
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Alex Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Chile: Another CIA Cover-Up to Throw on the Pile ...
Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 9:33 PM

July 5, 2000

U.S. Releases Papers on U.S. Dead in Chile Coup
Filed at 7:12 p.m. ET

By Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States declassified 505 documents on
Friday relating to the death of two Americans and the disappearance of
another in Chile during the 1973-1990 military dictatorship of Augusto
But the widow of Charles Horman, who was detained and killed by the military
during Pinochet's bloody coup in 1973, accused the Central Intelligence
Agency of covering up the truth about its role in her husband's death.
Joyce Horman said the six documents released by the CIA were heavily
redacted with sections blacked out and the agency has not declassified 10
other documents.
``Either they are withholding information or they didn't do anything to
investigate the detention of a U.S. citizen by the Chilean military,''
Horman said at a news conference.
``Our road to the truth has been excruciatingly long,'' she said of her
27-year quest to establish whether U.S. officials knew about her husband's
execution by the Chilean military.
Horman contends her husband, a 31-year-old journalist, was killed with CIA
complicity because he knew too much about U.S. involvement in the overthrow
of Marxist President Salvador Allende, a view taken by the 1982 movie
``Missing'' starring Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek.
A U.S. official familiar with the papers said the CIA was withholding a
handful of documents relating to Horman to protect its sources and methods,
but said that they would not shed further light on the case.
A CIA spokeswoman said the agency ``had no prior knowledge of and played no
role in the death of Mr. Horman.''
Horman was detained in Santiago on Sept. 18, 1973, a week after the coup,
and taken to the Santiago soccer stadium where the military was holding
suspected leftists. His body turned up in the morgue with seven bullet
The body of another American, Frank Teruggi, 24, was found with torture
marks, a slit throat and 17 bullet wounds.
The bulk of the documents (471) were released by the State Department. They
include cables about an informant who told the U.S. embassy in 1987 that the
Chilean military only found out Horman was an American after he was dead,
and no U.S. official played any role in his death.
The informant, whose name was blotted out, identified Pedro Espinoza, former
deputy head of Pinochet's secret police, as one of the Chilean officers who
ordered Horman's shooting.
Espinoza is serving a prison sentence in Chile for masterminding the
car-bomb assassination of prominent Chilean exile Orlando Letelier in
Washington in 1976.
The U.S. Department of Justice reopened an investigation into the Letelier
killing to see if Pinochet was responsible, following the former dictator's
arrest in London in 1998 on an extradition request from a Spanish judge.
Pinochet, 84, was released earlier this year by British authorities because
of ill health, but is embroiled in a legal battle to avoid trial in Chile
for human rights violations.
The Clinton administration last year ordered the release of documents
relating to human rights abuses and political violence during the Pinochet
So far 7,300 have been declassified. A last group of 11,000 papers will be
released on Sept. 15.
``The CIA has not released a single document on its role in promoting the
coup and later work to consolidate the Pinochet regime,'' said Peter
Kornbluh, author of a forthcoming book called ``The Pinochet File.''
Kornbluh said the only revealing document released on Friday was a CIA
memorandum on Boris Weisfeiler, a Russian-born mathematics professor at
Pennsylvania State University.
Weisfeiler, a naturalized U.S. citizen and an experienced outdoorsman,
disappeared while hiking in Southern Chile in 1985. His body was never
found. The police said he drowned in a river.
The CIA memo cites a Chilean informant who was convinced that Weisfeiler was
detained by an army patrol, interrogated, beaten to death and then thrown in
the river.

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