GANNETT the locally owned TV station in Phoenix announced
the $2.6 Billion dollar purchase of the parent company of
the ARIZONA REPUBLIC.  This is the richest deal in
journalism history.  Dan Quayle is rolling in money ---
especially since his dad died several days after the deal
was announced.

Senator Dan Qualye first introduced John Hull to Oliver
North and then his staffer Rob Owens became North's
courier.  Perhaps now some of the scandal here can be

Dick Morris who ran the White House spin on OKBOMB is
running Quayle for governor.  Quayle is putting up $10
million for that.  Morris engineered Quayle onto the Bush

So now it is GANNETT and Rupert Murdock/Carl Lindner at FOX
10 that run the mind control in this state.  Chanel 10 news
has more assets than all the other TV stations combined.


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