Paradigm Research Group

 Press Release                                            July 14, 2000

 Washington, DC - The Paradigm Clock has been reset to
 11:58:10 pm.  Based upon developments from August 1999
 to July 2000 (some shown below), the clock has been moved
 forward 50 seconds.

 The Paradigm Clock resides at the Paradigm Research
 Group website:  It is a metaphor
 representing the proximity to formal disclosure by the U. S.
 government of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life
 forms in our world, now.  It is modeled after the "Doomsday
 Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic
 Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear
 war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean
 formal disclosure has taken place.

 Clock History:
    April 30, 1998: Published to the Web,  time 11:57:00 pm
    July 27, 1998: Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm
    July 28, 1999: Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm

 Some of the developments affecting this new time setting are:

 7/6/00 - On Coast to Coast AM [],
 noted legal/social activist, Daniel Sheehan, confirms the
 existence of remarkable evidence presented to him during
 his work on a 1977 research report on extraterrestrial
 intelligence initiated by President Jimmy Carter.  Former
 Stanford Research Institute futurist and author of the new
 eBook "Exopolitics" [], Alfred Webre,
 who also worked on the Carter report, confirms the project
 was shut down prematurely.   Daniel Sheehan commits the
 resources of the Christic Institute to the formal disclosure
 process.   Both publicly state strong convictions regarding
 the ET hypothesis.

 6/23/99 - Internet entrepreneur, Joseph Firmage, who has
 publicly stated his belief in an extraterrestrial presence,
 launches an integrated media network, Project Voyager
 [], with Ann Druyan, widow of the
 late Carl Sagan.   Firmage declares his venture capital firm,
 Intend Change, has amassed $225 million.

 5/23/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) releases
 27,000 new Mars photos onto the Internet which immediately
 come under close scrutiny by a host of Mars researchers.
 The archive covers one Mars year, 687 Earth days, beginning
 in September 1997 and extending through August 1999.

 5/21/00 - Leslie Kean, an accomplished freelance journalist,
 publishes in the Boston Globe an extended piece on the
 UFO/ET issue, focusing on the COMETA report published in
 France in July of 1999.  The Globe is one of the top ten
 dailies in America.  The Minneapolis Star-Tribune (May 29),
 Memphis Commercial Appeal, Irish Independent (June 27),
 and VSD Magazine (July) follow up with versions of the story.

 4/26/00 - Mike Siegel seamlessly replaces Art Bell on Coast
 to Coast AM.  Premiere Radio Networks makes it clear the
 program will remain devoted to the show's previous subject
 matter, including the UFO/ET/Disclosure issues.   Siegel,
 who has a Ph.D. and a law degree, demonstrates keen
 interest in the politics of disclosure.

 4/5/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) release new
 photographs of the Cydonia region of Mars which had been
 held back in violation of an agreement to publish such
 photos quickly.

 3/11/00 - A Canadian cable television technician reveals he
 has taped direct NASA Shuttle videos.  Martyn Stubbs
 comes forward with anomalous imagery and thousands of
 hours of tape to examine.

 3/10/00 - Touchstone Pictures releases Brian DePalma's
 provocative movie, Mission to Mars, and introduces the
 Cydonia/Face controversy to millions of Americans.

 11/99 - Dr. John Mack of Harvard University publishes
 "Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien
 Encounters" his long awaited follow-up to "Abduction: Human
 Encounters with Aliens."

 Contact:    Stephen Bassett

                     Paradigm Research Group
                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Phone: 301-564-1820
                         Fax: 301-564-4066
                    4938 Hampden Lane, #161
                    Bethesda, Maryland 20814

 Spread the word about X-PPAC & the politics of disclosure.
           Contribute online at:
 or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane,161 Bethesda, MD 20814

    "There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish,
           if you are willing to give away the credit."


 EcoNews - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness &
 Universe Politics.          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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