LaGuardia Airport. No mention was made of the Rodham Family [Hillary's bunch]
and their reported links to the Gambino crime family operating in

According to the FBI's way of planting it in the monopoly press, the "Pizza
Connection" was mainly New York as linked to Sicily and other overseas
places. The Bureau had their press agents lean on the press fakers to play
down FBI corruption in respect to the New York mob.
A New York FBI agent, Jerome Sullivan, a 25-year FBI veteran, who headed an
organized crime squad that arrested John Gotti's heir apparent, was indicted
on charges of stealing more than 400 hundred thousand dollars, including mob
money he helped seize. [Chicago Tribune, 6/27/97]. He later pleaded guilty to
embezzling more than 400 hundred thousand dollars from the Bureau, some of it
money used for undercover work, as his gambling debts mounted. [Chicago
Tribune, 1/29/98.]

A Brooklyn Federal Court juror who voted to acquit mafia boss John Gotti five
years previous was convicted of agreeing to take a 60 thousand dollar bribe
to throw the case. [Chicago Tribune, 11/7/92.] Played down, on the other hand
by the Bureau, was a situation where a local reputed mobster somehow arranged
to sit on a federal grand jury in Chicago investigating organized crime.
After his presence was "discovered", the grand juror problem seemed to fade
away to the dark hole of monopoly press never-never land. [U.S.versus Robert
Girardi. Chicago Tribune, 1/19/94. Girardi was from the Berwyn-Cicero mafia
enclave adjacent to Chicago.] It was a highly sensitive matter for the
Bureau. Why? Because, as is little-known, the Northern District of Illinois
which includes Chicago, is about the only Federal District in the U.S. where
the FBI hand-selects the persons who become grand jurors and trial court
jurors. So, it appears plain that the FBI put the tainted juror in place.
There were to follow investigations of what indictments were "tainted" by
Girardi being on the grand jury. Nothing has been publicly disclosed as to
what criminals were thus turned loose by "defective" indictments caused by
FBI corruption. And if someone gets framed by the FBI, an FBI-selected trial
jury would most likely find that person "guilty". You can see why the Justice
Department has such good results in persecuting persons in the corrupt
Chicago federal courts.

The press fakers, at the behest of the FBI, ignored the documented items in
the undisputed federal court record in Chicago showing massive Bureau
corruption in the 25 million dollar robbery of the Purolator Vault, in
1974.[The Marzano case.] With the "counting machine" help of the reputed mobst
er-linked Amalgamated Bank & Trust of Chicago, top FBI officials arranged to
falsely label the rip-off as just 2 million dollars which the Bureau with the
then U.S. Attorney Jim Thompson recovered from a basement. The 23 million
dollar difference reportedly financed the political ambitions of "Big Jim"
who went on to become, for 14 years, Illinois Governor. He is a Rockefeller
family puppet. Being cheapskates, they financed his "career" with stolen
According to undisputed federal court records in the Marzano case, a senior
FBI inspector reportedly helped arrange to make the 23 million dollar
difference disappear from government records. He was allowed to take an early
retirement and moved away to the West Coast. Jim Thompson more currently has
been head of the huge worldwide law factory, headquartered in Chicago,
Winston & Strawn. As we showed in a one-hour public access Cable TV Show in
1994, Thompson's law firm has a secret internal unit reportedly in the
worldwide dope traffic, for the Rockefeller family, and not in the law
business. Off the record for fear of their lives, several employees of the
law firm confirmed to us the validity of our TV Show contentions.

Cynics say Chicago is somehow moreso than New York, a Rockefeller/CIA enclave
and is exempt from real scrutiny by the U.S. Justice Department and their
illegal step-child, their "no charter to exist" Federal Bureau of
Investigation. Visit our website for details of the Rockefeller hospitals in
Chicago reportedly in the selling of human body parts harvested from doomed
political prisoners in mainland China. Our series, "Red Chinese Secret Police
in the U.S." More on the real "Pizza Connection" coming. Stay tuned.


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963,
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing
certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since
1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of
one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on
Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed
stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized
envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South
Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight,
(773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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